2012年8月20日 星期一

Writing a Touching Essay in 300 Words, plus A Life-Changing Sentence

Yesterday my former student Ken invited me to read an essay by him published in the Liberty Times.


This is what he put on the FB: 人生首度登上副刊,雖然只有短短三百字,但真是感人又值得記念的一刻。

This reminded me of the same experience--having a very short essay published in the newspaper. The word limit is around 300 words.

Click the link, and you can find my short essay, which was the 14th on the list. Besides mine, there are quite a few 300-word inspiring stories.  If you feel lazy, then just read on.



把握現在,機會不再 文/李欣蓉


好不容易過了一學期,利用耶誕假期回台灣一趟,從五歲的兒子晚上睡覺用他的小腳勾住我,可以瞭解他多麼思念我。寒假過了,回到學校,思家更甚,心中想著要放棄學業回家去,問了好友、教授,都無法下定決心是去是留。一天晚上,接到波士頓二叔的電話,聊到這件事,他拋了一句話:「Now  or never」(把握現在,機會不再。)我才頓然醒悟。

是的,將來兒子上了小學後,更需要我在身旁,要拿碩士學位,真的只有現在。於是便毅然決然留下來完成學業,一年半也一下子就過了。現在想想,要不是二叔當初那句Now  or never,或許我這十多年來天天都在後悔呢!

