2012年12月31日 星期一

The End of the Year 2012

After surviving the supposed end of the world on Dec. 21, people around the world now are celebrating the last day of the year 2012 before ushering in a brand new year.

2012 is a special year to me, during which three major things happened.

Student Exchange Programs--頂尖大學拚國際化 出國交換變熱門


頂尖大學拚國際化 出國交換變熱門


2012年12月30日 星期日

Happy Marriage, My Dear Students


The beautifully-designed wedding invitation from Hungzen.

The creative wedding invitation from Chung-chun.


2012年12月27日 星期四

Animated Stories: BookBox Inc.

My dear friend Annie (詹麗馨老師) introduced to me this wonderful website at which you can find numerous stories told in English at a slow pace, with animation and subtitles.  Each story is not more  than 7 minutes long.  A good website for high beginners.


Animated Stories: BookBox Inc.

2012年12月25日 星期二

Merry Christmas, or Merry Xmas?

Merry Christmas, or Merry Xmas?  Well, watch the video, and you'll know where the word "Xmas" came from and how it should be used.

Taiwan condemned over executions--A BBC Article

What do you think of the death penalty?  This issue has long been hotly debated.  Last Friday, six death row inmates were executed.  This stirred a huge amount of attention at home and abroad.  The following is a news report from BBC.


Taiwan condemned over executions

22 December 2012 Last updated at 11:34 GMT

2012年12月24日 星期一

A Review of the Movie "Life of Pie"

My son emailed me a review of the movie "Life of Pie" last night.  The review wows me.  It discusses the movie in terms of id, ego, and super-ego.   Though the movie still keeps making me think, I've never gone so deep.  My reflection seems so superficial compared to Mr. Tsai's insightful analysis.


The following is an excerpt from the review:

2012年12月23日 星期日

A Happy Reunion


[caption id="attachment_6561" align="alignnone" width="300"] Taken in the 305 reunion_20121223[/caption]

2012年12月21日 星期五

Quotes from "Life of Pie"

This afternoon I went to see the movie "Life of Pie."  It is based on the novel written by Yann Martel.  The story centers around a young Indian boy's experience of surviving a shipwreck.  What makes the experience special is the company of a Bangladesh tiger, which in the beginning the protagonist might fall prey to at any moment when they are on the same boat, getting through the ordeal.  Pie finally tames the tiger, but still loses their connection when their boat finally gets stranded on a beach, ending their days on the sea, the tiger disappears in the forest, Pie passes out and later is rescued.

2012年12月20日 星期四

Notes from 2012 International Reading Education Forum

Yesterday I attended 2012 International Reading Education Forum held by CommonWealth Magazine (天下雜誌).  The speakers included

2012年12月12日 星期三

2012年12月10日 星期一

A Website For IELTS Test Takers

Those who want to study in the UK, Australia, New Zealand,or Canada are required to take IELTS, an English language assessment.  Besides the official IELTS website, the following site would be of great help.


2012年12月9日 星期日


Was the little born with such amazing piano skills? Of course not. I'm wondering how much time and effort he has put into practicing these two pieces.

2012年12月8日 星期六


Yesterday was Mei-ying's birthday.  To celebrate it, Wei-yun and I invited her to have a trip to Yangmingshan.   Before we meandered in the Yangmingshan National Park, we had the picture taken in front of the iconic flower clock.

2012年12月4日 星期二

The Other Side of the Coin--"Don't insist on English!"--Speech from TED

What if Albert Einstein had had to pass the TOEFL?  Patricia Ryan, though didn't dismiss the importance of English, pointed out the possible risk of putting too high a premium on English.

A very insightful speech.  If you need to read the transcript, please visit the TED site:


Patricia Ryan: Don't insist on English!

Filmed Dec 2010 • Posted Mar 2011 • TEDxDubai

2012年12月1日 星期六

How to Learn English Survey--from Lash World Tour

The following is an interesting article I bumped into online yesterday. It is about a survey of the best ways to learn English and the writer, who herself is an English teacher, made some comments on it.


How To Learn English--Survey

by Lash WorldTour 2012/10/29

2012年11月26日 星期一

How to Learn English?--學英文 怎麼學?

The following article was written by an NTNU professor who taught me History of English in the summer of 1988.  I came across this article yesterday in my good friend Annie's blog (http://blog.roodo.com/anniechan) and can't wait to share it with English learners.


學英文 怎麼學?

2007-06-15 Web only


2012年11月25日 星期日

No Makeup Day--"High School Girls Promote 'True Beauty'"

My sister who has been in the States for more than 20 years told me the other day while she was in Taiwan that it's an etiquette to wear makeup to work, a date, or a formal occasion.  And I know many American high school girls use cosmetics.  I always wonder why because in my opinion, at such a young age, they should let their natural beauty shine and be proud of it.   Here is an article related to this issue.


High School Girls Promote 'True Beauty'

November 20, 2012  -->

2012年11月17日 星期六

When It Comes to Grammar, Practice Works Better Than Explanation

Last Sunday, when asked why in English we put -(e)s after a verb, besides telling my neice that -(e)s is added to a verb and that a /s/ or /z/ sound is heard when the subject is third person singular, I asked her to tell me something about her mother, her teacher, her best friend, etc.  My neice was happy to say something about these people because they are close to her and they are real.  When she forgot to utter the /s/ or /z/ sound, I repeated the verb with a rising intonation, and she had no problems correcting the mistake on her own.

2012年11月8日 星期四

2012年11月2日 星期五

2012年10月27日 星期六

An Act of Kindness in the Barber's

My late father in his autobiography mentioned that he told the hairdressers in the barber's that they were doing something good for people. Here is his philosophy: Everyone looks better and cleaner after leaving the barber's, feeling happy. Isn't making others happy an act of kindness?

What a beautiful philosophy!

2012年10月25日 星期四

Words from My Dear Father

你在一生中必須抱著夢想 時常體會它的實際感覺 這樣 終有一天 你會碰到夢想成真的一天

"In your life, you've got to have a dream and always feel its realization.  Then one day your dream will come true."

2012年10月22日 星期一

Motivation is the Key--英聽入考科/提升英聽?學生缺企圖心

Motivation is the Key--英聽入考科/提升英聽?學生缺企圖心


2012.10.22 02:50 am

2012年10月19日 星期五

Habit Is Second Nature

All creatures are the slaves of habits.

This Monday noon, when I got to the restaurant where some of my NHSH colleagues and I would have a gathering, I waited at the door for it to open automatically.

2012年10月18日 星期四

Benefits of Fruits

Recently, I've spent a lot of time visiting my father in hospital in Tainan.  Looking around at the sick people, I recalled words from a high school principal, Ms. Chou (周麗玉校長).  She once said that when we are young, we have to think about what kind of life we would like to lead in old age and live a lifestyle leading to it. 

2012年10月16日 星期二

On 12-Year Compulsory Education--洪蘭:不要再扯12年國教後腿





2012年10月15日 星期一

"Qin Shi Huang: The ruthless emperor who burned books" --from BBC

A good strategy to improve reading comprehension is to read in English what we are familiar with.  Recently, BBC news has been running articles about key figures in Chinese history.  This is a good authentic reading material because the intended readers are native speakers of English.  That is, it is written not for a pedagogical reason but to give information.


Qin Shi Huang: The ruthless emperor who burned books

By Carrie Gracie BBC  News, Beijing

15 October 2012 Last updated at 01:54 GMT

2012年10月14日 星期日

Legendary Sisters:--The Soong sisters: Women of influence in 20th Century China--from BBC


The Soong sisters: Women of influence in 20th Century China

By Carrie Gracie

BBC  News, Beijing

11 October 2012 Last updated at 23:57 GMT

There will be no women at the helm of  China's Communist Party when the leadership is reshuffled next month, but there  are many more opportunities for women in today's China than there were 100 years  ago. Then the only way to achieve influence was to marry it - and three sisters  from one family showed how.

2012年10月12日 星期五

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012

This year's Nobel Literature Prize goes to...

Mo Yan

The Official Site of the Nobel Prize.


"The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012 was awarded to Mo Yan "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".


The following is a CNN news story about the new Nobel Prize laureate.

2012年10月11日 星期四

What Makes One Successful?


2012.10.10 01:47 am


2012年10月9日 星期二

BBC News Report on this Year's Nobel Prize Winners for Medicine or Physiology

I read this BBC news report last night before going  to sleep.  Click the link and you'll watch a video of Gurdon talking at a press conference in London.


Gurdon and Yamanaka share Nobel prize for stem cell work

By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News

8 October 2012 Last updated at 13:58 GMT

2012年10月8日 星期一

Grand Tour and Mental Journey--壯遊與神遊

The following is a article recommended by my former student Sunny on FB.  I copied and pasted it on my blog so that I can add some comments.  Click the link, and you'll find more marvelous articles by Prof. Peng.



2012年6月9日星期六    from  清大彭明輝的部落格

2012年10月7日 星期日

French Students' Academic Pressure--法國小學生周休3日 但…壓力好大


法國小學生周休3日 但…壓力好大
2012.10.07 09:18 pm


2012年10月6日 星期六

A Publication on English Learning

Want to improve your English?  I came across this publication at a convenience store today.  Click the link or read on, and go over the table of contents, before deciding to buy or borrow one.


2012年10月4日 星期四

What School Has Yet to Teach

Two days ago, I posted a survey on FB, asking my FB friends what they think school has yet to teach.  All the answers came from my students except one.  The following is a list of the responses, arranging in the order of the respondents' graduation year from high school.

TOEIC Threshod for Korean Companies


韓企徵才英文標準 比台灣高很多
2012.10.04 04:06 am


2012年10月3日 星期三

To Freshman Physics Majors

This afternoon, while flipping through and re-organizing my files, I came across the following article.  Fortunately, I  found it online just now.  Since a few students of mine who graduated in July major in physics, I would like to post it in my blog for their reference.  In fact, some parts of it apply to all college students.

Thank goodness that I still keep the newspaper clipping.   This reminds me of the book A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder




.導讀名人:吳茂昆(國科會主委)      高涌泉(台大物理系教授) .


2012年10月2日 星期二

That Stare...

Up to now, I still can't erase that stare from my mind...

Today I went to Tainan to visit my dad in ICU in the hospital.  He looked better, no more painful expression on his face except when the nurse was changing the sticky tape used to fasten the tubes.  I kept talking to him and hummed some classical music to soothe him.

2012年9月29日 星期六

Thank You All, My Dear Students

from Chou

Yesterday was Teacher's Day.  This is one of the two chocolates from a student who graduated this year, along with a bookmark and a handwritten card. 

Happy Teacher's Day (Yesterday's Entry)--教師節,看現狀/面對夢周公的學生…

Yesterday evening, I was in Tainan, paying a visit to my father who was hospitalized.  Since I would visit him again today, I stayed in a hotel.

I couldn't get online in the hotel, so I kept my blog on Microsoft Word.  Here it is.




2012.09.28 02:54 am


2012年9月26日 星期三

All You Have to Do Is Ask

Randy Pausch's "All You Have to Do Is Ask" simplifies my life.  This morning, I checked Google Maps to plan the route to the lecture hall I'm going to tomorrow afternoon.  The following is what I got:

2012年9月24日 星期一

Gems of Wisdom from Peter F. Drucker

about Peter Drucker

I came across this publication about some great ideas of Peter F. Drucker, the father of modern management, at a convenience store today.  Atttracted by the title, I bought it and have read more than half of it.

The title of a chapter totally contradicts the common assertion that one should work hard to make up for a lack of natural talent.  It says:

「勤能補拙」? 可能導致你忘了自身長處

This idea is further complemented by the subtitle:


2012年9月23日 星期日

My Reading--A Collection of Inspiring Articles for Students

my reading cover

This is a 52-page book I made for students who I taught for only one week at the beginning of this semester. It is a collection of inspiring or thought-provoking articles, meant to ignite students' passion for life and people around as well.  Still, there are some articles very worth reading and highly recommended by former students, but not included in the book, such as Randy Pausch's "All You Have to Do is Ask," "Tell the Truth," and "All You Have Is What You Bring with You."   Fortunately, I have the students' email addresses.

2012年9月21日 星期五

To Take a Gap Year in Australia

This afternoon, I had a gathering with two 309 students who graduated from NHSH last year.   When they were still in school, we didn't have much time to chat, either because they were occupied with their studies, tests, or socialization or because I was busy dealing with other students.  I'm happy that we finally found time to catch up on what we had missed. 

2012年9月20日 星期四

Happy Gathering with NHSH English Teachers

NHSH ET by Wan-yu

On Monday, Sept. 17, I had a happy gathering with NHSH English teachers.  Almost everyone came except three. This photo was taken with Pearl's camera.  Pearl (蔡琬渝老師) is the organizer of this gathering.  Thanks to her, we add another beautiful page to our life book.

2012年9月17日 星期一

Tips on How to Prepare for TOEIC

A former student Jack Chung (莊子賢) got more than 900 on TOEIC and a full score in the listening section.  Another student asked me how to prepare for TOEIC.   So, at my request, Jack shared some tips through the FB private message.  With his permission, I now post his advice in today's entry as follows:

2012年9月15日 星期六

On Working Holiday--打工2年 我玩遍了澳洲


遊學打工爭議/打工2年 我玩遍了澳洲


2012.09.15 02:53 am

My comments: I believe Mr. Yuan wrote on "working holiday" instead of "study-work."  The Chinese title is misleading.

Here is information for a "study-work" program found online:

2012年9月14日 星期五

Face the Sun, and the Shadow Is Left Behind

Yesterday evening, a former student came to visit me.  We chatted over dinner.  When we came to the topic of the MRT, I told her whenever I saw the enormous crowds at the MRT station, especially Chung-hsiao Fu-hsing, I was really touched.

2012年9月12日 星期三

Stay Healthy, Live Long--人瑞談養生/人瑞劉鏡寰 人生七分飽

Etta, a former student who is studying Chinese medicine in the States now, once told me on the phone that the best person we can turn to for good advice on staying healthy is not the doctor, but the centenarian.  Here is one.


人瑞談養生/人瑞劉鏡寰 人生七分飽


2012年9月10日 星期一

A PPT for Past Perfect in "S had V-en...since S V-ed..."

The following is a ppt I made last week to teach the past perfect tense in the sentence "S had V-en...since S V-ed."   Those who still have problems with the pattern can review and think about why the past perfect tense is used in every example sentence.   A review of the present perfect in the similar sentence pattern, as shown in the first slide, can help you have a better grasp of the new pattern.

2012年9月8日 星期六

Sunao: 素直心

"Sunao" is a new word I learned from  Ms. Chien Ching-hui (簡靜惠) at the udn talksI attended this morning.  According to her, it is similar to "open-mindedness," a willingness to experience new things.  Curious about this new term, I surfed the Net and found the following article on Sunao.


2012年9月7日 星期五

When You Do Something You Really Love...--院長爸爸翁啟惠的教育經




女兒棄建築轉藝術,當起了窮畫家... 翁啟惠引以為傲地說:她現在很快樂,活在希望裡。

2012年9月5日 星期三

If You Went to School This Way

commute to school

What are these children doing?  Sliding for fun or doing extreme sports?  Well, they could take this daily routine as either, but the fact is that they are commuting to school.  Read the excerpt of an RD article to know more about it.  I'm happy that I don't need to do so in daily life.


2012年9月4日 星期二

A Talk at the First Encounter about Learning English

This morning, I met Class 215 for the first and also the last time.  Instead of teaching any lesson in the textbook, like what I had done in Class 209 last Friday and this Monday, I gave a talk in English on the importance of learning English and how to learn it.

2012年9月3日 星期一

Information Card

Last Friday, at our first encounter, I had each student in Class 209 fill out an information card for me so that I could get to know them sooner.  The card included their

2012年9月2日 星期日

2012年8月29日 星期三

A Letter from an Entrepreneur to His Son--王品董事長戴勝益 給兒子的九點叮嚀: 要累積人緣,不要算計人脈


王品董事長戴勝益 給兒子的九點叮嚀

要累積人緣,不要算計人脈 2012/8/1

  • 父親節特別企畫》 戴勝益、徐重仁、柯文哲、薛明玲 撰文 / 林讓均

  • 出處 / 今周刊815期


2012年8月27日 星期一

On Dictionaries--你不可不知的字典知識 ──專訪台灣英語教學界字典達人奚永慧老師

The new school year will start this week.  Students who want to improve their English might be considering buying an English-English dictionary.  The following article from Caves English Teaching provdes some tips.

你不可不知的字典知識 ──專訪台灣英語教學界字典達人奚永慧老師

◎ 採訪整理/羅千純

2012年8月25日 星期六

2012年8月24日 星期五

2012 UEE Good Chinese and English Writing Samples

The CEEC has posted this year's UEE good Chinese and English writing samples on its website. Click the link, and you can read the 15 Chinese essays and the 13 English ones.


2012年8月21日 星期二

Extensive Reading Helps Score High on TOEIC--大量閱讀 攀上多益滿分高峰


大量閱讀 攀上多益滿分高峰

多益情報誌2012/05/27          沒喝過洋墨水,也並非ABC 從沒離開過臺灣的本土碩士也能拿下多益測驗990 分滿分的好成績?!         
【多益情報誌/文/Chloe  Hsieh】

2012年8月20日 星期一

Writing a Touching Essay in 300 Words, plus A Life-Changing Sentence

Yesterday my former student Ken invited me to read an essay by him published in the Liberty Times.


This is what he put on the FB: 人生首度登上副刊,雖然只有短短三百字,但真是感人又值得記念的一刻。

2012年8月15日 星期三

How Young Are You?--"Keep Young Mind Forever"

erday, while cleaning out my stuff in the office, I came across Dandelion, in which I found the following interesting article.  The article offers a checklist for us to check how young we are.

Keep Young Mind Forever

Dandelion October 2010 No. 13

2012年8月14日 星期二

"Feed Me, Mom"--a Video Taken on Campus

Yesterday morning, while looking up and talking to a former student, I spotted an interesting sight outside the office window.

A big bird was sitting motionless on the branch.   At first, never seeing such a big bird in the trees on campus, I thought it was a "specifically designed" bee hive.  With a closer look, I couldn't believe my eyes.  It's a bird!  I took several pictures and when enlarging one of them, I found there was one, no, there were two baby birds under her wings.  My colleagues, students, and I then watched this family with wide-open eyes. 

2012年8月12日 星期日

Thirty-day Challenges--a Short Talk at TED

Matt Cutts proposed an interesting project in his 3:27 TED talk.  The 30-day sustainable challenge we set for ourselves might make our lives more enjoyable and fulfilled.

Who is Matt Cutts?  "Matt Cutts is an engineer at Google, where he fights linkspam and helps webmasters understand how search works." (TED)

2012年8月10日 星期五

2012年8月7日 星期二

"Jeremy Lin sees no disadvantage in being Asian" from the Taipei Times


Jeremy Lin sees no disadvantage in being Asian

UNDERESTIMATED: Lin said people take Asians lightly until they show their skills and said young players should work hard, believe in themselves and have fun
By Shelley Shan  /  Staff reporter

2012年8月6日 星期一

To Sharpen Your English Ability

Knowing he is getting into National Central University, a student mentioned on FB that he decided to sharpen his English ability during this summer vacation.  I suggested that he listen to Studio Classroom every day.  In fact, I advised him to listen to the program three times a day and repeat after the teachers.

2012年8月5日 星期日

2012年8月3日 星期五

For You, College Freshmen--"50 Tips for College Students" from Psychology Today

Next Monday, the college entrance results are coming out.  The following article from a renowned magazine Psychology Today offers 50 tips for college freshmen.  Well, you don't need to buy them all.  However, believe me, all of them are right.


50 Tips for College Students

      Learn how to have a happy and successful college career.

Published on August 23, 2010 by Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D. in Here, There, and Everywhere

2012年8月1日 星期三

Will Google's Project Glass Make Foreign Language Classes Obsolete?

This is amazing! With this invention, people don't need to spend thousands of hours learning a foreign language in order to communicate with people speaking that language.


Will Google's Project Glass Make Foreign Language Classes Obsolete?

2012年7月31日 星期二

On Decision-making--Baba Shiv: Sometimes it's good to give up the driver's seat

A freshman-to-be asked me what he should do in college so that he will have a meaningful college life.

Very often, programmed by schooling or societal values, we hold the belief that we are the master of our own life and that we are what we "decide."  This belief inevitably put enormous pressure on some of us, fearing any wrong decision might lead to irreversible consequences or an unhappy ending.

2012年7月30日 星期一

The Teacher--Learning Idioms from BBC Learning English

A section of BBC Learning English, The Teacher,teaches idioms in an interesting way.  You will watch a video, in which the teacher introduces three idioms at a time in an interesting way.  What's more, on the same page, you can see several passages created by learners from all over the world using these three idioms.

2012年7月28日 星期六

The Best Part of Living in Taipei--舒國治:住台北最讓人滿意之事


【聯合報╱舒國治】 2010.06.11 03:09 am


2012年7月26日 星期四

Good Attitude Attracts Something Good--好態度帶來好機緣



  • 作者:洪蘭

  • 2012.06.29


My comments: We decide our own fate.

2012年7月25日 星期三

Which Comes First, School or Major?--an Article by a Former Student Ken

This is a fb page of a former student Ken Wang, who double majored in journalism and English at Chengchi University and is now studying in graduate school at NTU majoring in journalism.  He gave some words on the topic of whether school should come before major or vice versa, plus some insight into life.  You can also see the comments from his friends.  Highly recommended.  I posted it on my blog with his permission.

2012年7月21日 星期六

Ways to Learn English--猛背單字 美11所博班都要他

While cleaning out my stuff in my room, I ran across this UDN news report.  Though believing I must have posted it in my blog in 2007, I still regard it worthwhile to re-post the article for those who want to continue sharpening their English.


英文學習分享》猛背單字 美11所博班都要他


2012年7月18日 星期三

The Comparison Between Standards of the2012 UEE and Those of the 2011 UEE

Today the results of the UEE are announced. The testees can check their scores on the CEEC website. At which, they can also find the different standards for every subject.


2012年7月16日 星期一

BBC Learning English--for TOEIC Takers

Yesterday on my FB, I also posted the link to the 20 TOEIC Tips. An FB friend Christina Wang offers the TOEIC takers a useful website: BBC Learning English. Here are her comments:

"Share one thing. Just go to BBC Learning English. They have updated business lessons every week."

2012年7月15日 星期日

20 TOEIC Tip

In the past few weeks, some students have asked me how to prepare for the TOEIC. The following webpage offers 20 tips. They are very useful tips not only for TOEIC takers but also for English learners.


20 TOEIC Tips

2012年7月13日 星期五

Scientific American--A Good Website for Science Lovers

This is a website a former student of mine often visited when he was studying in college. He was an accounting major at NTU. By reading the articles and watching and listening to the videos on it plus reading English novels, he sharpened his English proficiency and passed the TOEFL with flying colors--103/120.


Scientific American

2012年7月11日 星期三

Reading English Novels; plus a Reading List--暑假閱讀 英文小說增功力


暑假閱讀 英文小說增功力

【聯合報╱記者孫蓉華/台北報導】 2012/07/11

Grading Criteria for English Writing on 2012 UEE--101 學年度指定科目考試 英文考科非選擇題閱卷評分原則說明


101 學年度指定科目考試



Grading Criteria for Chinese Writing on 2012 UEE--101 學年度指定科目考試 國文考科非選擇題閱卷評分原則說明


101 學年度指定科目考試



2012年7月7日 星期六

The Greatness of a Stay-at-home Mum

The following is a passage from Reader's Digest (June, 2012). Reading it reminds me of the fact that one way to make one appreciate what someone does for him/her is to have him lose it for a while.

2012年7月5日 星期四

Learning English Through English-English Dictionaries--如何利用英英字典學習英文

This morning, while cleaning out my stuff in the office, I ran across a newsletter published in 2009 by Lungteng Publishing Co. Leafing through it, I found this very interesting article, which is of great help to English learners. Just now I surfed the Net and found it online.





2012年7月3日 星期二

2012年7月2日 星期一

On 2012 UEE Chinese Writing--作文好發揮 反向操作寫「利」字


作文好發揮 反向操作寫「利」字【聯合晚報/記者簡慧珍、莊亞築、鄭國樑、嚴文廷、劉開元、蔡容喬/連線報導】 2012/07/02

2012年7月1日 星期日

How to Spend the Summer Vacation?


陪喪偶陪喪偶嬤 他的難忘暑假…

【聯合報╱李枝桃/國中校長】2012.07.01 02:01 am

2012年6月30日 星期六

2012年6月28日 星期四

2012年6月20日 星期三

Good UEE/SAT Writing Samples from CEEC

A 303 student asked where he could find good UEE writing samples. The following are three entries in my blog where you can find the links to CEEC writing sample webpage and a link to the 2009 UEE writing sample page.

I'm glad that I've been blogging, by which I can provide useful information.

2012年6月19日 星期二

Smell--An Essay by a Student


2012年6月18日 星期一

2012年6月15日 星期五

The Person I'm Most Thankful to--Five Essays by Students

The following are five essays written by students for the writing task on the 3rd UEE mock exam.   One of the reasons I put them on my blog is to show what else an English teacher can do besides teaching English.  The writers' identity is concealed because I'd rather the students thanked a type of teachers instead of a specific individual.  Whoever fits the description is appreciated.

提示: 在充斥著不滿與抱怨的忙碌生活中,我們常常忘了還有一件更重要的事—感恩。除了父母外,我們周遭還有許值得我們感謝的人。。請寫一篇英文作文,第一段請指出除了父母外,你最想感謝的人是誰?第二段請說明這個人對你的影響及你想如何表達你的感恩之情。

2012年6月9日 星期六

Ways to Help You Sleep--考生夜未眠 睡不著別亂「藥」


考生夜未眠 睡不著別亂「藥」

2012.06.07 02:44 am

Tips on Preparation for UEE Biology--生物/跨章節概念 可製表整理


生物/跨章節概念 可製表整理


Tips on Preparation for UEE Physics--物理/看基本定律 攻10大重點


物理/看基本定律 攻10大重點


Tips on Preparation for UEE Chemistry--化學/回到課本上 注意環保題


化學/回到課本上 注意環保題


2012年6月8日 星期五

An Unforgettable Goodbye--an Essay by a Student

The following is an essay written by a student in Class 301. It is so touching that I had to hold back my tears a few times to finish reading it to a former student.

Writing task: 人生在世,相逢有時,離別有時,天下雖有不散的筵席,無論對象是家人、朋友、情人......,在你/妳的生命裡,是否也有至今人無法忘懷的一場別離呢?請寫一篇英文作文,描述這份經歷。

Tips on Preparation for UEE Civics--公民/瀏覽時事 全盤跨冊整合


公民/瀏覽時事 全盤跨冊整合


Tips on Preparation for UEE Geography--地理/留心歐債 熟讀高一通論


地理/留心歐債 熟讀高一通論


Tips on Preparation for UEE History--歷史/耐心讀題 答案在題幹中


歷史/耐心讀題 答案在題幹中


2012年6月3日 星期日

"Stay Hungry; stay foolish"--虛懷若谷,努力不懈--賴英照講座教授畢業典禮致詞




賴英照 2012.06.02

2012年6月2日 星期六

The System Is Not the Problem--誤人的不是制度,而是價值觀



2012.06.02 01:49 am

2012年6月1日 星期五

For You, Our Dearest Graduates

At today's graduation ceremony, a climax is a film featuring 32 NHSH teachers. The movie was directed by Ko Po-yuan (戈伯元老師). In the film, the teachers act as people from all walks of life. After encountering setbacks in their work, they decided to start a new life by being a teacher. A question is presented at the end of the movie: "What will your second life be like after you graduate from NHSH?" Quite thought-provoking.


2012年5月28日 星期一

Excerpts from Four Commencement Speeches

Unit 12 in Book 6 "Have a Good Four Years" is an adaptation from Derek C. Bok's speech to Harvard freshmen in 1971. To introduce to students more good speeches to either high school students or undergraduates, I put excerpts from four commencement speeches in the Reading Comprehension on this semester's final. Students had to answer five questions based on all the four. With the source put in the parentheses following each speech, my intention was to invite students to get online and search for any of the speeches and read the complete one.

VI. Reading Comprehension

The following are excerpts from four commencement speeches. Read them and answer the questions.

2012年5月27日 星期日

There Must Be Some Reason--挫折,謝謝你這麼早來找我




2012年5月26日 星期六

If You Have a Dream...--"From child bride to multi-millionaire in India"~an Article from BBC

This is a news story from BBC I read right after I woke up this morning. The story is inspiring and the language is beautiful.


From child bride to multi-millionaire in India
25 May 2012 BBC

2012年5月25日 星期五

A Motivational Video

The following is a video a student in Class 303 Yen-yu (鄒延渝) introduced on FB. Very inspirational. And when I was a kid I did do what the video mentioned, like putting the blanket over my back to become a super heroine and riding on the broom to become a witch. For a kid, everything seems possible.


Best motivational video ever for creative people and startups..

2012年5月18日 星期五

2012年5月17日 星期四