2011年8月13日 星期六

Happy Learning--印度校長訪台 倡快樂學習


印度校長訪台 倡快樂學習 



電影「三個傻瓜」中,主角藍丘(Rancho)勇於挑戰教育權威,而現實生活中,印度也有一位顛覆教學體制的校長吉蘭‧貝兒‧瑟吉(Kiran Bir Sethi),昨日應Design for Change台灣區團隊與政大之邀來台演講,瑟吉表示,台灣學生與印度一樣,都過於依賴補習班,讓學生在不快樂的氛圍中學習

My comments: Three Idiots! A fantastic movie. Yesterday I told Class 301 in the process of learning, what counts most is thinking, not being taught.


瑟吉原本從事平面設計,當她看到5歲兒子的作業,被老師批評「做得不夠好」,讓她對教育體制心冷,不願冷眼旁觀的她,決定在家教學,10年前她創立河濱學校(Riverside School),以「化知道為做到」為宗旨,打破印度僵硬的教學模式。

My comments: Learning by doing.

瑟吉表示,她在2009年發起的Design for Change活動,讓全球10到14歲的孩童,從生活中找出問題,自主發想解決之道,並身體力行後與他人分享。這個活動舉辦以來,已鼓勵24個國家,超過25萬名孩童參與,台灣也沒有缺席。

瑟吉表示,透過Design for Change活動,她發現台灣的孩子都非常有創意,但卻受限升學壓力而無法自由發展,「與台灣一樣,印度到處都有補習班,父母也憂心子女的未來,但家長與政府沒有看清問題癥結,依賴補習班的填鴨式教育,並不能啟發孩子思考。」瑟吉指出,教育應該是鼓勵孩子主動學習,並選擇適合自己的方式,「要快樂學習,才是真的學到」。

My comments: I couldn't agree more. One of the best compliments I ever got from my student was paid by Ya-han when she was asked to give advice to senior students on preparing for the college entrance exam around three years ago. When we came to how to study English in the senior year, she said, "Just learn English happily with Ms. Lee." In fact, however, she did more than just follow me. She read English magazines and novels, happily. Being happy alone cannot ensure successful learning; being willing to make efforts plays an important role.

第二屆的「Design for Change孩子行動,世界大不同,全球孩童創意行動挑戰」已展開報名,期限至9月15日為止,詳情請洽:http://www.dfcworld.com/dfc2011/taiwan/

