2012年8月15日 星期三

How Young Are You?--"Keep Young Mind Forever"

erday, while cleaning out my stuff in the office, I came across Dandelion, in which I found the following interesting article.  The article offers a checklist for us to check how young we are.

Keep Young Mind Forever

Dandelion October 2010 No. 13

It is believed that having a child’s view of life is a way of remaining young and lively forever.When you are like a child, it means that 

You are often excited and content by the simple things in life.

You know what you really want and won’t give up easily.

You can be quick to forgive and forget past offenses from others.

You are genuine, uncomplicated, and not afriad to be yourself.

You are curious about life and people without being judgmental or prejudicial.

You love to explore this world, even inf you may get hurt.

You believe anything is possible and always have dreams.

Youth is not a time in your life, but a state of mind.It means that you can show your creativity and have the courage to venture out and to love.

Dandelion October 2010 No. 139



