2011年10月17日 星期一

Warm-up Activities for the Lesson "I Have a Dream"

Today in class we started "I Have a Dream." However, we didn't go directly to the reading text. To warm the students up, I asked them what dream they had. After several students giving their answer, we sang the song "I Have a Dream." Then we discussed the warm-up questions in the textbook so that the students could get some idea about the speaker and the background. More than that, I asked them to give me extra information about Dr. King based on the handout I gave last Friday.

Afterwards, to inject into the students a sense of compassion toward the black people in the 1950s and 1960s, I showed the classes three short clips of the civil rights movement at King's time.

With all these done, I believe that the speech will sound more convincing.

The following is one of the films entitled "The Little Rock Nine," a history project by someone.

