2012年9月30日 星期日

Acts of Kindness--那年中秋颱風夜…謝謝陌生人伸援, plus Gypsy in My Soul


2012.09.30 02:06 am


My comments: So far this year, several typhoons, including Typhoon Jelawat, have skipped Taiwan and headed for other places like Okinawa.



My comments: At such a moment, the words "Let us give you a hand" were the most beautiful music to the ears.





********** The following is a story from Reader's Digest about human kindness.

Gypsy in My Soul

Roaming the street of a large European city taught me generosity can travel a long way.

Last year, I travelled to Berlin and stayed in the city’s picturesque Charlottenburg district, only a 30-sceond walk from Germany’s biggest shopping boulevard, Kurfurstendamm.

But this clean, beautiful area of Berlin isn’t so comfortable and exciting for all, as I learnt very movingly on my third day there.

In the afternoon, as I loitered around the shops near my hotel, I saw a poor gypsy woman in her late teens or early 20s sitting on the footpath outside the subway station. She looked tired and forlorn, and her eyes were fixed firmly on the ground. A chirpy, smiling young toddler played at her feet, oblivious to her mother’s sadness.

Nearby was a tourist shop. As I began walking back to my hotel, a young woman who worked there came out of the shop and, clutching some food, went over to the young mother. She greeted her, beamed at the child and handed over the food.

The shop assistant smiled and talked with the young mother while happily responding tothe toddler’s giggles and playful touches. A smile, the first I had seen,flashed across the gypsy woman’s face. Bidding them farewell, the shop assistant beamed once more at the child, waved her hand and walked back to her shop.

I don’t know if the young shop assistant knew the woman well, or if this was a purely random, isolated act to help someone in need. For me, though, it did not matter. Here was something that could be appreciated no matter what language you speak.

Although I expected lessons in European culture while I was overseas, that day I learnt a lesson in human kindness.

