2011年11月17日 星期四

No Cheating!--零分總比作弊好



【聯合報╱黃志祥/大學副教授(斗六市)】 2011.11.17 01:56 am


My comments: If I were Mr. Huang, I would conduct an investigation to find out the truth and maintain justice. As a teacher, I took it as my responsibility to teach students right from wrong. My motto is "Always do the right thing."

I admire the "honor code" mentioned in the article "Tell the Truth" in Dr. Pausch's book The Last Lecture. Following this UDN commentary you can find the artilce.




My comments: The last sentence is out of focus.

Tell the Truth

Randy Pausch 

If I could only give three words of advice, they would be “tell the truth.” If I got three more words, I’d add: “All the time.” My parents taught me that “you’re only as good as your word,” and there’s no better way to say it.

Honesty is not only morally right, it’s also efficient. In a culture where everyone tells the truth, you can save a lot of time double-checking. When I taught at the University of Virginia, I loved the honor code. If a student was sick and needed a makeup exam, I didn’t need to create a new one. The student just “pledged” that he hadn’t talked to anybody about the exam, and I gave the old one.

People lie for lots of reasons, often because it seems like a way to get what they want with less effort. But like many short-term strategies, it’s ineffective long-term. You run into people again later, and they remember you lied to them. And they tell lots of other people about it. That’s what amazes me about lying. Most people who have told a lie think they got away with it…when in fact, they didn’t. (195 words)

