2011年12月3日 星期六

Fourth Anniversary

Today is the fourth anniversay of my blogging. Hurrah!

It all started 4 years ago. On Dec. 3, 2007, I went to Jingmei Senior High School to attened a blogging workshop, which I, out of curiosity, registered a few days before.

The instructor, Mr. Yi-chieh Chen (陳怡杰) and Ms. Ming-husan Tsai (蔡明璇), patiently and efficiently guided us into the blogging world and I was immediately enchanted by what blogging could do--sharing many things with many people openly at the same time! Since then, I've been keeping my blog every day. In fact, on that day, I didn't expect I would persist in keeping blogging nonstop. However, with the intention of sharing with my fellow teachers and my students some good stuff, I couldn't stop! Today, I have to say I'm glad I've made it for four years. Of course, it is not worth mentioning at all compared to the billions of achievements accomplished by my fellow human beings, but to me, at least I prove my perseverance.

I'd like to thank Mr. Chen and Ms. Tsai for enlightening me to blogging. Also, I owe my gratitude to Annie (詹麗馨老師), my good friend, who introduced me to the idea of blogging, and Etta (周鴻祺), a former student of mine, who encouraged me to blog and even helped me start my WordPress blog so that I can have a back-up of my entries at LifeType.  My appreciation goes to my blog readers too. It is you that make my blog more functional. Without you, it would just be a personal diary. Last but not least, thank you, my dear family, for letting me do what I love.

P.S. The following are the blogs of Mr. Yi-chieh Chen and Annie, and four of my first-day blog entries. 

Jay 的奇幻世界:




Four of my first-day blog entries, Dec. 3, 2007, when my blog profile photo was taken:





