2011年10月16日 星期日

Tribute to Dennis Ritchie--重返人間時 再來一個D語言


重返人間時 再來一個D語言

【聯合報╱陸士傑(台北市)】2011.10.16 02:57 am

阿丹(Dennis Ritchie):

10/8您默默地走完這一生;和老賈(Steve Jobs)相反,只有TechCrunch上小小的一則報導(Father of C And UNIX,Dennis Ritchie, Passes Away At Age 70),但是您的貢獻比科技名人,有過之而無不及

My comments: Here is the report, which is attached to the end of this entry:



大家都知道iPhone,iOS是它的核心,Objective-C則是用來撰寫iOS的程式語言,Objective-C遺傳完整的C語言(只用了一點small talk);即便是android的Java語言也處處有C的身影。

很多人不知道的是,Linux是iPhone 這幢豪宅的地基,沒有Linux、就沒有iPhone,然而,Linux則是Unix的後代

講到C和UNIX,就得講講C的前生今世,C語言是您和Brian Kernighan、Ken Thompson所作,UNIX則是你們三人玩成一團後的結果。三、四十年前你們播的種,成就了iPhone這顆大樹


那時,我是來自台灣的「摩登原始人」,在台灣,還是用打卡機,將一行行的程式打在一張張卡片上,再放進讀卡機(像大樂透讀紙機)輸入計算機,得到了報表—syntax error(執行錯誤),原來,i打成了1!




See u!
Best regards,


My comments: Here is another tribute to Dennis Ritchie:



Father of C And UNIX,Dennis Ritchie, Passes Away At Age 70

After a long illness, Dennis Ritchie, father of Unix and an esteemed computer scientist, died last weekend at the age of 70.

Ritchie, also known as “dmr”, is best know for creating the C programming language as well as being instrumental in the development of UNIX along with Ken Thompson. Ritchie spent most of his career at Bell Labs, which at the time of his joining in 1967, was one of the largest phone providers in the U.S. and had one of the most well-known research labs in operation.

Working alongside Thompson (who had written B) at Bell in the late sixties, the two men set out to develop a more efficient operating system for the up-and-coming minicomputer, resulting in the release of Unix (running on a DEC PDP-1) in 1971.

Though Unix was cheap and compatible with just about any machine, allowing users to install a variety of software systems, the OS was written in machine (or assembly) language, meaning that it had a small vocabulary and suffered in relation to memory.

By 1973, Ritchie and Thompson had rewritten Unix in C, developing its syntax, functionality, and beyond to give the language the ability to program an operating system. The kernel was published in the same year.

Today, C remains the second most popular programming language in the world (or at least the language in which the second most lines of code have been written), and ushered in C++ and Java; while the pair’s work on Unix led to, among other things, Linus Torvalds’ Linux. The work has without a doubt made Ritchie one of the most important, if not under-recognized, engineers of the modern era.

His work, specifically in relation to UNIX, led to him becoming a joint recipient of the Turing Award with Ken Thompson in 1983, as well as a recipient of the National Medal of Technology in 1998 from then-president Bill Clinton.

