2011年11月15日 星期二

Taiwan the Formosa--他們看台灣/來台灣 半夜不怕肚子餓


他們看台灣/來台灣 半夜不怕肚子餓

【聯合報╱本報記者蔡明樺】 2011.11.14 02:54 am


My comments: Most Taiwanese have a tender heart.


My comments: However, outside Taipei, without a car or a motorcycle, it's not that easy to go around.

機車多 占人行道


My comments: Years ago, when I was back in Taipei from the US, one of the things that I couldn't get used to easily was the motorcycles. In Champaign, Illinois, motorcycles were rare.


怕茶葉蛋 愛皮蛋


My comments: CNN selected preserved eggs the No. 1 most disgusting food in the world, but the correspondent apologized later.


建仔妮妮 拉人潮



My comments: As a Taiwanese, I've never been to the Penghu Islands!

拚觀光 缺多樣性




The following is part of a piece of news I presented to Class 311 last week. The news was from the Taipei Times (Tue. Nov. 8, 2011), about an aid worker Janine Maxwell. In the interview, Ms. Maxwell spoke highly of the Taiwanese.

"In the eyes of Janine Maxwell, a renowned charity worker dedicated to helping children in Africa, Taiwan is a “unique” country. 

“Taiwanese people are so unique. You are such a unique country. I travel all over the world and I have never met people like Taiwanese people,” Maxwell said in an interview with the Taipei Times on Oct. 29. 

People in Taiwan have very tender hearts, she said, adding that “when I speak to students and parents, they are very truly concerned about what’s happening in other parts of the world. They don’t know about it, but they want to immediately know: ‘What can I do to help?’” 

Maxwell was in Taiwan for the “100km Walk for Water,” a fund-raising event for clean water in Africa, which was organized by Changhua Senior High School librarian Lewis Lu (呂興忠) and his students and included students from six counties, taking place in four central Taiwan counties from Oct. 24 to Oct. 28. 

During her stay, she also delivered speeches to senior-high students. 

“I have never seen anything like this before. The students walking with the [donation] boxes and people pulling up on their mopeds, they said ‘Stop, stop, stop,’ telling us to stop so that they can put money in. That’s incredible,” she said. 

Maxwell, who had previously visited Taiwan after she met Lu in 2008 when he was with a group of his students volunteering in Swaziland, said she “hasn’t met anyone in Taiwan who tried to discourage her.” 

“But in America, yes. In Canada, yes, and in Swaziland, yes,” she said. 

People who poured cold water on her efforts often gave her reasons like “the government should do it or someone else should help;” “if you only help a few children, it’s not enough;” and “everywhere in Africa is corrupt, so you are just helping corruption,” she said...."

