2011年9月8日 星期四

College Students' Top Priority--清大校長勉新生 用8成時間學習


清大校長勉新生 用8成時間學習



My comments: I agree. Learning includes learning not only what but also how to learn.

陳力俊說,大學生除了學習把事情做好(Do the right thing),更要做對的事(Do the right thing right),他告訴學生,人生最幸福的事,是經常可以問人家「May I help you?」,助人是人類最高情懷

My comments: Here are two mistakes in the translation: "Do the right thing" should be translated into "做對的事," and "Do the right thing right" should be translated into "把事情做好." Those who like to bring happiness to others are surely happy themselves.



My comments: A student of mine, now 28 years old, told me after getting into college, students should spare no efforts to study English, adding that students should start with listening and speaking.


陳力俊最後給新生3句名人箴言,一是劉備誡人的「不以善小而不為,不以惡小而為之」,一是美國總統傑弗遜說的,人生最高境界是可以常問別人:「May I help [you]?」,第三句是拿破崙的:「規劃好很好,說得好更好,做得好最好」,希望學生坐而言不如起而行,對的事,做就對了

My coomments: Goodwill, plans, and actions!

Here are two quotes from Thomas Jefferson:

"I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to others."

"Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing."

