2011年4月4日 星期一

A Free Day--An Essay by a Student

f you are granted a day to spend as you wish without worrying about the budget, what would you do? The following is an essay by a student in Class 314. 

Writing task: : 如果你可以不用擔心預算,隨心所欲的過一天,你會怎麼過?請寫一篇短文,第一段說明你會邀請誰和你一起度過這一天?為什麼?第二段描述你會去哪裡?做什麼事?為什麼?

If I weren’t limited on the budget and could do whatever I like, I would first invite my friend May, who always does crazy things with me, to accompany me. Being an optimistic and interesting teenage girl, May always has novel ideas and puts them into practice. Accordingly, it is impossible to get bored whenever she is around. I need not feel embarrassed when we are doing crazy things. 

Having such a precious and rare opportunity to live without the budget limited, I’d like to have maids around to serve May and me, just like a princess. We would spend a whole morning enjoying a royal-notch life in a rented mansion. Later, we would have a luxurious lunch in the company of several Hollywood superstars. As a normal girl, I could only see the superstars on the big screen; however, if I had a large amount of money, lunching with noted people is not a dream anymore. Around two in the afternoon, May and I would fly to America’s Disney amusement park and play around until the sunset. Fatigue and exhausted, we would fly back to Taiwan and have a night at a presidential suite. There we would have a sauna and relax to wrap up the fabulous and once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

(211 words) (31434 廖雪伶) 

a free day.doc

