2010年7月25日 星期日

Organize Your Knowledge--張祐瀚致勝法 彩圖筆記搞懂生硬學科

Every Saturday, the UDN runs a column on the study habits of those who got 75/75 ranking score on the SAT.


張祐瀚致勝法 彩圖筆記搞懂生硬學科





My comments: By thinking and organizing what we've learned, we can retain the knowledge longer. I highly recommend using notecards because they are easier to organize. We can organize the cards in different orders, depending on the subject matter, which is put on the top of a notecard.

按表操課 做好專屬筆記


My comments: When I was in high school, I went to bed before 12am and got up by 6:30. I seldom stayed up.



My comments: When I teach the English tense, I draw a timeline.

For example, the sentence "When I arrived at the stop, the bus had left."


had left   arrived     Now

Here's another example. "I will have got married by the time I get my PhD degree."


                         Now    will have got    get

So far, this is the best way to explain questions about the tense.

自創口訣 配圖理解生物


歷史編年 當故事書來讀


My comments: By doing so, we can get a whole picture of human culture.


熟讀選文 體會遣詞用字


My comments: Reading provides us with input, which forms the basis of output. I remember Mr. Wei (魏叔倫教授), a late professor of NTNU, once said, "Writing class is not where you learn English, but a stage for you to show how good your English is."

70%的英文單字有字首、字根,可閱讀坊間的英文字演變史,並利用零碎時間背誦每周從聯合報附送的The New York Times(紐時周報)挑一至兩篇喜愛的主題,查生字、熟悉英文課外文章,「我還有一個秘訣─報名參加英檢強迫自己閱讀」,張祐瀚說,這是滿好用的英文學習法。

My comments: Do both extensive and intensive reading. The best way to improve our reading ability is through reading, just like the learning of other skills such as swimming and typing.

notes by Mr. Chang

