2011年8月4日 星期四

Even More Essays by Students for 2011 SAT

The following are some essays by students in Class 301 for 2011 SAT.

The writing task can be found on the following webpage:


Peter, a talented musician, went to a masquerade. He wandered around as nothing interested him. By the time he was about to leave, something happened. He saw a beautiful woman who was dressed in white like a princess. No, actually in Peter’s eyes she was the real princess in his life, Therefore, he fell in love with her at first sight, and made up his mind to win her heart. Finally, he chose a romantic way, which is playing guitar and singing in a starry night. 

The next day, Peter was ready to capture the heart of the beauty. He brought his guitar to where she lived at midnight. After he arrived, he sang loudly, lovely, and confidently, as if he were a pop singer. However, many residents in the building flew into a rage because of the noise Peter made, which kept them awake. An old man swore at him, a tired worker was much confused, and a teenager glared at him. All these depressed Peter, so he decided to leave. Fortunately, his performance had deeply touched the beauty, not only his sweet voice, but also his genuine heart. She went out of the building to help Peter get through this discouraging situation. Then she gave Peter a kiss, and it made him feel happy about what he had done. What a wonderful night!              (225 words) (30122)


John was an outgoing senior high school student. He often participated in school events to relieve the pressure of school. Although he was thought to be a well-rounded student, he still sometimes thought life was boring. It was not until he met Mary at a masquerade that he changed his view toward life. He fell in love with her at first sight. The moment their eyes met, he thought to himself, “What a charming girl!” Then he introduced himself and they talked happily. At that moment, he felt he was on top of the world. 

A week later, he still couldn’t forget Mary. Finally he decided to express his passionate love to her. On a quiet Saturday night, he went to her apartment building and sang while playing the guitar. After finishing his song, he yelled, “Mary, can you be my girlfriend?” 

Unfortunately, Mary didn’t respond to him. Instead, a handsome man opened his window and shouted, “Mary is not your girlfriend. She is MINE.” Shocked and mortified, John thought to himself, “Life is quite an adventure!” (177 words) (30114) 


John attended a masquerade last night. During the masquerade, he met a girl. They fell in love with each other at first sight. However, both of them were too shy to have enough courage to express their feelings. They didn’t talk much, but looked at each other all the time. To John, the mere eye contact with the girl was the happiest moment in his life! 

After the masquerade, John walked out his dorm, playing his guitar, and singing love song. He could not help thinking of the girl he met at the party. How he missed her big watery eyes, her voice, and even the smell of her perfume. He sang joyfully, but so loudly that he disturbed others’ sleep. They were incensed by John’s voice. One man even cursed at him. Feeling embarrassed, John ran back to his dorm in no time. Then he saw a girl standing in front of his door. John couldn’t believe his eyes. It was the girl he met at the masquerade! (169 words) (30103) 


At a graduation costume party, every student acted as an imaginary character. All of a sudden, I saw a lovely girl dressed in the Snow White costume, and fell in love with her at first sight. From then on, I couldn’t stop thinking about her pretty face. After the party, I knew her name was Lucy and where she lived. Right then I made up my mind to show my feeling to her in an amazing way.

It was a romantic night with the bright moon in the sky. I thought that singing a song for her was an excellent way to express my love. I started playing my guitar, singing the song I’d written for her. While I was singing happily, a man frowned at me and started shouting because the sound from the guitar was really annoying. I felt really embarrassed and left. “Maybe I can’t see her again,” I thought. However, on my way home, I ran into Lucy! At that moment I knew that she didn’t know what I had done yet. Then I invited her to a walk in the park. To my delight, she agreed. In the park, I played the song again and this time no one said I was noisy. Although Lucy said nothing while she was listening, she asked me to escort her home afterwards. I knew it was a really good beginning.      (232 words) (30117)

