2012年10月15日 星期一

"Qin Shi Huang: The ruthless emperor who burned books" --from BBC

A good strategy to improve reading comprehension is to read in English what we are familiar with.  Recently, BBC news has been running articles about key figures in Chinese history.  This is a good authentic reading material because the intended readers are native speakers of English.  That is, it is written not for a pedagogical reason but to give information.


Qin Shi Huang: The ruthless emperor who burned books

By Carrie Gracie BBC  News, Beijing

15 October 2012 Last updated at 01:54 GMT

There are two Chinese leaders whose  final resting place is thronged by tourists - Mao Zedong and Qin Shi Huang, the  emperor of terracotta soldier fame. But they also have another thing in common - Qin taught Mao a lesson in how to persecute intellectuals.

Chairman Mao Zedong has been dead for nearly 40 years but his body is still  preserved in a mausoleum in Tiananmen Square.

The square is the symbolic heart of Chinese politics - red flags and lanterns  flank the portrait of Mao on Tiananmen Gate where he proclaimed the People's  Republic in 1949.

But the red emperor owed the idea of this vast country to an empire builder who lived 2,000 years earlier.

"We wouldn't have a China without Qin Shi Huang," says Harvard University's  Peter Bol. "I think it's that simple."
China at the time was a land of many states.

In many ways - climate, lifestyle, diet - someone from northern Scotland and  southern Spain have as much in common as someone from China's frozen north and  the tropical south.

Before Qin, China's multiple states were diverging, rather than converging,  says Bol.

"They have different calendars, their writing was starting to vary… the road  widths were different, so the axle width is different in different places."

He was king of the small state of Qin by the age of 13, and started as he  meant to go on - removing one possible threat to his throne by having his  mother's lover executed, along with his entire clan.

A hundred years later the famous historian Sima Qian said of the young king:

"With his puffed-out chest like a hawk and voice of a jackal, Qin is a man of  scant mercy who has the heart of a wolf. When he is in difficulty he readily  humbles himself before others, but when he has got his way, then he thinks  nothing of eating others alive.

"If the Qin should ever get his way with the world, then the whole world will end up his prisoner."

Qin Shi Huang built a formidable fighting machine. His army is easy to  imagine because he left us the famous terracotta warriors in Xian.

"The Qin was really the first state to really go into total mobilisation for  war," says Peter Bol.

"It really saw the work of its population being fighting and soldiering to  win wars and expand."

One by one, Qin Shi Huang defeated neighbouring states, swallowed their  territory into his growing empire and enslaved and castrated their citizens.


"Every time he captured people from another country, he  castrated them in order to mark them and made them into slaves," says Hong Kong  University's Xun Zhou.

"There were lots and lots of eunuchs in his court. He was a ruthless tyrant."

But still, no Qin, no China.

"From Mongolia down to Hong Kong, and from the sea right the way across to  Sichuan - it's an enormous territory," says Frances Wood, curator of the Chinese  collection at the British Library.

"It's the equivalent of the whole Roman Empire added together, if you like.  And you've got one man ruling all of it."

Peter Bol credits Qin Shi Huang not only with creating China, but with  establishing the world's first truly centralised bureaucratic empire.

"He set out to unify the procedures and customs and policies of all the  states," says Bol.

"Writing is re-unified. And the fact that Chinese [is] writing remains unified  after this point has everything to do with Qin Shi Huang. The axle widths are  now all the same, so all the roads may now be passable.

My comments: For those who find the second sentence hard to understand, locate the verb "has" and the subject "the fact."  Then you know the that-clause in between tells us what the fact is. I think the word "is" should be removed.

"He also goes around to famous mountains, where they erect steles, stone  monuments, which say that the Emperor's realm is now totally unified.

"His idea was that every area should have an able administrator, who was  armed with rule books and who would look after the people. The people all knew  what the rules were," says Wood.

"He collected taxes, he administered justice and he had trained bureaucrats  all over China. I think that's an extraordinary achievement."

Despite this, it is the stories of his bloodletting that historian Xun Zhou grew up with.

"He got rid of anybody who showed opposition or didn't agree with him. He was  paranoid. He was constantly in fear of how he could control this vast new  territory with so many cultures and so many different groups of people," she  says.

And he feared the inkbrush as much as the sword.

"The scholars were talking behind his back," says Xun Zhou. "And of course  being a paranoid person, he didn't like that. So he ordered the arrest of over  400 scholars and buried them."

Qin Shi Huang had no truck with China's traditions of Confucian scholarship -  his fear of the intellectual was deep-rooted.

"Ideologically speaking, the Qin make the argument, 'We don't want to hear  people criticise the present by referring to the past,'" says Peter Bol.

"The past is irrelevant. History is irrelevant. And so you have the burning  of books, you have the burying of scholars, of scholarly critics."

Bol sees parallels with today's China. Like Qin Shi Huang, the Communist  Party tolerates debate about tactics - but not about the general direction of  travel, he says.

"They argue that it is the only possible approach to governing China."

Historian Xun Zhou agrees. "In Communist China, we adopted the imperial  model. The emperor is absolute. And the only way to rule such a vast empire is  ruthlessness," she says.

In fact in 1958, Mao himself made the connection between himself and Qin Shi  Huang.

"He buried 460 scholars alive - we have buried 46,000  scholars alive," he said in a speech to party cadres. "You [intellectuals]  revile us for being Qin Shi Huangs. You are wrong. We have surpassed Qin Shi  Huang a hundredfold."

Every night, Mao's body inside its crystal coffin reportedly goes down into  its earthquake-proof vault in an elevator, and every morning it is brought back  up again.

My comments: This is unbelievable.

It is probably something Qin Shi Huang would have appreciated. But I am not  sure he would have been impressed with Mao's mausoleum.

His includes a life-size terracotta army, a full orchestra with instruments  and a river landscape with cranes, swans and geese - and archaeologists have  barely begun the excavation.

"In a sense the man has disappeared behind the tomb," says Frances Wood.

"And of course the size of the buried army, the size of the tomb enclosure - which seems to expand daily - does rather overcome anything that one knows about  him in reality. You've got this great physical presence now."

Both Qin Shi Huang and Mao live on powerfully in China's imagination, but  China is bigger than its emperors.

When Qin Shi Huang died, his dynasty lasted only months. It was the idea of  China which survived. And when Mao died, his successors said the radiance of his  thought would live forever.

But the Mao suits are gone and despite the crowds at his mausoleum, Maoism is  barely mentioned today.

