2011年6月19日 星期日

Lu Meat Rice

One day last semester, Class 309 asked me how we said 滷肉飯 in English. At that moment, I couldn't think of the right term. Yesterday, I bumped into the term in an article about Taipe Night Markets in This Month in Taiwan, Vol. 38 No. 6: braised pork rice. This morning when reading the United Daily News, I found the origin of this rice dish discussed. Now, could this make a good theis topic? doubt


魯肉飯「祖籍」山東? 米其林說的

2011.06.19 03:26 am


魯(滷)肉飯源自山東?「米其林指南」(Michelin Guide)四月甫發行綠色指南「台灣篇」,在台灣必吃美食小吃章節中,將魯肉飯定義為源自中國山東的一道料理,與國人所認知的「魯肉飯」大不相同,引起台北市長郝龍斌重視,北市府要號召業者一起為魯肉飯「正名」。

braised pork rice

The following is an entry from a blog by someone from Malaysia. According to her, braised pork rice is so delicious that she could eat it every day without getting bored of it. She even provided her recipe for this dish.


