2012年12月20日 星期四

Notes from 2012 International Reading Education Forum

Yesterday I attended 2012 International Reading Education Forum held by CommonWealth Magazine (天下雜誌).  The speakers included

Prof. Lin Fou lai from Taiwan,

Prof. Lee Kyeong Hwa from Korea,

Prof. Ko Hwa Wei from Taiwan,

Dr. Sue Thomson from Australia,

Three teachers from Taiwan (新北市直潭國小 林瑛淳老師 /彰化縣鹿鳴國中 楊志朗老師 / 台南市復興國中 王秀梗老師), and

Ms. Viv Bird from the UK.

The following are my notes:

1. It should be our goal of education to help students develop the habit of actively learning.

2. The three essential elements of learning ability are tools, methods, and motivation.

3. Reading and thinking are the basics for developing learning ability.

4. The instruction of each subject should involve teaching reading strategies.

5. Reading and learning are two sides of a coin.

6. Teachers should create an atmosphere in which students have the confidence to talk about things and make comments.

7. After students make comments, the teacher should make compliments.

8. Teachers should dare to change.

9. Parents should encourage their kids to read and provide role models, speaking positively about reading, and discussing with children the content/plot and characters of books.

10. Increase exposure to books.

11. Diversity leads to creativity.

12. Give students space.  For example, in Korea, there is always enough space for students to fill out, to create.

13. Here is an example of how a teacher made a student an avid reader.  The teacher bought a lot of used books and put them in the classroom.  Everyone in the class was assigned by the teacher to be an expert at a subject.  The kid, who in the beginning didn't like history at all, was designated as the expert in history.   To fulfill his duty, he read a lot of history books and finally became very interested in this subject.  (A marvelous strategy indeed!)

14. A video (一課兩教) was played before the afternoon session of the Forum started.  The video presented two Chinese classes taught to 5th graders in a Taipei elementary school.

In the first class, the Hong Kong teacher guided students to guess the personality of the characters in the reading text from what they said and did.  It seems that no class time was spent on explaining words or phrases.  Most of the time, the students engaged in group discussion, and the teacher went from group to group to ask questions or give necessary help.

The second class was taught by Ms. Lin Mei-ling (林玫玲校長), principal of Taipei Ming-de Elementary School.  She taught the students how to read a play.  Through T-S interaction, students found the events the playwright used to support the topic "Persistence," and thus learned the importance of giving examples when it comes to writing.  For the assignment, she asked each group to create a play, which should start with the same first sentence: Time: Class break.


In the afternoon, 42 elementary or junior high school teachers from around the island were awarded for their effort in promoting reading.

After the award presentation, three model teachers gave a 20-minute talk about how they teach or promote reading.  They are all one of a kind.  Among them, I was especially touched by what has been done by Mr. Yang (楊志朗), a junior high school teacher from Chang-hua County.  He is such a devoted teacher that while listening to him, I couldn't stop my tears from falling.

(Provided by Prof. Lee Kyeong Hwa)



