2011年6月13日 星期一

On English Listening Resources--英聽資源無限 家長學生別緊張


英聽資源無限 家長學生別緊張

2011.06.11 03:02 am


My comments: This is just a pilot test. For a formal one to be put into effect, it has to be announced three years in advance.


My comments: In my opinion, listening and speaking should come before reading and writing. However, reading provides background knowledge, which helps one to better understand what he is listening.


My comments: I do believe that as long as the class is conducted mostly in English and the students pay attention, they won't have any difficulty passing the listening test.


My comments: One can only learn to listeng to English through listening. There are abundant resources. What counts most is whether students have the motivation.

為了因應英語聽力測驗,學生與家長也不需緊張,更不需要浪費金錢去補習。重要的是家長和老師應有共同輔導學生,善用無遠弗屆的網路資源之正確觀念;將每天唾手可得的優質電視節目變成培養英語聽力、增廣日常知識的活水。台灣有很充沛的現成免費管道,可有效協助高中生藉由平時的閱讀與新知吸收,直接體驗並歷練英語聽力的基本功能。最基本且實用的廣播節目是「台北社區電台(ICRT)」貼近生活的準點新聞:ICRT EZ News。該節以五分鐘濃縮包括國內與國際新聞,且用字淺顯。只要學生每天養成閱讀報紙,或聆聽新聞廣播的好習慣,自然能將所聽到的英文廣播內容,與實際生活新知結合為一,從而有效提升英語閱讀、聆聽,甚至口說與寫作的能力

My comments: This is true. With some background knowledge of current issues, one will find it not that daunting to listen to news in English. With the knowledge, one could acquire new words more easily through guessing.

程度比較好的學生可以進一步的聆聽十分鐘隨選「CNN學生新聞」。至於大學生則可選較為進階的學術地球視頻Academic Earth 、Ted.Com或YouTube上經典演說、辯論等素材

My comments: A former student of mine, an accounting major, listened to Scientific American. He got a 27 or 28 out of 30 in listening on TOEFL. He didn't go to cram school for the TOEFL.


P.S. I'd like to thank my friend Annie (詹麗馨老師) for posting this article on her blog. I missed it when reading the newspaper. It was her blog that connected me to this informative article. Long live blogging!

