2012年6月8日 星期五

An Unforgettable Goodbye--an Essay by a Student

The following is an essay written by a student in Class 301. It is so touching that I had to hold back my tears a few times to finish reading it to a former student.

Writing task: 人生在世,相逢有時,離別有時,天下雖有不散的筵席,無論對象是家人、朋友、情人......,在你/妳的生命裡,是否也有至今人無法忘懷的一場別離呢?請寫一篇英文作文,描述這份經歷。

I will never forget Tim’s last smile at me before I left his ward. 

Two years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. Depressed, I neither ate nor slept well. After a few days of depression, I decided to restore my confidence to fight against this hazardous disease. At the same time, I met Tim, an eleven-year-old boy, in the hospital. 

Tim was an optimistic boy. I seldom saw a frown on his face. He came to my ward every day when both of us were hospitalized. We played various kinds of games, did simple exercise regularly, and cheered up each other. By doing so, we cold be distracted from our disease and live a happier life. Gradually, we became bosom friends. During those days, we had a goal—to regain our health together and go back to school. 

However, it was not a happy ending. Tim passed away six months ago. A week before his death, I paid him my last visit in the hospital. Suffering from the unbearable cancer, Tim looked so pale and was as thin as a match. Nonetheless, upon seeing me, he smiled at me as if he had tried all his might, welcoming me zealously. Chocking back my tears, I could only clench his cold and skinny hands, encouraging him. Saddened, I wasn’t able to do anything to ease his pain. 

It was the last time I saw Tim, my best friend met in the hospital. Farewell, my friend! I’ll keep you forever in my mind. (250 words) (30103)

