2010年9月25日 星期六

A Turning Point in Taichung Mayor Hu's Life--校長一句話 點醒夢中胡志強

I came across this article while I was searching for an article run on today's UDN. Very inspiring.


校長一句話 點醒夢中胡志強 2010-07-25 (盧金足)



My comments: According to the UDN article, before he met his principal Mr. Wang, Mayor Hu ranked around the 45th among the 60 students in his class. Mr. Wang said to him that day, "You have the ability to go to college, why don't you work harder?"


My comments: From that day in his second year of high school to his graduation, he went all out to study. Even on weekends, he studied the whole day in school. On Sunday, he was the only one to study in school. As a result, he kept making progress on the exams.



My comments: His hard work and determination made a tremendous difference.


My comments: For every child, their mother is an angel, who is always around caring for them.

 我的讀書哲學,就是「別人比我聰明,我就比別人認真」,以讀英文為例,國二時,有天半夜裡,住在隔壁的一位外國太太很著急的敲著我家的門,急促的說著「My husband is in Vietnam.,There was earthquake,I am very scared,What should I do」(我丈夫在越南,剛才發生地震,我很害怕,我該怎麼辦)。

 當時我英語不好,根本聽不懂,只能以那時候會的英語「Thank you」來回應。但經這件事後,我很認真的學習英語,現在大家認為我英文說得好,其實,也曾有雞同鴨講的時候。

My comments: More often than not, one's turning point comes when one encounters difficulty.


