2010年9月30日 星期四

A Letter from an Alien to Earthlings--An Essay by a Student for the Writing Task of Meow-meow Practice Test 2

The following is an essay by a student in my homeroom class. The writing task requires that the students imagine themselves as an alien and write a letter to earthlings. Interesting!

提示: 這是讓你盡情發揮想像力的時刻,假設妳室外興人,請以外星人的身分寫一封信給地球人,文常至少120單詞(words)。文分兩段,第一段敘述一兩件你對地球人感到好奇的事,第二段則介紹一些外星人與地球人不同的行為或習慣。


                                                                                                                                Sep. 29th, 2010

Dear Earthlings,

     I’m from the sun, which earth people call my country. My name is ABC, by the way. I have observed the earth for a long time; actually I’m an earth expert on my planet. Despite the fact that I’m familiar with the earth, there are two things that confuse me a lot. First, there are three kinds of people on the earth—the white, the yellow, and the black . I wonder what caused such differences. Second, I have conducted lots of research before on how you earthlings walk. However, I still have no idea about the speed you guys walk. Can’t it be faster?

      On my planet, the sun, we only have one skin color—blue. Besides, the way we walk is diametrically different from you guys walk. Instead of walking, we roll. Rolling can help us get around faster. Thus, we don’t spend a lot of time on travel. Furthermore, we can stay fit by rolling. As a result, there are no fat guys or gymnasiums on our planet. By the way, we don’t’ get hurt because our road is made of ice! It’s hard to imagine there is ice on our planet, isn’t it? All in all, welcome to pay us a visit; you’ll be quite impressed.




(217 words) (314 廖雪伶)

a letter from an alien.doc

