2010年9月26日 星期日

No Vandalism--An Essay by a Student for the Writing Task on Meow-meow 7

writing task

One day, John took a trip with his girlfriend Mary to Chihkan Tower, a famous historic site in Tainan. When they got there, they started taking pictures of themselves stepping on the monument and writing some words on the wall with the markers. After a few days, John posted the photos on his blog. Thinking the photos would look fun and cool, he expected some praise from his friends. To his surprise, after the photos were posted, all the netizens left angry messages on his blog dressing him down for damaging the historic site. Some even said that they would sue John and Mary.

To calm down the netizens’ anger, John removed the photos and apologized on the blog for their vandalism. He promised they would in no case do it again and that he would work as a volunteer at Chihkan Tower every weekend for one year to make up for what he had done. Because of John’s sincerity, the netizens stopped lashing out at him. From this unpleasant experience, John learned to protect national treasures. (174 words) (314 江禹函)

