2012年9月18日 星期二

On Setting a Life Goal for Yourself--威爾剛之父 勉亞大新生立志


威爾剛之父 勉亞大新生立志
2012.09.18 02:37 am

「威爾剛之父」、諾貝爾生理醫學獎得主穆拉德(Ferid  Murad)博士,昨天在亞洲大學以「假使我是亞洲大學大一新鮮人」為題,鼓勵青年學子先訂定人生目標,保持樂觀、努力學習,並接受專業訓練,要勇於挑戰老師權威,「只要認真學習,就不怕沒錢賺」。

My comments: Want to read more about Ferid Murad? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferid_Murad

Here is his autobiography at the official web site of the Nobel Prize:




My comments: Once the goal is set, one sees the direction and knows to build up his steps to the goal.

I never skipped class in college either and paid undivided attention to every professor in class.  That's a way to show my respect.



My comments: If one just pursues the satisfaction of desires, he/she doesn't need to go to college.




********************* Here is an Asia University's report about Dr. Ferid Murad's new research, which might lead him to win a second Nobel Prize.




The Father of Viagra- Dr. Ferid Murad Develops a  research with Asia University!



The guest speaker  of Asia University, Taiwan who is known as the Father of Viagra- Dr. Ferid Murad  will undergo a research with the university, hoping to gain Nobel Prize again.

The Father of  Viagra- Dr. Ferid Murad came to Asia University, Taiwan yesterday (23th) as the  honor guest speaker. He indicated that the research, the university is  developing can refine nitric oxide and it happens to match his current major  researches. Therefore, he hopes to corporate with Asia University for developing  a new medicine for diarrhea.

The research team  of Min-Min Lee, assistant professor of department of Health and Nutrition  Biotechnology brings out two important investigations, one is TCM Pharmacology and the other is TCM Database. Her researches mainly focus on apoplexy, safety  of Chinese herbal medicine, etc. She gives a series of DVD date data base of Chinese  herbal medicine to Dr. Ferid Murad as a present and hope it will be useful for  his study.

Dr. Ferid Murad wished to win the Nobel Prize when he was young; he said that the tips for  reaching this dream are not only hard working but also depending on the fortune.  He spends most of his time studying the cure for cancer, comparing with the  past; nowadays the information and resource for cancer have improved a lot.  Furthermore, Dr. Ferid Murad points out the main problem for developing the stem  cell is the money. It cost a lot for undergo to undergo this kind of investigation, for  example For example, in America, it cost $3,000 US per day to analysis analyze stem cell.

Moreover, Dr. Ferid  Murad has started to investigate diarrhea since 1970, according to data most of  the victims who die in this disease are children and old people. As a result it  will be very helpful if he can find out the cure for this illness. The former  president of Taipei Medical University, Chung Y. Hsu mentions that this new  research might help Dr. Ferid Murad win his second Nobel Prize.

