2011年4月6日 星期三

Read English Novels--陳超明談閱讀/讀法律文書 「不如讀好小說」

This is an article I missed in February but came across online yesterday. Follwoing it is a list of good English novels from Mr. Chen (陳超明教授), which my friend sent me through email. Those who are wondering what English novels to read might like to pick one from the list.


陳超明談閱讀/讀法律文書 「不如讀好小說」





My comments: There must be reasons for those classics to stand the test of time.



除此外,閱讀小說也可以訓練批判、思考的能力,陳超明表示,讀小說時,會想為何會如此?質疑作者的敘述是否合理、小說中主角的行為模式為何會這樣?這都可以培養獨立批判思考(critical thinking)及解決問題的能力。


My comments: The safest way is to read classics, such as Pride and Prejudice.


My comments: You may like to do as my colleague Melody (陳美麗老師) did. Last year, when she was reading Louis Lowry's Number the Stars, a book about a Jewish girl (see http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading23/number_the_stars.htm), she took notes of the different verbs used to describe the action "walk." Yes. Pick an action, and see how the author manipulates the verbs to describe the different forms of the action more precisely.

A list of good novels Mr. Chen recommended:

1. Pride and Prejudice (傲慢與偏見)
2. I, Robot (機器公敵)
3. Interview with the Vampire (夜訪吸血鬼)
4. The Catcher in the Rye (麥田捕手)
5. Needful Things (必需品專賣店)
6. Great Expectations (遠大前程)
7. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (福爾摩斯冒險)
8. The Great Gatsby (大亨小傳)
9. Message in the Bottle (瓶中信)
10. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (查理的巧克力工廠)
11. Fahrenheit 451 (華氏 451 度)
12. Gulliver’s Travels (格列佛遊記)
13. Of Mice and Men (人鼠之間)
14. Silas Marner (織工馬南傳)
15. Frankenstein (科學怪人)
16. The Awakening (覺醒)
17. The Da Vince Code (達文西密碼)
18. Twilight (暮光之城)
19. Tess of the d’Urberville (黛絲姑娘)
20. State of Fear (恐懼的國度)

