2012年6月19日 星期二

Smell--An Essay by a Student


The most impressive smell in my memory is the smell of engine oil. During a summer vacation while I was still in junior high school, I worked part-time at my father’s factory. The first time I walked into the factory, the smell of engine oil hit my nostrils. It was so pungent that I had no choice but to breathe with my mouth. The first thing that came to my mind was “What a disgusting smell!” Furthermore, when the smell of engine oil and that of the sweat on my shirt combined, it almost made me throw up.

Afterwards, my father told me that a lot of laborers had to work in such environment all day long. He added that if I didn’t study hard enough, I would have to do the same job as the laborers did all my life. Although I haven’t stepped into my father’s factory again since then, the smell of engine oil still remains in my memory and when I think of that smell, I always remind myself to study harder so that I will work in a place which suits me better instead of a place filled with the smell of engine oil. (199 words) (30308)

