2010年12月31日 星期五

Graduation Photos

Today is the last day of the year 2010. The students had their graduation photos taken. A beautiful day, cold but sunny. The following are two photos taken with my camera.

314 graduation photo

My homeroom class: Class 314

2010年12月30日 星期四

Discussion in Class--Universal Qualities of Human Decision-making

Today, when we discussed the interpretation part in the textbook of Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" and came to the sentence "the poem itself beautifully captures the universal qualities of human decision-making," I asked Class 314 what they thought the qualities were. Surprisingly, they offered quite a few, such as hesitation, fear, uncertainty, excitement, doubt, and regret. Before I posed the question, I assumed that the students, at such a tender age, would keep silent. However, they responded enthusiastically. Good!

2010年12月28日 星期二

Poetry Writing

Last Friday,after I reviewed with Class 309 a very important element of a poem--rhyme/rhyme scheme, I asked them to give me words rhyming with "snow." They gave me "flow," "glow," "so," etc. Then I challenged them to write a four-line stanza, the four lines ending with "snow," "flow," "glow," and "so" respectively. June immediately handede in her little poem as follows. Cute!

2010年12月27日 星期一

Two Mock Exam Essays by Students

Today students got back their mock exam essays. The following are two that score 18 out of 20. They are both the original pieces, with mistakes underlined.

2010年12月24日 星期五

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Here is a Christmas quote from the Quote Garden, whose URL following the quote.

Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.  ~Peg Bracken


2010年12月23日 星期四

Three Essays by Students about Animal Abuse

The following are three essays by students for the writing task on the 3rd mock exam. All the three are in their original form. 


2010年12月20日 星期一

2010年12月19日 星期日

A Happy Reunion--An Essay by a Student

Here is another essay for the same writing task about a boy and his dog. The essay was written with a different approach from the one presented the day before yesterday in my blog.


2010年12月17日 星期五

Max and Lucky--An Essay by a Student

The following is an essay written by a student in Class 309, based on the pictures given on the 2007 2nd SAT mock exam.


2010年12月11日 星期六

Overcoming My Fear-2--More Essays by Students

Here are more essays by my students on yesterday's topic, writing about their old fear. They are interesting.

提示:幾乎每個人都有特別害怕的事或物,請以自身經驗為例,寫一篇120至150個單詞(words)的英文作文。文分兩段,第一段以I used to be really afraid of…為開頭並加以發展;第二段則以To overcome this fear, I tried many different techniques.為主題句。

2010年12月10日 星期五

Overcoming My Fear--A Student's Essay

 The following is the writing task I gave on Monday (Class 314) and Tuesday (Class 309), which I had found in English Digest.

提示:幾乎每個人都有特別害怕的事或物,請以自身經驗為例,寫一篇120至150個單詞(words)的英文作文。文分兩段,第一段以I used to be really afraid of…為開頭並加以發展;第二段則以To overcome this fear,…為主題句。

Most students did quite a good job. Here is one by a student in Class 309.

2010年12月9日 星期四

PowerPoint for Relative Clauses

Today we discussed relative clauses. I made a PowerPoint for this grammatical structure. The use of different colors made it easier for me to get my message across.

I told the students not to take notes but just concentrate and think. After class they can visit my blog and download the PowerPoint for review work.

Here is the ppt.

2010年12月8日 星期三

Count Your Blessings--幸福與殘缺存乎一心

This morning, Ken (王慶剛) visited me and shared with me a very good article, which was the assigned article he recited in the National Chinese Prose Recitation.

Ken read part of the prose aloud to demonstrate how to manipulate one's voice to vividly convey the meaning of the prose. He did a fantastic job. No wonder he got first place in the contest.




2010年12月7日 星期二

Improving Reading Competence--提升閱讀力 老師是關鍵

提升閱讀力 老師是關鍵

【聯合晚報╱記者王彩鸝╱特稿】 2010/12/07


2010年12月6日 星期一

PowerPoint for Comparatives and Superlatives

Last Thursday and Friday, the grammar point we discussed in class was comparatives and superlatives. I made a PowerPoint, based on the key points mentioned in the grammar book my classes use.

grammar--comparatives and superlatives.ppt

2010年12月5日 星期日

A Webpage for Smilies


While I was getting some pictures from the Net as visual aids for Unit 11 "The Cellist of Sarajevo," I found a picture at this webpage to vividly illustrate the word "agonized." At this page, there are many more smilies to be found for different emotions.

2010年12月3日 星期五

The Third Anniversary of My Blogging

Today is the third anniversary of my blogging!

I still remember the two days when I learned blogging at Jingmei Girls High School, the instructors Mr. Chen (陳怡杰老師) and Ms. Tsai (蔡明璇老師), the excitement of seeing my first entry online, and the exhilaration of discovering an easy way to connect with the world, to share with the world my thoughts, my ideas, my beliefs, and my love for many things.

2010年12月2日 星期四

Bill Gates' Ten Rules of Life

This morning at the students' assembly, our principal Mr. Wu (吳正東校長) mentioned Bill Gates' ten rules of life.

I read these rules somewhere before and, if my memory serves me right, gave them to my students on a handout. However, among the ten rules, I only remembered the first one: Life is not fair. To review them, just now I decided to find the English version online and here is one.


2010年12月1日 星期三

Say the Word and Make Sentences with the Word

Today when we were discussing the review test, a student mistook the word "preserve" for "persevere." I told him that was why I'd always encouraged him to read aloud, to speak English. If he had made a sentence for each of the words, he would not have mixed them up. Even very simple sentences like "We must preserve the historic building" and "He persevered and finished the tough work" are OK as long as they help retain the words.

2010年11月29日 星期一

Fruit and Vegetable Carving


The first flower shown in yesterday's entry was carved from a watermelon by Ke Ming-Tsung (柯明宗), a chef at Monarch Skyline Hotel (尊爵大飯店).

2010年11月27日 星期六

Note-taking Skills--筆記活用術/演講到上課 關鍵字歸納筆記


筆記活用術/演講到上課 關鍵字歸納筆記



2010年11月25日 星期四

Don't Jump to the Conclusion

Today as a proctor, when handing out the math test papers to students, I found all the three pages are printed one-side only. At that moment, I was wondering how much paper would have been saved if the test had been printed double-sided.

2010年11月23日 星期二

Reading News Can Be Fun

To make news reading more challenging, yesterday and today while having students read news on the screen together, I left some blanks in the reading and invited the students to guess the missing words.

2010年11月21日 星期日

More at Expo Dome--International Indoor Floriculture Exhibition and Competition


illustrationClick on the small photo twice, and you can read the illustration of the above flora design, both in Chinese and English.

For convenience sake, I copied the words as follows so that you can enjoy the design and read the illustration at the same time.

2010年11月19日 星期五

Welcome Back, Tony

Today Tony, the student who underwent lung surgery two weeks ago due to pneumothorax, came back to school. A few minutes before the first class, when hearing a student say, "Hey, here you are back," I, at that moment talking to another student, turned and saw him stand beside me. He looked good. It was a great joy to have him back in class!

"Yes, I Can"--印度校長談教育 教孩子「我做得到」


印度校長談教育 教孩子「我做得到」


2010年11月18日 星期四

About the Disqualification of Yang Shu-chun--A Report on CNN

This morning, in the first class period, the moment I entered the classroom, Class 314 students asked me if I watched the news yesterday about the taekwondo athlete's disqualification at the Asian Games. They seemed to be very angry about the ruling, deeming it unfair. I told them I couldn't make any comments until I got a clearer picture of what had really happened. To know more about the case, I surfed the Net and found this news report at the CNN website.

For English learners, I underlined in the article some fixed chunks, or collocations, and two important grammar points I've just discussed with my classes recently.


Taiwan fury after athlete's Asian Games disqualification in China

November 17, 2010 -- Updated 2050 GMT (0450 HKT)

2010年11月16日 星期二

Congratulations, Ken!

This morning, Ken (王慶剛) called and told me he's got admitted to the Graduate Institute of Journalism at NTU. Knowing how hard-working he'd always been, I was happy but not surprised.

2010年11月12日 星期五

Modals, plus Two Handouts

Yesterday and today, we had a brief discussion about modal auxiliaries in class. Modals are different from auxiliaries like "do, does, did." The latter has only grammatical function, helping to form questions or negative sentences. Modals carry the meaning of "obligation" or "possibility/certainty." Take the following three sentences for example.

2010年11月9日 星期二

A Blog of an Adventurer

A former 306 student, who is a junior in college now, told me last Saturday, NHSH anniversary, that his classmate You-cyuan (王有全) keeps an interesting blog with an unconventional layout. Then, by typing his Chinese name, I easily found his blog.

Take a look at it, and you will be attacted not only by its layout but also by its content.


2010年11月5日 星期五

May Him Get Better Soon

A student in my homeroom class has suffered from pneumothorax (氣胸) for the past few days and underwent an operation yesterday afternoon. This Tuesday morning, the student felt acute pain in the chest during the 2nd class period. His classmate then sent him to the school's health care center near noon. Ms. Chu, after listening to his chest through the stethoscope, called the student's father and suggested that he take him to a hospital soon for some examination because she detected noises in the student's chest and suspected he had pneumothorax.

2010年11月1日 星期一

Going Through Unit 6 "Body Imperfect"

Today in Class 314 we moved on to Unit 6 "Body Imperfect." It is a lesson assigned for independent study. However, taking it as a good chance for students to hold different attitude toward people with disabilities, I had decided to go through the lesson quickly with them, without going into details.

2010年10月31日 星期日

The Store I Want--A Student's Essay

The following is an essay by a student in Class 314 on a topic given by the Ivy League magazine.

作文題目:The Store I Want

提示:在現代社會裡,許多年輕人都想創業或自己當老闆請。寫一篇約120至150單詞(words) 的英文作文,文分兩段,第一段以Most people want to have their own businesses…為開頭,說明他人或自己想當老闆的理由;第二段則以Someday I will run…開頭,假設自己可以開一家店,會希望開什麼店,經營這家店實現了自己什麼理想或帶給自己什麼感受。

The Effect of Reading--Comments by miguel

The following is a message recently left on my 2009/9/15 entry. I'd like to put it on my blog as an entry to share with those who want to have a good command of English and those who want not to sweat the standardized tests such as TOEFL, GMAT, etc. when they consider taking the tests.


2010年10月28日 星期四

John Coutis--An Inspiration for All

We finally finished Unit 5 "I Have a Dream," inspired by Martin Luther King's speech and his dream. Unit 6 "Body Imperfect" was assigned as an independent study. However, I'd like to have a brief discussion about the content with the students. Before that, I'll show them a video of an inspirational speaker John Coutis, whose picture can be found in Warm-up of Unit 6. He is a double amputee and at 30 was diagnosed with cancer. However, never believing in "impossible," he became an inspiration for people all over the world.

2010年10月27日 星期三

I Have a Dream--An Essay by a Student

The following is an essay written by a student in Class 314 on the topic "I Have a Dream." For this topic, many students write about traveling around the world. Some dream to be a teacher and some a successful businessman. It is understandable that having never experienced racial discrimination, none has a dream like Martin Luther King's.

題目: I Have a Dream

2010年10月26日 星期二

Set the Goal Right--操控潛意識/確保目標讓你快樂 錯訂會很慘



操控潛意識/確保目標讓你快樂 錯訂會很慘

【文、圖/摘自《操控潛意識,訓練更厲害的自己!:在家自修的心想事成課,開發你還沒用到的90%》/哈利.卡本特 著/大寫出版】2010/10/26

2010年10月25日 星期一

A Letter to Computer Virus--A Student's Short Essay

The following is a letter written by a student in Class 309 to the computer virus. This writing task appears on a Meow-meow practice test. Though quite creative and interesting, the task is unlikely to be given on the entrance exam for fear that it would be politically incorrect. 

說明:1. 依提示在答案卷上寫一篇英文作文。

           2. 文長約120個單詞(words)左右。 


2010年10月21日 星期四

Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream," plus an Old Entry Re-posted

Today in Class 309 I had the students repeat after Martin Luther King, imitating the way he delievered part of his famous speech "I Have a Dream." The students tried their very best and did a good job. They were stunned when Martin Luther King said a long sentence or passage without running out of breath, for example,

2010年10月19日 星期二

Holding on to the Dream

Yesterday when Annie (詹麗馨老師) told me about the story of Paulo Coelho, the author of the international best-seller The Alchemist, mentioned in the book The Element, I was speechless. Then today I sped up my reading of the book. Finally in Chapter 6 I read the story. Again, I was overwhelmed.

2010年10月18日 星期一

Melody's Presentation, on the Calgary Study Tour and Writing Projects

This afternoon, Melody (陳美麗老師) gave a presentation on this summer's three-week Calgary study tour, based on her observation as one of the leaders. In her opinion, an important factor determining whether the students enjoyed the tour or not was the host family. Besides, she pointed out that to expect students' English to improve by leaps and bounds within three weeks is unrealistic. However, she added, the experience did plant the seed of love for English in students' mind.

2010年10月15日 星期五

PowerPoint for Compound Adjectives 複合形容詞練習

Yesterday when we were discussing the 1st mid-term, a student asked me to explain the following question:

leg-lengthened surgery or leg-lengthening surgery?

2010年10月14日 星期四

PowerPoint for Subjunctive Mood

For today's grammar lesson, I made a PowerPoint as follows. It can be used not only by teachers in class but also by students to review the sentence pattern.
subjunctive mood.ppt

2010年10月13日 星期三

A List of Supplementary Materials for Teaching "I Have a Dream"

The following is a list of what my colleague Chris (林詠梅老師) prepared for Unit 5 "I Have a Dream." She put all the supplementary materials in a file, including some film clips and documents, and shared them with all the teachers of senior students. We owe her a debt of gratitude.

Thanks to the Internet and YouTube, we now don't need to go to the library or buy CDs and videos for a single lesson. Just with a few clicks, we got all these supplementary materials in hand to use in class. It's a blessing indeed.

2010年10月12日 星期二

Accept; Don't Expect

"Accept; don't expect."

This is a sentence I read in Ron Clark's The Essential 55. Ron Clark is an award-winning teacher in the US. In the book he offered 55 rules for his students to follow. Though I forgot many, I remember some, and "Accept; don't expect" is one of them.

2010年10月7日 星期四

We Don't Need to Be Somebody to Fulfill Our Life--廖玉蕙:不必做大官,也不必然得做大事

This title drew my attention because it contradicts the commonly-held belief that we should do "big" things.



2010.10.06 01:22 am

2010年10月3日 星期日

The Power of Positive Thinking--正面思考/好命才自己出錢

The following is a simple but very inspiring article from yesterday's UDN.


2010.10.02 03:45 am

2010年9月30日 星期四

A Letter from an Alien to Earthlings--An Essay by a Student for the Writing Task of Meow-meow Practice Test 2

The following is an essay by a student in my homeroom class. The writing task requires that the students imagine themselves as an alien and write a letter to earthlings. Interesting!

提示: 這是讓你盡情發揮想像力的時刻,假設妳室外興人,請以外星人的身分寫一封信給地球人,文常至少120單詞(words)。文分兩段,第一段敘述一兩件你對地球人感到好奇的事,第二段則介紹一些外星人與地球人不同的行為或習慣。

2010年9月29日 星期三

Some Cards from Students I Got Yesterday

314 card

A card from my homeroom Class 314, inside which are words, very concrete and sweet words, from the students in the class.

309 card

A homemade card from Class 309, on the back of which are words from the students. Looks like me, doesn't it? You can imagine how I look when I am teaching. Haha!

2010年9月25日 星期六

2010年9月24日 星期五

Stay Happy Even When You Don't Feel Well

Yesterday morning in the hallway I came across two students of my homeroom class. One of them told me that she didn't feel well and that she had had a fever the day before. Besides suggesting that she drink more water, seeing her look a little down, I told her that since she felt a bit under the weather, there was every reason for her to stay happy. At my words, she seemed a little perplexed. Understanding this sounded paradoxical to her, I explained that if she allowed herself to feel down, she had two losses, one in her physical condition, and the other her mental state. Hearing my explanation, she smiled, appearing enlightened.

2010年9月22日 星期三

Happy Moon Festival!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Everyone!

Yesterday afternoon I asked two students who came to ask questions and say goodbye respectively what they were going to do today. To my great surprise, they answered, "Study." That was not what I had expected to hear from them. Hearing their response, I laughed and reminded them to watch the moon and enjoy the festival with their family.

It seems that in the third year of high school, all one has to do is study. In fact, with good time management, one can still enjoy all the holidays during this year.

2010年9月21日 星期二

Is a Master's Degree a Must?--碩士、學士誰出色 45%企業:差不多

The following is a statistical study on a comparison of work performance of college graduates and those with a Master's degree.


碩士、學士誰出色 45%企業:差不多


2010年9月20日 星期一

Lisa's Singing Dream--A Story by a Student

The following is an article written by a student in Class 314 for the writing task on the 1st practice test. I love the touch of humor.

meow-1 writing task

2010年9月19日 星期日

2010年9月17日 星期五

The Musical Cats

I went to watch the musical Cats this evening at Taipei Arena. Here I'd like to thank my student Hsiao-yo and her parents for the two tickets. They got two complimentary tickets but could not go this evening. They offered me this great chance.

2010年9月13日 星期一

Welcome, Dear New Comrades

 welcome banquet  

Our dear new colleagues: Hui-han Cheng (1st row, 2nd from right), Chia-chi (2nd row, 2nd from left), and Chen-wei (2nd row, 1st from left). 

2010年9月12日 星期日

Good Essays by Students for the 1st Mock Exam

The following are four good essays written by students for the writing task on the 1st mock exam, all in their original forms except for the 1st one, part of which was modified by my colleague. These essays were graded by different raters, not including me. 

writing task for the 1st mock


2010年9月6日 星期一

Mass Media & Global View--加強國際觀 教部請媒體幫忙


加強國際觀 教部請媒體幫忙


2010年9月1日 星期三

On Taiwan's Education--楊照:錯誤的教育資源配置

The following UDN article can serve as a wake-up call. It's a must read for educators.


2010.09.01 03:20 am

2010年8月27日 星期五

A Trip to Tainan by HSR

1. 2.

shuttle bus trip

3. 4,

wishing cards Koxinga shrine

(1. HSR shuttle bus route 2. Me at Tainan Confucian Temple

3. Wishing cards          4. Me at Koxinga Temple)

2010年8月25日 星期三

A Letter to Mother Nature

The following is an essay written by a student in Class 309 for the writing task given in the 5th Meow-meow practice test.


說明:1. 依提示在答案卷上寫一篇英文作文。

2. 文長約120個單詞(words)左右。


2010年8月24日 星期二

A Happy Gathering & A Marvelous Website for Avid Readers of Chinese Literature--好讀網站

This noon I have a gathering with some good friends, Angel (林佩蓉老師), Anna (張倚鳳老師), Wei-yun (徐慰筠老師), Daisy (袁梅英老師). Wei-yun showed us a good website where good Chinese essays can be read. You can find works by Lu Xun (魯迅), Eileen Chang (張愛玲), Jin Yong (金庸), and so on.


2010年8月21日 星期六

2010年8月19日 星期四

Do Extensive Reading--紐時周報加分 多益考滿分


紐時周報加分 多益考滿分

【聯合報╱記者曹馥年/嘉義縣報導】 2010/08/18

2010年8月18日 星期三

Good UEE Chinese and English Essays

The CEEC has posted good UEE Chinese and English essays on its website, along with some comments. Worth reading.


2010年8月17日 星期二

Learn to Be Independent--教育觀念/老闆的孩子也要助學貸款



2010.08.17 03:05 am

2010年8月16日 星期一

Interview with Students from Mainland China


陸生瘋台灣 在台日子怎麼過

【聯合報╱記者 梁玉芳】
2010.08.16 08:18 am

2010年8月13日 星期五

Students Could Be Their Own Teachers

In today's remedial classes, instead of guiding the students to figure out the missing words in an article from Book 4, I had them do group discussion. They had to put away their textbook, focus on their handout in which is the article with 46 blanks, and come up with the answers on their own, with the help of the context.

2010年8月9日 星期一

Good Columns in the UDN

The UDN is a treasure box. Recently, several new columns have been added.

Two are related to English learning. The first is "Novels One Has to Read in One's Lifetime," presented in the paper every Thursday:


The other is "TOEIC 900!" run through Monday to Friday:


The following column is on Chinese literature:


Here read a sample for each:

2010年8月8日 星期日

2010年8月5日 星期四

An Assignment

Today when we reviewed the word "embrace" in Unit 4 of Book 4, I gave Remedial Class A an assignment--giving their parents a hug this evening and telling me about their parents' response tomorrow. Sounds crazy? An idea from "The Girl in the Fifth Row."

2010年8月3日 星期二

Work Harder--平凡,更要努力 林建豪K書三心法

This is an article I read half a month ago. I love the title "Since I am ordinary, I need to work harder."


平凡,更要努力 林建豪K書三心法

【聯合報╱本報記者 喻文玟】2010/07/17

2010年8月2日 星期一

310 Class Reunion

Class 310 reunion

Yesterday evening I attended Class 310's reunion. They are as lively and lovely as a year ago. I love them all.

2010年8月1日 星期日

A Happy Reunion


Yesterday evening, I had a reunion with my former 303 students, Alex, Spencer, and Wei-yi. They graduated from NHSH four years ago and this year they graduated from NTU or NTNU. We have stayed in touch over the past four years, seeing each other almost every semester. Now Alex is going to join the army, Spencer to Japan to study as an exchange student, and Wei-yi to study in graduate school. Wish them good luck!

2010年7月28日 星期三

2010年7月25日 星期日

Organize Your Knowledge--張祐瀚致勝法 彩圖筆記搞懂生硬學科

Every Saturday, the UDN runs a column on the study habits of those who got 75/75 ranking score on the SAT.


張祐瀚致勝法 彩圖筆記搞懂生硬學科


2010年7月23日 星期五

2010年7月21日 星期三

Dream Big--麵攤小子洗碗邊K書 如願上台大

Yesterday I heard the news story on the radio.  I was very impressed and have been planning to tell my students the story.


麵攤小子洗碗邊K書 如願上台大