2011年12月31日 星期六

"Watching Taipei 101 fireworks from scenic spots" from the Taipei Times

Today is the last day of the year 2011. Crowds of people will flock to watch the Taipei 101 fireworks display. I just found an article on the Bilingual Page of the Taipei Times suggesting some good spots for fireworks goers.


2011年12月30日 星期五

Reminders from the CEEC for SAT Test Takers

The SAT is 17 days away. The CEEC provided some reminders. Whoever is going to take the exam should read them carefully.



2011年12月28日 星期三

One More Writing Sample for the 3rd Mock Exam

This morning while I was reading the mock exam compositions by Class 303, I found one of the stories so intriguing that I couldn't wait to share it with all the three classes. Then I decided to make some modifications to it and post it on my blog.

3rd mock writing

2011年12月27日 星期二

"The Christmas Shoes"--A Touching Song

Though Christmas Day has bid adieu, it's still Christmas season. The song "The Christmas Shoes" reminds us again of what Christmas really means. To me, it's about love and giving.

Annie (詹麗馨老師) told me about this song this evening. It's touching! If the boy in the song were before me in a line, I would not only pay for the shoes for her mother, but also buy him new warm clothes. Thank you, Annie, for introducing such a heartfelt song.

2011年12月25日 星期日

2011年12月24日 星期六

A Conversion Table of the Scores for the English Tests on the Past SATs

Since many students asked me what score they have to get if they want to reach a certain standard on SAT, here I'd like to post a conversion table I compiled based on the information from the CEEC . The table shows not only the conversion between the real score and the ranking score but also the five standards.

2011年12月23日 星期五

Gifts from Teachers--Online Article: "10 Priceless Gifts Teachers Can Give Their Students"

The other day I caught a glimpse of the title and the link of the article on the FB mentioned by my good friend Annie: "10 Priceless Gifts Teachers Can Give Their Students." I didn't have time to get linked then, but have since been curious about what the gifts are. Finally I got time to visit the webpage and found the answer.


10 Priceless Gifts Teachers Can Give Their Students

By: Lisa Mims

2011年12月22日 星期四

A Picture Story--a Writing Sample for the 3rd Mock Exam

The following is an English essay written for the 3rd mock exam. I gave it a 17. If you haven't seen the four pictures on the test, you can try reproducing the first three pictures after reading the essay, leaving the fourth frame blank with a quetion mark inside. Quite a challenge!

To Learn, or To Win?--廖玉蕙:精英特訓的語文競賽


2011.12.22 02:27 am


2011年12月21日 星期三

Key to the 3rd Mock Exam English Translation

Today is the 2nd day of the 3rd mock exam. Students had two tests: English and Science.

English is not difficult. The topics for reading comprehension include the banning of shark finning, Japan's cherry blossom festival, garage sales, and the different functions of the two hemispheres of the human brain. The passages for the other two parts are about Lady Godiva, Stephenie Meyer, who authored Twilight, Tibatans, and teleconferencing.

The writing section includes translating two sentences into English and writing a picture story.

The following are the two sentences students were asked to translate into English

1. 研究顯示,灣人傾向以服用各式各樣維他命來保持健康。

2. 事實上,均衡飲食和規律運動才是保持精力充沛的關鍵。

2011年12月20日 星期二

ICRT & News about Jin Yong Receiving an Honorary Doctoral Degree

On my drive home this evening, I heard an ICRT report on Jin Yong, a renowned martial arts novelist, receiving an honorary doctoral degree from National Ching-Hua University. It's a pity that I was driving. Had I been home, I would have recorded it for my students to listen.

2011年12月19日 星期一

Good Writing Samples for the 2009 SAT English

 Last week, I had my three classes write an essay describing only ONE picture. This type of writing task has been given only on the 2009 SAT. For the other SATs, three or four pictures were given, with the fourth only presenting a question mark in recent years. I checked my old blog entries and found that I didn't put the good writing samples for the 2009 SAT offered by CEEC on my blog. Click on the link and you can read not only 13 good essays in English but also 12 in Chinese. 


2011年12月17日 星期六

Follow the Instructions

When it comes to writing an English essay on SAT, the most important thing is following the instructions. For example, on Wednesday, I had the three classes write a picture story, a writing task given by 2010 Meow-meow Practice Test. The students were shown only one picture instead of four. In the picture is a man standing in the middle of the road by his car. He seems to get stuck in the middle of nowhere and be talking on the cellphone. The instructions are as follows:


人生有時會發生一些難以預料的事,遇到了就要設法去解 決,請寫一篇約120字左右的作文,第一段說明圖中的主角發生了什麼事,第二段則敘述他正在做什麼或打算如何處理這件事

2011年12月13日 星期二

"Proud of You"--a Lovely Song

Today I had Classes 301 and 311 listen to a lovely song "Proud of You" at the beginning of the class. While listening, they were asked to write in English anything that came into their mind. When the song was over, they handed in their paper.

Tips on Preparation for SAT Civics--公民與社會篇/注意冤獄、歐債等時事




2011年12月12日 星期一

"From the Textbook to Critical Thinking"--A Speech

This afternoon we English teachers listened to a speech by Prof. Pei-Chun Che (車蓓群教授), a professor at National Chengchi University. The topic is "From the Textbook to Critical Thinking (從課本看思考性教學)"

2011年12月5日 星期一

Observation of Ting-tze's Teaching

This morning, I was invited to Class 110 to observe a student teacher Ting-tze's teaching. What she taught today was the last two paragraphs of "The Phantom of the Opera" in Book One.

2011年12月4日 星期日

Face Difficulties Head-on--a True Story

Yesterday I got a mail from my colleague Candice (李淑慧老師), with a story attached to it. It's a true story. I don't usually have time to read every story emailed to me, but the first two lines caught my eye. Then I saw the picture right below. I couldn't believe my eyes! I knew there were many physically challenged people, but this man's physical condition was one among the worst I'd ever seen. I decided to read on. While reading the story, I felt my eyes wet with respectful tears. I felt an urge to tell Mr. Liu, "I salute you from the bottom of my heart!"

Candice, thank you for sharing such an inspirational story. I believe anyone who reads the story will find their troubles in life dwarfed.



2011年12月3日 星期六

Fourth Anniversary

Today is the fourth anniversay of my blogging. Hurrah!

It all started 4 years ago. On Dec. 3, 2007, I went to Jingmei Senior High School to attened a blogging workshop, which I, out of curiosity, registered a few days before.

2011年12月2日 星期五

Learn English with Your Ears and Mouth--放棄眼睛,用耳跟嘴學英文!

Though the following article was written about 10 years ago, the theory is never outdated.


※作者 / 張嘉倩 (英文榜首) / 2001-12-14

2011年12月1日 星期四

Laughter, the Best Medicine

Yesterday in Class 301, when we came to the vocabulary word "microphone" in Unit 9, I invited the students to give me more words with the prefix "micro-." They shouted out their answers: "microscope," "microwave," "Microsoft"...

2011年11月30日 星期三

TED Conversations

For those who want to practice English writing, TED Conversations, a new social media platform on TED, is a good place. There you can either start or join a conversation with people from all over the world. Even if you don't have anything to contribute, just browsing through the conversations will give you ideas for writing.


For example,here's a topic I find interesting: What's one thing you wish you had learned in school? Click on the link below and you'll find hundreds of responses to this question.

2011年11月27日 星期日

The Seven Wonders of the Modern World, plus Famous Wonders, a Resourceful Website for Travelers

On the 2nd mid-term, there is a passage about the Channel Tunnel, or the Chunnel.   Reading the last sentence, "No wonder it's considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World," I was curious about the other six.   Surely it is easy to find the list online.   The following page of the website Famous Wonders gives not only the list but also a picture and a short descriptive passage for each Wonder.  Before clicking on the link, guess what the other six wonders are. 

2011年11月24日 星期四

Wisdom of Parents--不干涉不心疼 家長的智慧, Plus 過度學習 只滿足大人

The following are two UDN articles on education. One was by an educator, and the other by one who cares.


不干涉不心疼 家長的智慧

2011.11.24 01:34 am

2011年11月23日 星期三

"Hopes for better lives lead to slavery in U.S." from CNN

Recently, the poignant story of Isabel, or Ho Hsiao-feng, a Taiwanese woman who was sold into slavery at the age of 7 and had been mistreated thereafter until a kind woman helped her out, has been followed closely by the media.  The following is the news video/story on CNN, followed by today's report from the Taipei Times.

While watching the video, you might find yourself counting your blessings.


Hopes for better lives lead to slavery in U.S.

2011年11月21日 星期一

Affixes & a Website Introducing the Commonest Prefixes and Suffixes

This afternoon, a student in Class 301 came to the office to ask me about the prefixes: in-, com-, con-, and sub-. After explaining the meaning of each, I gave him two more: pro-, ex-and suggested that he consult some online affix dictionaries., which include both prefixes and suffixes.

2011年11月20日 星期日

Eslite, the Best Bookstore in Asia--an Article in TIME

When it comes to the convenience of living in Taiwan, a feature included in "Taiwan the Formosa," my blog entry dated Nov. 15, 2011, Eslite, recognized as the best bookstore in Asia by TIME, has its contribution.

The following is the article in TIME. You may like to write an outline for it, which is a good writing exercise.

2011年11月16日 星期三

The Gist & Tolerance of Ambiguity

Today students had to hand in their assignment for last weekend. It was an article entitled "Wings of Life," which is one of my favorites. The article was given with 10 words missing, which are all verbs. The students had to choose from the ten words given below the article a right word for each blank and then on the back of the handout write the theme of the story.

2011年11月13日 星期日

The 12-Year-Old Girl That Silenced the World for 6 Minutes

Here I'd like to present a speech by a Canadian school girl Severn Suzuki at UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) in Rio de Jenairo in 1992 on environmental issues. Talking to the delegates from around the world, she was only 12 years old then.



2011年11月12日 星期六

The Provisional New 7 Wonders of Nature

Curious about the new 7 Wonders of Nautre? Click on the link and you'll see the list. However, they are yet to be confirmed.  Make a guess before you click.

2011年11月11日 星期五

Teaching Book 5, Unit 7 "Where There Is a Will"

Recently, we've been discussing Unit 7 "Where There Is a Will," which is about the construction of Taiwan's Hsuehshan Tunnel. Here I'd like to present the first period of the lesson.

2011年11月9日 星期三

CEEC Vocabulary List Levels 5-6

For those who have familiarized themselves with the words at Levels 3-4 and want to proceed to Level 5 and/or Level 6, which will be covered on the UEE in July, here is the list provided by CEEC.

2011年11月7日 星期一

Thank You for Giving Feedback

This morning, after the second period of class, a girl in Class 311 came up to me and told me that she was really touched by the story I gave last Friday "Information Please."  She said she was even on the brink of tears.  I told her the first time I read the story in Chicken Soup, the ending of the story did make me cry. 

2011年11月2日 星期三

20 Legends Who Shook the World

I was exhilarated to receive the supplement to the latest issue of TIME (Nov. 7, 2011): LIFE'S LEGENDS: 20 Who Shook The World. In it are a big photo of each of these 20 legends and a short article about them. Better yet, the same stories are accessible online.


The 20 legends are Marion Brando, Jackie Robinson, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King Jr., Chuck Yeager, Winston Churchill, Georgia O'Keeffe, Margaret Bourke-White, Edmund Hillary, Ingrid Bergman, Edwin Hubble, Muhammad Ali, Frank Lloyd Wright, Audrey Hepburn, Yves Saint Laurent, Marian Anderson, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Isamu Noguchi, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

2011年10月31日 星期一

Leave Your Comfort Zone


Bono Wu (吳翰), a former student who graduated in 2006, paid me a visit today before he goes to the army this Wednesday. During our three-hour chat, he shared with me his extensive experience. It wowed me!

2011年10月30日 星期日

Life Is the Best Teacher--現實生活才是最好的老師



2011.10.30 02:45 am

What is "Occupy Wall Street"?

Since mid-September this year, the term "occupy wall street" has been seen in the media. It is a resistance against discrepancy between the rich and the poor. The following is the definiton by Wikipedia.


2011年10月29日 星期六

"Secrets of Straight-A Students"--an Online RD Article

In the latest issue of RD, on the "Click" page is information about the RD website. Some articles are listed for reference, including "A Healthy Life Is All in the Timing," "Learn How to Make a Princess Cake," and "Secrets of Straight-A Students." If you are interested in any of them, visit the website http://www.rdasia.com and key in the title. The following is "Secrets of Straight-A Students." By reading it, you can not only learn some study skills but also acquire authentic English.


Secrets of Straight-A Students

Master the basic techniques that top students use to get good grades

By Edwin Kiester, Jr., and Sally Valente Kiester

2011年10月28日 星期五

2011年10月27日 星期四

About Steve Jobs--"Steve Jobs not always smooth-talking media star"

While I was searching for news for students to read, I came across this article on the Bilingual Pages of the Taipei Times. Visit the webpage and you can not only read the English article but also its Chinese translation, plus Today's Vocabulary. Great for English learners.


Steve Jobs not always smooth-talking media star

Wed, Oct 12, 2011 , Taipei Times

Old Clothes Donation


2011年10月25日 星期二

It's Their Own Responsibility--自己做功課 孩子的責任


自己做功課 孩子的責任

2011.10.25 03:03 am

2011年10月24日 星期一

Students' Definition of a Good Teacher

After my students read the artilce "Best Teacher I Ever Had," they had two missions to complete. One is to write a summary of the story; the other to give their own definition of a good teacher.
Here is one of the summaries by students followed by students' definition.

2011年10月23日 星期日

Dr. King's "I Have a Dream"--the Video

For those who want to watch Dr. King deliver his famous speech "I Have a Dream," here is the video.

By doing "shadowing," that is, repeating after Dr. King while listening, you can practice giving an eloquent speech in English.

A former student of mine who I taught in 2008-09 told me that while we were going over this lesson, whenever she turned on her computer, the first thing she would do was watch/listen to the speech.

2011年10月22日 星期六

A Touching Moment at an Engagement Banquet

This noon I attended a former student's engagement banquet. Since it seems she wants to keep low-key, I won't reveal her name or post her photos here until I got her permission.

Hold Fast, and Look Forward

This evening, while driving home, I heard on the radio a car commercial. The last sentence is impressive.


2011年10月21日 星期五

Scientific American: 60-Second Reports

"It'll take only a minute."--Scientific American's Podcast offers a series of 60-second reports or commentarary on the latest news in different fields, including science, mind, earth, space, health, and tech. Each report has its transcript below it.


2011年10月20日 星期四

"We Are Graduating in Around Eight Months. 'Cheese.'"

This morning, the first 11 senior classes had their graduation class photos taken. My three classes happened to be among them. When the photographer were taking the photos, I also had some photos taken with my camera.  The following photos show their cute side.

301 group photo

Class 301

2011年10月19日 星期三

Parallelism in "I Have a Dream"

To touch the students with the beauty and the power of the rhetoric of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream," I decided to give the students a handout--the transcript of the whole speech.

2011年10月18日 星期二

The First Five Minutes of Dr. King's Speech "I Have a Dream"

Today we read Martin Luther King's famous speech "I Have a Dream." Before we went to the excerpt presented by the textbook, which is the last part of the speech, I had the students watch/listen to and read the first five minutes of the speech.

2011年10月17日 星期一

Warm-up Activities for the Lesson "I Have a Dream"

Today in class we started "I Have a Dream." However, we didn't go directly to the reading text. To warm the students up, I asked them what dream they had. After several students giving their answer, we sang the song "I Have a Dream." Then we discussed the warm-up questions in the textbook so that the students could get some idea about the speaker and the background. More than that, I asked them to give me extra information about Dr. King based on the handout I gave last Friday.

2011年10月15日 星期六

Quotes about Love

On the front page of today's UDN is a sentence from Victor Hugo, a French literary figure:


Before you read on, try to translate it into English.

2011年10月14日 星期五

"Thanks for the Future"--an Article in Newsweek about Steve Jobs

I was ecstatic when Yao-chang (黃耀昌), a student in Class 303, asked during the break this afternoon to take a look at the latest issue of the TIME magazine I brought to class and later asked me if the articles on Steve Jobs would be too hard for him to read. To encourage him to read, I promised to make a copy of one of the articles for him. However, I forgot it. Well, I will remember to do it next Monday.

For those who want to read something about Steve Jobs, here's one from Newsweek. If reading it in one sitting seems a little daunting, then divide it into several parts and read one part a day.


Thanks for the Future

How a college dropout trusted his gut, defied corporate America, and carried us into tomorrow.

2011年10月12日 星期三

"In a Private Light"--7 Photographs of Steve Jobs by Diana Walker

It's no suprise that the latest issue of the TIME magazine features Steve Jobs, the late inventor and entrepreneur who changed our lives. One of the articles, entitled "In a Private Light" by Diana Walker, presents seven photos of Jobs, including one taken with his wife Laurean.


2011年10月9日 星期日

Vocabulary Exercise--Sanmin 501-504

For those who want to test themselves on the vocabulary of Units 1-4 before the mid-term, here is a vocabulary exercise I made based on the test item bank provided by the textbook publisher. You can download and print it out.

2011年10月7日 星期五

Tributes to Steve Jobs


Apple Pays Tribute to Steve Jobs 

Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder and longtime leader of Apple, has passed away at the age of 56. 

To honor his memory, Apple.com now displays a full-page tribute to the man that helped reinvent computing, entertainment and mobile. Apple has also posted a short letter. It reads as follows:

2011年10月6日 星期四

Steve Jobs Passed Away

I was shocked when this afternoon Class 311 broke the news to me that Steve Jobs had passed away. Still, I will always salute him from the bottom of my heart.


Steve Jobs, Apple founder, dies

By Brandon Griggs, CNN

October 6, 2011 -- Updated 0312 GMT (1112 HKT)

2011年9月14日 星期三

Beyond 9/11--Lyzbeth Glick Best's Story

This year is the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001.  In the latest issue of TIME are 9/11 stories from men and women in the States.   Then I found video clips on the TIME website.  Click on the URL, and you can listen Lyzbeth Glick Best, widow of a passenger on flight 93, relate the tragedy which happened to her family ten years ago.

2011年9月13日 星期二

2011 1st SAT Mock Essay Samples

Attached to this entry is a file of nine writing samples for the 1st SAT mock exam. They are the originals and comparison can be made.

2011 1st mock writing task

2011年9月12日 星期一

2011年9月9日 星期五

Reading Mission

Trying to entice my classes to read English, I gave them an article which describes the characteristics of the 12 zodiac signs. The four-page article looks somewhat overwhelming; however, the mission is easy. The students are asked to read only the part about their own sign, 10 short paragraphs at most, and then fill in a chart the adjectives, both postive and negative, used in the article to describe the sign as well as indicating whether the adjectives correctly describe them as a person.

2011年9月7日 星期三

Four Commandments--台大的四不


【聯合報╱黑白集】 2011.09.07 02:15 am

Tips on Preparation for SAT Science--大學學測自然科應考對策

Science on SAT has always given high school social science majors a headache. Without taking realted courses in their third year, they have to prepare for this subject on their own. Here is an article I came across just now at the UDN website.




2011年9月6日 星期二

A Letter to Mother Nature--Essay by a Student

The following is an essay by a former NHSH student who graduated this summer. He was not in my class. However, his English teacher spoke highly of his writing. So, last month when I happened to see him on campus, I requested him to share some of his essays. He generously agreed. Here is one.

Thank you, Ching-wei.

To Cut Class or Not to Cut Class?

The following are three articles about college students cutting class.





2011年9月5日 星期一

ICRT--Radio Station to Listen to Taiwan News in English

ICRT is the only radio station in Taiwan to listen to local news in English. Besides news, it offers music and entertainment. Tune in to FM 100.7 to check it out. The news is broadcast at every hour sharp. Click on the URL, and you can read today's news.


The following are three pieces of news which I guess my students might be interested in, with phrases underlined by me.

2011年9月4日 星期日

Don't Feel Content; Get Crazy!

This morning, when I opend the UDN, three lines of words on one side of the front page caught my attention. It was a promotion for a book about Steve Jobs--你所不知道的4個賈伯斯 (a translation of Les 4 vies de Steve Jobs by Daniel Ichbiah). The words go like this:

2011年9月1日 星期四

Teach Students to Be Happy--開學了/台灣,教得出快樂清道夫嗎



2011.09.01 01:43 am

2011年8月31日 星期三

Using "Tears in Heaven" to Teach the Subjunctive Mood

This morning when reviewing the subjunctive mood in Class 311, I used the song "Tears in Heaven" to demonstrate the different patterns for reality and irreality. It's fun!

First, I had the students listen to the song with lyrics, then I showed the lyrics on the ppt as follows, dividing the lyrics into two parts--imagination/irreality and reality.

2011年8月30日 星期二

Start with What You Love--A Good Way to Learn English

Around 11am, Shih-jen (張世仁), a former student, paid me a visit, and near the end of our conversation, I requested that she give a short talk to Class 311 in English on how to learn English. To my surprise and delight, she agreed. Why surprised? Because she had to postpone her lunch until after 1pm since the class started at 12:50.

2011年8月29日 星期一

Go to School Happily--開學前必讀/蔡炳坤:1堅持2關鍵 快樂上學去

Though this letter is intended for junior high and elementary school students and their parents, senior high school students can benefit from it too.


開學前必讀/蔡炳坤:1堅持2關鍵 快樂上學去


2011年8月28日 星期日

Good 2011 UEE Essays

Every year, CEEC posts good Chinese and English essays written on the SAT and UEE. The following is a news report in the UDN, which presents two among the 29 for this year's UEE, both of which are marvelous.


指考「寬與深」佳作 賈伯斯、林懷民入文


2011年8月25日 星期四

Peter Lai (賴世雄) Talks on English Teaching in Taiwan--4

The final segment of the interview consists of four parts: 1) Average English Ability of Taiwan Citizens 2) How to Motivate Taiwans Students 3) To Improve English Learning Environment in Taiwan 4) Advice for the Younger Generation.

2011年8月24日 星期三

Peter Lai (賴世雄) Talks on English Teaching in Taiwan--3

In Part 3 of the interview, Mr. Lai talk more about Taiwan students vs. Chinese students. Besides, the issues of internationalization and English learning environment in Taiwan are discussed. A few useful tips were given in this part; namely, 1) Do not feel shy when it comes to speaking English. 2) Learn to talk to yourself and speak aloud. For example, while waiting for the bus, you can translate what people around you are saying and describe what you see, regardless of grammar. The latter is the strategy used by a former student of mine Cloe (戴文淇), who has a really good command of English.

2011年8月23日 星期二

Peter Lai (賴世雄) Talks on English Teaching in Taiwan--2

This is Part 2 of the interview with Mr. Lai on English Teaching in Taiwan. In it, Mr. Lai talks about how he founded the Ivy League magazine and his marketing strategies in China. He also compares the different attitude toward learning English between students in Taiwan and those in China and the different roles he plays--an English teacher vs. an entrepreneur.


2011年8月22日 星期一

Peter Lai (賴世雄) Talks on English Teaching in Taiwan--1

In the video, Peter Lai, founder of Ivy League, talks in English about how to learn English based on his own English learning experience. The main points in his 12-minute talk include starting with speaking and reading texts aloud instead of by heart.


Registration Deadline for GEPT High-Intermediate Level is Aug. 23--100年全民英撿中高級初試報名截止日期為八月二十三日

For those who would like to take the GEPT (first stage, High-Intermediate level), the registration deadline is this Wednesday Tuesday, Aug. 23. The test will be held on Saturday, Oct. 15.


2011年8月20日 星期六

Raymond Soong, A Doctor without Borders

While I was reading the July issue of the Live magazine in preparation for writing test questions for the freshmen, I came across a familiar name in the article "Raymond Soong, a Doctor without Borders": 宋睿祥. I mentioned the name on Plurk and got confirmation from my former student Etta. Raymond was Etta's classmate at Chieh-show Junior High School, where I taught before coming to NHSH. Etta told me I taught them for two weeks as a substitute teacher.

2011年8月19日 星期五

Reading Activity--What's the Missing Word

Recently, when reviewing in Class 311 the articles students were given to read at home, I projected the articles onto the screen with some blanks. Then the students filled in the missing words orally. Amazingly, they could fill in almost all the blanks with the right words.

2011年8月18日 星期四

Dear Aunty--A Writing Activity

Yesterday, about three minutes before the class was dismissed, I gave Class 311 a reader's problem in the RD advice column "Dear Aunty" as follows:

Dear Aunty,

I have a best friend who has a serious problem with body odour. I never told her because I don’t want to hurt her feelings. It’s bothering me since people know and talk about it behind her back. I think she’s unaware of it. What’s the nicest way to tell her?

Troubled Best Friend

2011年8月16日 星期二

An Accident--Two Essays by Students

The following are two essays by students for the writing task on their practice test Meow-meow 6. The essays have been roughly modified.

Writing task:



2011年8月14日 星期日

Read to Learn English

"The rolling hills of the Zambales mountain ranges extended several kilometres to the east and the north. The air was filled with the sounds of birds chirping, water gushing from the mountains, leaves rustling in the wind, and cicadas singing."

2011年8月11日 星期四

Teaching the Relative Clause

Today in class, we reviewed the relative clauses. I used PowerPoint to go over some important points, interwoven with some oral practices, using the relative clause to talk about their personal prefrence or opinion. After the review, the students were given a small quiz, followed by the song "Because You Loved Me," which contains a lot of relative clauses.

The following is the song. You might like to sing along and count how many relative clauses there are. Enjoy it!

2011年8月10日 星期三

A Summary of "The Girl in the Fifth Row"

I had the students read a Chicken Soup story, "The Girl in the Fifth Row," around two weeks ago. Most of the students rated it as their favorite among the four stories they have read by the end of last week.

I encouraged but didn't force the students to write a summary of the story. The following is one by a student in Clas 311.

2011年8月5日 星期五

My New Students

301 class 303 Class 311

(A click on a photo enlarges it.)

These are the three new classes I started to teach this summer. All of the students are angels to me. Nice to meet you, everyone.

2011年8月4日 星期四

2011年8月3日 星期三

2011年8月2日 星期二

Essays by Students for 2011 SAT

The following are three essays written by students in Class 311 for the 2011 SAT. To see the writing task, please click on the URL.



2011年8月1日 星期一

A Video of Saudi Women Defying the Ban on Driving

When I found the Internet version of the article I read today in the TIME magazine (August 1-August 8, 2011), "In Pursuit of Romance," I was invited to watch this video of Saudi women defying the ban on driving.

Living in Taiwan, I cannot imagine such a conservative country as Saudi Arabia. This is not a matter of right or wrong, but rather, a matter of difference.


Saudi Women Defy Ban on Driving

2011年7月29日 星期五

Teaching the Song "You Raise Me Up"

Today I taught two classes the song "You Raise Me Up." In Class 311, since they have sufficient time, on the handout, I left the refrain part of the song blank. The students had to listen and write down the refrain, which repeated three times. After checking if they got the right words, we sang the song together. In Class 301, because there were only 3 minutes left after we discussed the quiz, their compositions and an article, I just let them sing along with the video.

2011年7月28日 星期四

Use Interview in Class to Reveiw Sentence Patterns

Today when reviewing the wh- noun clause with Class 311, I had them interview an E.T., played by Elcent, a student in the class. To find out as many facts about the alien as possible, the "earthlings" asked questions starting with "Would you please/Could you tell us," "I'd like to know," and "(Please) tell us." For example, "Would you please tell us which planet you come from?" The following are some of the questions they asked:

2011年7月27日 星期三

Effective Ways to Build Your Vocabulary

Today, a student asked me how to build vocabulary in an effective way. He said he often forgot the new words he memorized a few days before. I suggested that he review the words he learned for three days in a row, say it aloud, and make a simple sentence when he first contacted a new word. Besides, I also advised him to use word cards.

The following webpage deals with the importance of a large vocabulary and effective ways to enlarge vocabulary.


Effective Ways to Build Your Vocabulary

Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation

The following is the part about ways to expand one's vocabulary.

2011年7月26日 星期二

Beat the Heat--CNN Student News (July 22, 2011)

Listen to the CNN student news, which is about how to beat the heat. You can first listen to it without reading the transcript, then listen to it again reading the transcript simultaneously, and finally listen to it for the third time without transcript. It only takes you 3 minutes and 44 seconds to listen to it once.


I downloaded the news and the transcript, in case some day it might be removed from the CNN website. In the transcript I underlined some phrases.

2011年7月25日 星期一

2011年7月22日 星期五

An All-English Environment--嘉大英文營 不說abc要退營


嘉大英文營 不說abc要退營


2011年7月21日 星期四

Using Stories and TED In Class

In today's class, we had a discussion about a story in Sir Ken Robinson's book "The Element." It's a story about the well-known choreographer Gillian Lynne. First, I had the students do a story relay. Then I read some students' summary of the story. At the beginning of the next period, I presented part of Sir Ken Robinson's speech "Schools Kill Creativity," which I found at TED.


2011年7月19日 星期二

Using Jokes in Class

Today in Class 311, right after entering the classroom and greeting the students, I read them a joke. On hearing the last sentence, the students laughed out loud.

2011年7月17日 星期日

2011年7月15日 星期五

To Love You More

Today, to relieve the students of some pressure, after the discussion of today's quiz, I taught the three classes the song "To Love You More" sung by Celine Dion. It's a beautiful, touching song and I love the passion flowing from both the melody and the lyrics.

After presenting the song, I challenged Classes 301 and 303 to locate the imperative sentences in the song, a grammar point we reviewed this week, and Class 311 to discover the relative clauses. Then we sang the song together.

2011年7月14日 星期四

If I Were an English Teacher--Part II

Here are responses on "If I Were an English Teacher" from Class 301:

1. Have everyone read aloud what they or someone else writes.

2. Have students speak English loudly, memorize 10~15 vocabulary words a day, and write a composition every week.

3. Introduce more new words. Not give many assignments. Have students read English magazines or news.

2011年7月13日 星期三

If I Were an English Teacher

Yesterday and today, I had the first encounter with my new students: Classes 303, 311, and 301. After briefly introducing myself, I had them write on cards some information so that I can get to know them more quickly. Besides basic personal data, two of the classes were asked to write a very short paragraph on "If I Were an English Teacher."

The following are reponses from Class 311. Those from Class 301 will be posted in tomorrow's entry.

2011年7月8日 星期五

On 2011 UEE Chinese Writing

I came across an article about this year's UEE Chinese Writing. The blogger speaks highly of the writing task and suggests ways to approach the task.

2011年7月6日 星期三

"Better Writing Involves Reading Widely"

In his Write Like a Champion (美國老師教你寫出好英文), Scott Dreyer listed reading widely as one of the "magical seven" elements of better writing. He gave an example to illustrate the idea:

2011年7月5日 星期二

Experience Culture in Taiwan--10條在地旅遊路線 文建會邀你樂遊臺灣

The Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) suggests ten cultural travel routes for holidaymakers, as reported by the UDN.


10條在地旅遊路線 文建會邀你樂遊臺灣


2011年7月3日 星期日

2011年6月30日 星期四

Around Half the World in 45 Days

A former student of mine is going on his trip with his girlfriend around half the world in 45 days. A 45-day trip! What's more amazing, the trip costs only NT$100,000 per person. He is setting out on July 7. Here's his itinerary:

2011年6月29日 星期三

First Individual Chinese Tourists/First FITs Touch Down in Taiwan

Here are two English news reports on the same topic from two different news agencies in Taiwan, followed by a Chinese news report from the UDN. You might like to compare the titles and the first paragraphs of the two English news stories. Then by reading the comments in the Chinese news article, take a look at Taiwan in a new light.

The China Post:


1st individual Chinese tourists arrive

2011年6月26日 星期日

Checklist and Reminder for the UEE Examinees

Here is a checklist for the UEE examinees. I put it here not to "pamper" my students by taking care of such details, but to guide them to get organized.

2011年6月23日 星期四

A Translation Column-Trusty Translation

Here is a sample page of the column "Trusty Translaiton" in the Student Post, which is intended to teach how to translate Chinese into authentic English.


A Translation Website-Trusty Translation

Here is a wonderful website to practice translation. It is the online version of the column "Trusty Translaiton" in the Student Post, which is intended to teach how to translate Chinese into authentic English.


The Last Seven or Eight Days--指考最後衝刺,應注意事項




【聯合線上企劃/林清華老師 王啟民老師 陳湘老師 陳啟鵬老師 高守老師 蔡博適老師 高鴻老師 齊斌老師 共同撰文】

2011年6月22日 星期三

Happiness Expert Uncovers An Even More Vital Pursuit--from the New York Times

Guess what is more vital than happiness, according to Martin Seligman.

The following is an article from the New York Times.


快樂專家發現 光是快樂還不夠

【By JOHN TIERNEY/田思怡譯】 2011/06/09

2011年6月20日 星期一

What to Name It--幫滷肉飯正名 北市擬以台語英譯

Now this seems to have become a hot issue these two days.


幫滷肉飯正名 北市擬以台語英譯
2011.06.20 10:44 am

2011年6月19日 星期日

Lu Meat Rice

One day last semester, Class 309 asked me how we said 滷肉飯 in English. At that moment, I couldn't think of the right term. Yesterday, I bumped into the term in an article about Taipe Night Markets in This Month in Taiwan, Vol. 38 No. 6: braised pork rice. This morning when reading the United Daily News, I found the origin of this rice dish discussed. Now, could this make a good theis topic? doubt


魯肉飯「祖籍」山東? 米其林說的

2011.06.19 03:26 am

2011年6月17日 星期五

2009 UEE Good English Essays

The attached file contains ten good 2009 UEE essays.

Writing task:


2011年6月16日 星期四

2011年6月11日 星期六

2010 UEE English Writing Samples

The following is my download of the 2010 UEE English writing samples.

2010 UEE English writing samples.pdf

Writing task:


Preparation Tips for Biology on the UEE--生物/高三動植物學 出題比重高


生物/高三動植物學 出題比重高


2011年6月9日 星期四

Secrets of Long Life--"Long Live the Conscientious" from the New York Times

This is marvelous. I read this article in the New York Times the day before yesterday, and now the Chinese translation can be found online. Visit the webpage. Just click on the icon after each paragraph and you can read the Chinese translation of that paragraph. You can do a contrastive study of these two langauges at the same time.


有責任感的人 活得更久也更好

Long Live the Conscientious


The downloaded version is only in English.

Preparation Tips for Physics on the UEE--物理/熟記公式 勤練課本習題


物理/熟記公式 勤練課本習題


2011年5月29日 星期日

CEEC Pilot Exams--大考中心100年研究用試卷

Yesterday while browsing online, I found at the CEEC websites the pilot exams in 8 subjects, which was made for the sake of research.  UEE examinees can do them as practice.


2011年5月25日 星期三

The Most Impressive Scenes in the Movie "3 Idiots"

So far, I've asked 7 students what the most impressive scene in the movie 3 Idiots is to them. The following are the responses:

1. Farhan's father finally consents to Farhan's pursuit of his dream of being a photographer. (3)

2011年5月19日 星期四

2011年5月16日 星期一

314 Teacher Appreciation Banquet

teacher appreciation banquet

My homeroom class 314 held their teacher appreciation banquet this evening. Everyone had a great time, totally relaxed after the final. During the banquet, they came in groups to express their gratitude to us teachers. Sweet and lovely! We chatted until around 9 o'clock.

I'll put more photos on my blog.

I love you all, my dear 314.

2011年5月14日 星期六

Composition Topics--4

After the final, most students will focus on preparing for the UEE, which is held on July 1~3. During the last 43 days, the students will want to practice English writing.

Here is a list of writing tasks given in a mock exam book published by Hanlin Publishing Co. Before brainstorming ideas, it is advisable to bold the key words in the instructions, just as I did with the first writing task.

2011年5月13日 星期五

Thank You for Saying Thank You

A student came to my office after the exam this afternoon. After taking the seat beside me, he said in a very soft voice, "Hsin-jung, thank you. Thanks for what you've taught me over the past two years."

2011年5月11日 星期三

Have Fun!

The other day when a few of my homeroom class students came to ask me to suggest a motto for our class T-shirt, I said, "Have fun!"

What else can be better than these two simple words? By "Have fun," I didn't mean fooling around, or just doing something we enjoy, but having fun with what we are doing. We can even have fun when working really hard.

2011年5月9日 星期一

To Update Your English--BBC Learning English

Want to learn some new English words? Visit "The English We Speak" on the BBC Learning English website. You'll hear a dialogue between William and Wang Fei about some new English words. The scripts are provided. You have three options: Just listen to the dialogue, read the dialogue while listening to it, or just read the dialogue.

2011年5月7日 星期六

Showing Our Love to Our Mom

A touching true story!


《媽媽辛苦了》孝親家庭楷模…單親娃王盈婷 睡前幫媽暖被


2011年5月6日 星期五

Mother's Day Gift Ideas--An Interview on CNN

On the eve of Mother's Day, I'd like to share with everyone a video clip from YouTube, which is also provided as an audio-visual teaching aid by San Min Book Co. for Unit 11. In the video is an interview between Anderson Cooper, a CNN anchor, and his mother. Guess what Mrs. Cooper regards as the best gift for Mother's Day.

2011年5月5日 星期四

Encounter with a Historical Person--An Essay by a Student

The following is the essay which scored the highest among the nearly 70 essays I graded. It is the original. There are only a few mistakes, which were underlined. You might like to guess why I marked some words blue.

提示: 如果你有機會和任何一位中外的歷史人物對話,你最想和誰交談?請寫一篇英文作文,文分兩段,第一段描述你想和誰對話,為什麼?第二段說明你希望和他/她談些什麼。

2011年5月4日 星期三

Which Historical Person Would You Most Like to Talk to?

The English writing task on the 3rd UEE mock exam is quite interesting. Students were asked to choose a historical person who they would most like to talk to and write about why they chose the person and what they would like to talk about in the conversation. The following chart shows all the historical people selected by the students whose essays I graded.

提示: 如果你有機會和任何一位中外的歷史人物對話,你最想和誰交談?請寫一篇英文作文,文分兩段,第一段描述你想和誰對話,為什麼?第二段說明你希望和他/她談些什麼。

2011年4月29日 星期五

The Royal Wedding

The royal wedding of Prince William & Catherine Middleton was held at Westminster Abbey today. It seems everyone in Britain is on cloud nine. Click on the URL and you can watch the wedding, and also the interior of Westminster Abbey.


2011年4月28日 星期四

A Touching Video to Teach Empathy

Yesterday and today we continued to discuss Unit 12 "Have a Good Four Years." When we came to the paragraph in which Derek Bok advised the Harvard freshmen to give some thought to what they can do for others, I showed them a short video "The Power of Words." Here it is:

2011年4月26日 星期二

My Favorite Book--An Essay by a Student

The following is an essay by a student in Class 314 on the topic "My Favorite Book." She read the original and fell in love with it. In the essay, she describes the content of the book and explains why it is fascinating.

2011年4月25日 星期一

The Inevitability of Frustration and Bewilderment and Their Benefits

This morning, in Class 314, when we came to the paragraph in Unit 12 about "inevitable anxieties, frustrations, bewilderment" students will be faced with in college, which, according to Derek Bok, "are often indispensable to our well-being, for they are the spurs that push mind and spirit to some new and greater conception of ourselves and the world around us," I introduced to students J. K. Rowling's commencement speech at Harvard in 2008, entitled "The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination."

2011年4月22日 星期五

An Activity for Unit 12 "Have a Good Four Years"--"Cambridge Freshman's Dinner Speech"

"... examine yourself. Let each of you discover where your true chance of greatness lies,... seize the chance, rejoice in it, and let no power or persuasion deter you in your task."

2011年4月16日 星期六

CNN Students News--Friday, April 15

CNN is a good resource for English learners.  A professor of Chengchi University Yun-mei Yin (殷允美教授) once suggested I have students watch CNN one hour a day.  She said persisting in doing so, students would learn English well.

Here is CNN Students News for yesterday, with the transcript coming after it. 

High school students might be more interested in the following three topics in the news:

2011年4月15日 星期五

Tell and Draw

Today in Class 314 we discussed Unit 8 "No Rainbows, No Roses."  It's a sad but beautiful lesson.  

First I had the students brainstorm what rainbows and roses symbolized.   Then we moved on to the article.  The students were challenged to find out by the end of the article why it was entitled "No Rainbows, No Roses."   Then I read to them paragraph by paragraph, stopping to ask them questions at the end of each paragraph. 

2011年4月14日 星期四

The Effect of Extensive Reading on Writing

This morning, Ms. Wen (溫明圓老師) gave me two essays by a girl when the girl was studying at Zhongshan Girls High School several years ago. She was an avid reader, reading a lot of English novels.

The following is one of the essays. Read it, and you would be convinced of the importance of extensive reading.

Is it fair to judge someone by the way they look? Why or why not?

2011年4月13日 星期三

Taiwan in Their Eyes--他們看台灣/我愛吃米飯、愛用筷子吃沙拉

The following article is an interview with Mr. Ann, a South African who has lived in Taiwan for 20 years. The article is from "Taiwan in Their Eyes," a column run by the UDN every Monday.


2011.04.04 03:33 am

2011年4月12日 星期二

My Greatest Fear--a Song by Randy Travis

Today Chris introduced me a song "My Greatest Fear." A song new to me. Though not easy to sing, the lyrics are simple and quite beautiful. Well, I like it.

Just read the first verse. Can you guess what the man's greatest fear is?

Sometimes many miles
may lay between us
But only for the job
I choose to do

2011年4月11日 星期一

My Biggest Fear--Three Students' Writing Samples for the 2nd UEE Mock Exam

The following are three essay by students for the 2nd UEE mock exam held last week, each followed by the word number and its score.  Though there are still some mistakes, all the three are well written.

提示:在每個人的生命中,總有令人感到恐懼的事物。請寫一篇作文。第一段描述對你來說哪一件事物是最令你害怕恐懼的,以及為什麼。第二段說明你如何面對,或是處理它。 (2011 spring, 2nd mock exam)

2011年4月10日 星期日

NHSH Online English Learning Platform: Good English Learning Websites

NHSH has an online English learning platform (http://english.nhsh.tp.edu.tw/). This afternoon I was browsing it and found some valuable resources. The following URL will take you to a list of good English learning websites.

2011年4月7日 星期四

What I Fear Most

The writing task of this mock exam was to ask the students to write about what they fear most, why, and how they cope with or conquer it.


Coincidentally, I had my students write on this topic last semester. Though the wording of the instructions is not exactly the same, the task is almost the same.

2011年4月6日 星期三

Read English Novels--陳超明談閱讀/讀法律文書 「不如讀好小說」

This is an article I missed in February but came across online yesterday. Follwoing it is a list of good English novels from Mr. Chen (陳超明教授), which my friend sent me through email. Those who are wondering what English novels to read might like to pick one from the list.


陳超明談閱讀/讀法律文書 「不如讀好小說」


2011年4月5日 星期二

A Free DAy--A 2009 UEE Writing Sample

The following is an essay written by Ms. Hsieh (謝孟臻), a former student of Tainan Girls' Senior High School, for the 2009 UEE. I guess she got a 19.5 or the full score 20. This is not the original one, but has been modified by her alma mater teachers. To read the original, please visit the CEEC website shown at the end of this entry.

Some of my students were asked to write on the same topic the other day. They might like to compare theirs with this and think about why she could have scored so high.



Interview Tips: College of Communication--甄試傳播科系/注重表達邏輯 奇招加深印象


甄試傳播科系/注重表達邏輯 奇招加深印象

【聯合報╱王維玲)】 2011/04/04

Interview Tips: College of Design--甄試設計科系/答題有創意作品親自準備



【聯合報╱薛荷玉)】 2011/04/04

Interview Tips: College of Foreign Languages--甄試外語學系/克服緊張 聽清楚問題再答


甄試外語學系/克服緊張 聽清楚問題再答

【聯合報╱王維玲)】 2011/04/04

Interview Tips: College of Commerce and Management--甄試商管科系/經歷別亂掰切忌答非所問




Tips on College Application Interview--甄選第二關 考前多練習、面試放輕鬆


甄選第二關 考前多練習、面試放輕鬆

【聯合報╱記者王維玲、薛荷玉/專題報導】 2011/04/05

2011年4月4日 星期一

A Free Day--An Essay by a Student

f you are granted a day to spend as you wish without worrying about the budget, what would you do? The following is an essay by a student in Class 314. 

Writing task: : 如果你可以不用擔心預算,隨心所欲的過一天,你會怎麼過?請寫一篇短文,第一段說明你會邀請誰和你一起度過這一天?為什麼?第二段描述你會去哪裡?做什麼事?為什麼?

2011年4月2日 星期六

What Do You Lack?--《星雲禪話》你缺什麼?

This evening while I was browsing around in FamilyMart, I bumped into this article in Merit Times (人間福報). Luckily, I found it online, at Merit Times' website. It's worth reading and contemplating.



作者:星雲大師‧ 人間福報 2011/4/2

2011年3月31日 星期四

A Class Conducted by Keyboard

Because of my sore throat, I didn't talk in school today. How did I teach? Well, I taught both Class 314 and Class 309 by keyboard.

2011年3月29日 星期二

A Letter to the Minister of Education from a High School Student

The following is a letter to the Minister of Education written by a student in Class 309. She was assigned to write on this topic last Thursday and did a very good job. Really loving some points she mentioned, I encouraged her to send it to our Minister of Education.

Writing task: 對於台灣的教育,身為青少年的你,一定有許多體會和想法。請以A Letter to the Minister of Education為題,提出你的建言,讓教育更貼切學生的需求。

2011年3月25日 星期五

Lead-in Activity for Unit 7 "The Era for Lohas"

Yesterday and today, I started Unit 7 in Classes 309 and 314 respectively. First I asked them to read the title of the unit and wrote it on the blackboard. When asked if they knew this term, they said "Yes" and gave me the Chinese equivalent--樂活. Then I asked them to guess what the acronym stands for. A class guessed it was "Lifestyle of Happy Attitude Style," which is quite close to the Chinese term, and the other class said it was "Life on Health and Sustainability." I was amazed that Vicky knew the word "sustainability."

2011年3月23日 星期三

"-tant" or "-tent"?

On the first mid-term, many students misspelled the word "persistent." Instead of "ent," they ended the word with "ant."

The following is a chart listing adjectives ending with "tant" and "tent." Can you figure out the rules?