2012年8月31日 星期五

Dying Careers and Thriving Careers: The Jobs of Tomorrow--a CNN Article


Dying careers and thriving careers: The jobs of tomorrow

By Alan Townsend, Special to CNN

August 13, 2012 -- Updated 1046 GMT (1846  HKT)

(CNN) -- Our surroundings are changing rapidly. Against a  backdrop of serious concerns about the Eurozone, projecting labor market  activity can be particularly tough.

However, changing patterns of  employment by occupation are largely dominated by longer-term trends rather than  the cyclical position of the economy. To understand the natural evolution of the  jobs market -- industries and career paths that are becoming extinct versus  those that are advancing through a process of natural selection -- the jobs  landscape needs to be viewed in the context of the most influential  macro-trends.

Below are some of the careers  that are thriving and dying due to the changing technological, economic, social  and business landscape.

Dying  careers

Postal service workers (including sorters, clerks and mail carriers)

The industry has had a tough time  since the widespread adoption of email stole a large part of its consumer and  business market share. Increased communication via phone and cloud computing is  another contributory factor, but the main reason for the decline is that mail  sorting is becoming automated, with robots replacing people.

In the United States, the Bureau  of Labor Statistics (BLS) has predicted a further 30% decline in the occupation by 2018. In fact, three of the  top 10 occupations with the highest projected declines are a type of postal  service worker. The U.S. service has already lost $11.6 billion this fiscal year.

According to another report by  Accenture research, from 2008 - 2009 Poste Italiane registered a 9.9% drop in its postal product volume in response to the  increasing digitalization of mail. The amount of volume decline clearly made it  more difficult to run a profitable business and will make it even more difficult  in the future.

Revolutions in technology also  continue to cause profound changes in the office and administrative market.  Although it was hard-hit by the recession, the industry had in fact already been  declining for years due to technological advancement boosting productivity and  operational efficiency.

Word processing, voicemail and  the internet all make it easier for skilled professionals to do clerical work  themselves. With companies focused on cutting costs, secretaries and file clerks  are no longer in demand. In the U.S. alone, word processors and typists are  slated to lose 13,200 jobs by 2020 and data entry clerks are expected to lose  15,900 according to the BLS.

The European Centre for the  Development of Vocational Training also estimated demand for occupations such as  office clerks will decline by an average one million jobs by 2020 across  Europe.

Manufacturing assembly  jobs

In many developed economies  manufacturing assembly jobs that require modest training and only a secondary  school education are a thing of the past.

In the Unied Kingdom  specifically, 400,000 manual jobs are forecast to disappear before 2020,  reducing the combined employment share of these occupations from 18% to 16%.  However, the industry does need people to manage the technology now running  automated processes. As a result, higher skilled occupations, including  managers, professionals and associate professional roles are projected to rise  significantly by 2020.

Telemarketing and  door-to-door sales

This type of sales is no longer  efficient and has been replaced with internet and television advertising. In the  United States, for example, door-to-door sales and telemarketer positions are  expected to decline 15% and 11% respectively by 2018.

Thriving  careers

Office and administrative  workers

Data  scientists

According to IBM, every day we  create 2.5  quintillion bytes of data — so much that 90% of the data in the world today  has been created in the last two years alone. This data comes from everywhere:  sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital  pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, mobile phone GPS signals and  so on.

With technological innovation  meaning that more data is now shared and stored by businesses, it follows that  the result of a data explosion -- combined with a need to leverage the data  effectively to drive a competitive edge -- creates its own tidal wave in the  jobs market. Data and information management is a huge growth area. But it's not  just data management creating new job opportunities, its gathering, analyzing,  storing and securing the data as well.

Research and design  managers, particularly in engineering

Increased automation is the  result of a need to reduce cost, which in turn is driven by a company's need to  become more competitive and grow market share -- a trend accelerated by  pressures felt by the difficult economic situation.

These improved efficiencies  support profitability and overall business growth, which spur recruitment  demands. In the United Kingdom alone, manufacturing output growth is projected  to average around 2.5% per annum, with particular growth in R&D-related  industries, such as parts of chemicals and engineering.

Computer programmers and  network administrators

One key misperception among  industry watchers is that technology advancements results largely in the death  of career opportunities. This is simply not the case. Instead of killing jobs,  technological advances are changing the nature of the roles available. Computer  programmers and network administrators are just two examples of roles in the IT  sector that are seeing significant growth across the globe.

Medical  assistants

There have been significant changes in the management of healthcare services, both in the United States and  across Europe. As a result, more middle management positions have become  available. In America, the Department of Labor projects 162,900 new positions will be  added before 2018. In Europe in particular there is also likely to be  significant growth in community and clinical nursing roles.

Where to go from  here

The key to navigating this evolving jobs market is to follow the premise of Darwin's own theory of  evolution and be as versatile and adaptable as possible while career paths are  naturally selected to align with the changing surroundings.

By monitoring and understanding  the major trends that are affecting our global economy, our businesses and our  lives, savvy industry watchers are able to shape their skill set and career in  line with the key influences driving long-term opportunities.


