2010年10月31日 星期日

The Store I Want--A Student's Essay

The following is an essay by a student in Class 314 on a topic given by the Ivy League magazine.

作文題目:The Store I Want

提示:在現代社會裡,許多年輕人都想創業或自己當老闆請。寫一篇約120至150單詞(words) 的英文作文,文分兩段,第一段以Most people want to have their own businesses…為開頭,說明他人或自己想當老闆的理由;第二段則以Someday I will run…開頭,假設自己可以開一家店,會希望開什麼店,經營這家店實現了自己什麼理想或帶給自己什麼感受。

Most people want to have their own businesses, and I’m no exception. Having my own business is a chance to fulfill my dream. Besides, being my own boss, I will have less restraint when making decisions than being an employee. What’s more, I can offer many job opportunities to those in need. Most important of all, I won’t be bossed around.

Someday I will run a restaurant on my own. Since I was a child, influenced by my father, I have enjoyed cooking and dreamed to be a renowned chef who has his own restaurant. As a Chinese culture lover, I’ll decorate my restaurant in Chinese fashion. The furniture in it will be made of wood and elaborately-carved. When the store opens, I believe that it will attract many people with its outstanding design. When it comes to food, I’ll use the best ingredients to make sure the taste of my food would be the top of the best. By owning a restaurant, my career and hobby will combine to ensure me a fulfilled and enjoyable life.

(177 words) (314張慶言)

The Store I Want.doc

