2011年9月13日 星期二

2011 1st SAT Mock Essay Samples

Attached to this entry is a file of nine writing samples for the 1st SAT mock exam. They are the originals and comparison can be made.

2011 1st mock writing task

 1st mock exam essay samples.doc

Here are three of the nine.


It was a cloudless night, but Lucy gave up the chance of having a good dream in order to burn the midnight oil to study for the exam which would be held next Monday. Tired as she was, she drank up cans of coke to restore her energy around two o’clock. She was all nerves that she could scarcely focus on the textbooks. With not much time left, she could only roughly review the dominant concepts of the chapters. Twenty minutes passed, she found it was all in vain because she was so sleepy that she could barely remember anything; therefore, she lay herself on the bed and fell deep in the sleep with a blink of an eye, then she started to snore loudly.

Next morning, she turned over as she opened her eyes, she was stunned. On the clock it showed eight thirty. She got up from the bed instantly, eating breakfast and had her tooth brushed as quick as possible. Finally, she got out the door within two minutes. While she eventually got to the school, she was jaw-dropped shock again. It was Sunday and the exam was scheduled on Monday. Although feeling embarrassed, she was relieved. She then took her time went back and rescheduled her plan. After all of this, she had a really good sleep and was ready for the exam in the end. (230 words) (18)


It was a starry night, Jane’s family was all asleep, but Jane was still awake studying for the endless tests. Afraiding of waking her family, Jane read under the moonlight instead of the light. Though she made every effort to concentrate on her text books, she suffered from fighting against the desire of sleep. Therefore, she decided to drink coca-cola to keep herself awake. Thanks to the result of drinking coca-cola, Jane stayed up until two thirty in the morning. Then she went to bed with her tiring body.

Upon hearing the birds singing outside the windows, Jane woke up and looked at the clock that said eight thirty. “Oh my god! I am going to be late for school!” thought Jane. She darted out from her home without brushing teeth or eating breakfast. Meanwhile, she heard her mom shouting at her, but she couldn’t care more since she was already late. Finally, she arrived at the school. She ran so fast that it only took her five minutes to get there. When she waked into the school, she saw her classmate John, who she had a crush on. She saw him wearing a T –shirt and a pair of jeans with a basketball in his hand. John greeted her, and asked her why she came to school in pajamas on Sunday. It was not until then did it dawn on Jane that it was Sunday; her face blushed like an apple. Jane felt too embarrassed to speak, so she ran away crying.

After making this embarrassing mistake, Jane swore that she would never go to bed so late, and ignore her mom when she shouts at her. (278 words) (16)


As a student, Jessica was the lazy one. She always stayed up late before the test. One day as usual, before Jessica was about to go to bed, she noticed that there would be an important test the next day. Feeling a great regret as she spent the whole day playing computer games, Jessica studied.

After she studied for three hours, the desire of sleep surged in her mind. She kept dozing in front of her desk. Finally, Jessica went to bed at 2:30am . She had a nightmare. Teachers shouted at her due to the bad grades she got in her dream. Books even chased at her. Jessica didn’t sleep well.

Getting up late in the morning, Jessica rushed to her school. On her way to school, the dream she had few hours ago haunted her. After she arrived at the school’s gate, she found it was Sunday! Couldn’t believe her eyes, Jessica felt a great embarrassing herself.

Jessica decided to develop a habit of studying every day after she got home from school. Were it not for her bad attitude for the test, the ridiculous mistake wouldn’t had happened. She chose to be a hard-working student instead of the lazy one.

(203 words) (14)

