2010年12月22日 星期三

new words coined--維基解密紅火 成英文慣用字


維基解密紅火 成英文慣用字
2010.12.22 08:01 pm


就像Xerox(全錄公司)和Google等字一樣,wikileaks(維基解密)如今也成了英語中的慣用字。總部在德州的全球語言監督(Global Language Monitor,簡稱GLM)21日指出,維基解密(WikiLeaks)這個字被人們提及的次數,使用的範圍、深度和廣度,已符合可自成一字的標準。

My comments: Interested in this website? Here is its URL. There you can see the top words of 2010 and 2011, the latter including China/Chinese.


The following is a criterion for a word to be recognized by GLM as part of the English language.

"GLM standards include a minimum of 25,000 citations of a new term in the global media that encompass the English-speaking world, which now encompasses some 1.58 billion people." (GLM)


My comments: According to GLM, 2011 is more commonly pronounced as "twenty-eleven" than "two thousand eleven."

GLM負責人裴亞克說﹕「wikileaks與許多新媒體和高科技公司一樣,他們的名字和功能被融入到語言中,如Google、推特 (Twitter),以及臉書(Facebook)的friending(交友功能)。」

My comments: So, can we say "I've facebooked you."


My comments: As stated in the article "Wikileaks declared English-language Word," "GLM standards include a minimum of 25,000 citations of a new term in the global media that encompass the English-speaking world, which now encompasses some 1.58 billion people."



My comments: Spillcam is the top word of 2010. Interestingly, Hu Jintao is the top name of that year.

GLM預計,「裴林主義」將是2011年使用率最高的單字之一。該字是指保守派政治人物、前阿拉斯加州長莎拉.裴林的錯誤用詞,如她把refute(反駁)和repudiate(拒絕)合起來創造的新字「refudiate」 。

My comments: The Global Language Monitor is an interesting website, where I came across an article on Chinglish.


