2012年9月22日 星期六

Which Comes First, to Study or to Work?--先工作再升學 關中:未嘗不好


先工作再升學 關中:未嘗不好
【聯合報╱記者張錦弘/台北報導】2012.09.22 02:39 am


My comments: Two former students of mine passed the civil service exam a few months before graduating from NTU and NCKU.  They completed their college education and landed a job before they went to the army.  An early well-thought-out plan and good time management are what made this possible.




My comments: A former student who majored in English in college in Taiwan and studied MBA in England suggested that those who major in business administration in college work before pursuing an MBA degree.  She said the problems encountered at work could help them decide what courses to take in graduate school.


My ocmments: An old colleague once told me his student's sister gradauted from the Department of Psychology at NTU still couldn't find a satisfactory job at the age of 40 and had to financially depend on her parents.   She changed jobs almost every year before then because with a diploma from a best college in Taiwan, she was always looking for a "better" job.

In fact, it is not where or what you study but what you do that counts.


My comments: When we are at a crossroads in life, we usually find it tough to make a decision.  I always remember what a UIUC professor told me twenty years ago: Once you make a choice, don't regret, because you'd never know whether the other way would be better. 

Robert Frost's words in "The Road Not Taken" now echo in my mind: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both...

A different choice would make a big difference, but we never know which is really better because we can't take both.  It seems that all we can do is believe in our decision and keep moving toward what we think is better.

