2012年11月11日 星期日

"Microsoft demos instant English-Chinese translation"--a BBC News Report


Microsoft demos instant English-Chinese translation

9 November 2012

Software that can translate spoken  English into spoken Chinese almost instantly has been demonstrated by  Microsoft.

The software preserves intonation and cadence so the translated speech still  sounds like the original speaker.

Microsoft said research breakthroughs had reduced the number of errors made  by the instant translation system.

It said it modelled the system on the way brains work to improve its  accuracy.

Details about the project were given by Microsoft research boss Rick Rashid  in a blogpost  following a presentation he gave in Tianjin, China, in late October that had, he  said, started to "generate a bit of attention".

In the final few minutes of that presentation the words of Mr Rashid were  almost instantly turned into Chinese by piping the spoken English through  Microsoft's translation system. In addition, the machine-generated version of  his words maintained some of his spoken style.

'Dramatic change'

This translation became possible, he said, thanks to research done in  Microsoft labs that built on earlier breakthroughs.

That earlier work ditched the pattern matching approach  of the first speech translation systems in favour of statistical models that did  a better job of capturing the range of human vocal ability.

Improvements in computer technology that can crunch data faster had improved  this further but error rates were still running at about 20-25%, he said.

My comments: I don't think error rates will ever fall to 0%.  Human language is too complicated.

In 2010, wrote Mr Rashid, Microsoft researchers working with scientists at  the University of Toronto improved translation further using deep neural  networks that learn to recognise sound in much the same way as brains do.

Applying this technology to speech translation cut error rates to about 15%,  said Mr Rashid, calling the improvement a "dramatic change". As the networks  were trained for longer error rates were likely to fall further, he said.

The improved speech recognition system was used by Mr Rashid during his  presentation. First, the audio of his speech was translated into English text.  Next this was converted into Chinese and the words reordered so they made sense.  Finally, the Chinese characters were piped through a text-to-speech system to  emerge sounding like Mr Rashid.

"Of course, there are still likely to be errors in both the English text and  the translation into Chinese, and the results can sometimes be humorous," said  Mr Rashid in the blogpost. "Still, the technology has developed to be quite  useful."

My comments: Better less than none.

Many different technology companies, including AT&T and Google, have  similar projects under way that are attempting to do simultaneous translation.  NTT Docomo has shown off a smartphone app that lets Japanese people call  foreigners and lets both speak in their native tongue.

