2011年8月18日 星期四

Dear Aunty--A Writing Activity

Yesterday, about three minutes before the class was dismissed, I gave Class 311 a reader's problem in the RD advice column "Dear Aunty" as follows:

Dear Aunty,

I have a best friend who has a serious problem with body odour. I never told her because I don’t want to hurt her feelings. It’s bothering me since people know and talk about it behind her back. I think she’s unaware of it. What’s the nicest way to tell her?

Troubled Best Friend

Each of the students then wrote their advice. Today I had an assistant of mine read the responses to the class. The following are some pieces of advice from the students.

Dear Troubled,

1. Talk to her about it in a nice way. Maybe this will hurt her feelings, but it is better than not telling her and letting others speak ill of her behind her back.

2. Try to tell her the serious problem when there is no people around. Maybe she will feel embarrassed, but you can comfort her by telling her it's a common problem. Also, you can buy her deodorant.

3. I think the nicest way to tell her is to write a letter. I think it won't hurt her feelings since you are best friends. Better yet, you are doing her good. If your suggestion really bothers her, then just let it go. At least, you've tried. Maybe it would turn out that she thinks that is fine.

4. You can write a note to tell her without telling her who you are. I think it is the best thing you can do for her.

5. Tell her or write to her! It is better for her to know that everybody feels uncomfortable because of her odour. She might feel bad but the problem will be solved. After all, it's good for her and everybody else.

A student's answer elicited hearty laughter:  Call her mom and talk about the problem.

Here is the advice given in the RD advice column.

Dear Troubled,

she will scream at you for telling her, but she will be grateful. Tell her what people are saying. Your defence: you care and it hurts that people are talking about her. Finding out what is causing the smell (usually diet or personal hygiene) and from where it is emanating are the first things you must tackle with her. You have to be cruel to be kind.

