2009年12月30日 星期三

An Era of Computers

Every NHSH teacher has got a netbook recently and has to finish three computer courses by the end of this year. The three courses include Firefox, Audacity,and DIA.

2009年12月28日 星期一

Glove Puppet Show

Christmas with My Former Students

with Bubble with Joel wiht 310

314 hsiao wei311

On Christmas Day, five former students came back to school, Bubble from Class 313, Joel and Jeremy from Class 314 and Chong-hao and Gara from Class 310. I had two happy "chatting" sessions. In the bottom photos are the students with their former homeroom teachers. Gara from Class 310 stressed the importance of English, which is an important tool in college education. She even suggested that students listen to Studio Classroom together and have a discussion about the lesson in the morning study period every day. See how important English is?

2009年12月26日 星期六

214 Christmas Party

Yesterday my homeroom class 214 had a Christmas party in our classroom. They had a really good time. I enjoyed their laughter. The following slide shows what the party was like. Click on a photo at the pause and you can read the caption.



Why Do We Need to Know Schweitzer's Nationality? --洪蘭:為何要了解史懷哲是哪國人


【聯合報╱洪蘭】 2009.12.26 02:23 am 

2009年12月25日 星期五

A Very Happy Christmas

Today I had a very happy Christmas with Class 214, Class 209, my former students, and my family.   Can you believe it?  I just got home.  Since it is very late now, I'll write about it tomorrow.

2009年12月23日 星期三

ei or ie?

Quite a few students have trouble spelling the word "receive" right. Based on my observation, I conclude that when it comes to "ei" or "ie" pronounced as /i/, the letter before the combination is a decisive factor. If the letter is "c" or "s," then the spelling should be "ei." Otherwise, it is "ie." To put it more simply, "i" has a straight line, so "ie" comes after a letter with a straight line. Here are some examples: receive, seize, yield, thief, brief, etc. Interesting, isn't it?

2009年12月21日 星期一

Ken's Visit to Class 214


This morning, Ken (王慶剛), a former student who is studying at Chengchi University majoring in Journalism and English, visited my Class 214. He talked to them in English for three quarters of the time. And the students paid their undivided attention. The following are some key points he mentioned:

2009年12月19日 星期六

A Crisis Is an Opportunity

According to yesterday's United Evening News, Vice Premier Mr. Chu thought it a shame that Taiwan's students are poor at English.


學生英文差 朱立倫:奇恥大辱


2009年12月18日 星期五

Where Have All Their Smiles Gone?--A Letter from a Ninth Grader

This is the letter by a ninth grader which was mentioned in the article in my previous entry posted today.  My heart ached as I read it.




Complaints about the Educational Reform


教改怨與願 蒼白的15歲學得好累


2009年12月17日 星期四

Comic Strips for Unit 10 "Fish Cheeks"

This morning in Class 214, 20 minutes before the end of the 2nd period of class, I had the students form pairs and draw a 8-panel comic strip for Unit 10. One in the pair is the cartoonist and the other the "director." The "director" has to give instructions in English, telling the cartoonist what to draw in each panel. The class did this happily and finished their work in 20 minutes.

2009年12月16日 星期三

Expanding Vocabulary Through Reading

The following article in today's UDN offers good tips not only on how to expand our vocabulary but also on how to select appropriate English reading material to read.


2009年12月15日 星期二

Discussion after Ali's Teaching

After Ali's teaching, we had a discussion in Teachers' Association Office.

The following are comments made by the attendees:

Prof. Chen (陳秋蘭教授), Mr. Wu (吳正東校長), Ms. Lee (李淑媛老師), Melody (陳美麗老師), Ali (葛淑瑄), and me:

Ali's Teaching

(Click on a photo when it pauses to see the caption.)

This afternoon, my student teacher Ali (葛淑瑄) gave a teaching demonstration with Class 209. Her NTNU advisor Ms. Chen (陳秋蘭教授) and several teachers of NHSH observed her class.

Ali did a good job. Her fluent English, organized teaching, and encouraging smile made the class enjoyable.

2009年12月14日 星期一

TIME December 21, 2009

TIME December 21, 2009

I got the current issue of TIME magazine today. Just take a look at the table of contests, and you might be attracted by titles such as The Year in Pictures 2009, The Best of 2009, The Ignoble but Undeniable Truth about the Chinese Practice of Feng Shui, and City Guide: Sydney. Well, go check out for yourself.


2009年12月13日 星期日

A Beautiful Life --舒國治:美好的生活

I just ran into an interesting article on the UDN website, in which Mr. Su defines what a beautiful life is. I'd like to highlight the points I strongly agree with.


【聯合報╱舒國治】 2009.12.07 03:18 am

2009年12月12日 星期六

A Way to Teach Songs

Yesterday, to wrap up Unit 9 "A Memorable Event," I taught Class 209 a very inspiring song "Smile," which was written by Charlie Chaplin. This is a good song to teach the students rhyming.

2009年12月10日 星期四

Turning the Story into a Comic Strip

Two days ago, my student teacher Ali, after finishing the reading part of Unit 9 "A Memorable Event," gave Class 209 an interesting assignment--drawing Chaplin's memorable event and turning it into an 8-panel comic strip. At that time, some students complained that they were bad at drawing. However, this morning, when I collected the comic strips, I was quite impressed with their drawing skills.

2009年12月9日 星期三

A Thing Hard Earned Is Treasured Much More

The following is a news report in yesterday's UDN in response to a recent hot issue on college students eating chicken legs in class.


錢致榕:補習18年上台大 怎會珍惜


2009年12月8日 星期二

A "Silent" Game

This afternoon, in Class 214, around 5 minutes before the class was dismissed, I played a game to relax the students, who had sat in class for around 90 minutes.

2009年12月7日 星期一

Acting Out

Today when teaching Class 214 the 7th paragraph of Unit 9 "A Memorable Event," I asked the students to do silent reading first and tell me the main idea. The paragraph is about Charlie Chaplin's performance after he was led to the stage by the stage manager. Then, instead of asking the class some detailed questions, I had them do group discussion and act the paragraph out silently.

After we go through the whole reading of this lesson, I will have the students act the whole memorable event out. This time, I'd like a "talkie."

2009年12月6日 星期日

What Might Be Included in the Oral Discussion about Steve Jobs's Speech "You've Got to Find What You Love"?

Dear 209 and 214,

For the one-on-one oral discussion with me about Steve Jobs's speech "You've Got to Find What You Love," which you have to do by the end of this semester, the following are some potential topics:

1. Which part of the speech impressed you most?

2009年12月4日 星期五

Honesty & Facing the Music

We always say, "Practice what you preach." However, students don't stay around us teachers so that they can see and learn from what we do. So today in class meeting I decided to tell my homeroom class two of my stories to demostrate the ideas "honesty" and "face the music."

Today, I Celebrate My Dedication to Blogging

This morning, I gave each of the students in my two classes a piece of chocolate to celebrate my 2nd blogging anniversary. After I told them that I would like to celebrate my perseverance with them, both the classes applauded. They are so lovely!

2009年12月3日 星期四

The 2nd Anniversary

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my blogging. On this day two years ago, I attended a workshop on blogging, and since then I've been keeping my blog every day for two years, without any intermission. I celebrated my persistence on the 1st anniversary last year by giving Classes 310, 313, and 314 a piece of chocolate. Tomorrow I'm going to celebrate the 2nd anniversary with Classes 214 and 209. 731 days nonstop!

2009年12月2日 星期三

A Pronunciation Rule--Where to Put the Stress

Every Tuesday, the UDN runs a column on English words, which is written by Mr. Chen (陳超明教授), a professor of National Chengchi University. Today besides seven words to learn for the coming week, he deals with the stress of words. Please click on the following link to check it out.


2009年11月29日 星期日

Don't Waste Life in Front of the Computer, Said Lian, Jia-en (連加恩)

In today's UDN, I read a news report on Lian, Jia-en's speech at Tsing-hua University. Mr. Lian joined substitute military service to serve in Africa for 20 months after he graduated from medical school eight years ago. He taught the children there to collect garbage in exchange for old clothes and raised funds to set up an orphanage.

2009年11月28日 星期六

Overcome Some Problems with Vocabulary

Some students have trouble recalling an English word and its spelling. When they come to me and ask for my advice, I often tell them to make sentences orally. If they can make a sentence like

2009年11月27日 星期五

Live with a Purpose

Two boy students told me today that they don't have motivation for studying. Is it because they're fed up with studying or because they've never taken interest in studying?

2009年11月26日 星期四

Teachers' Preparation Work

In the afternoon, while I was watching the last part of Charlie Chaplin's movie Modern Times, Melody (陳美麗老師) called to borrow the CD of The Phantom of the Opera, which she needs for Lesson Nine in Book I. She asked me which version of the song "The Phantom of the Opera" is on my CD. According to her search on YouTube, there are two versions. She had to make sure so that she could get the right lyrics for the students. As a teacher, one often has work on his/her mind even when he/she is not working.

2009年11月24日 星期二

Getting Organized

Next lesson "A Memorable Event" is about Charlie Chaplin. Yesterday Mr. Chang (張文和老師) asked me to lend him the DVD "Modern Times" next Monday. I hardly remembered I had that DVD. However, last night I found it in a pile of DVDs in the living room. I remember five years ago when I taught that lesson, I used "City Lights." But where is the DVD now? There is no trace of it.

2009年11月20日 星期五

As an Instructor of a Speech Contestant

Yesterday evening, on my way out of school, I saw two posters congratulating Shihjen's good performance in the speech contest and thanking me for helping her prepare for it. Here, with my fingers running on the keyboard, I'd like to recall what I did as an instructor of a speech contestant.

2009年11月19日 星期四

2009年11月17日 星期二

What If the Students Don't Respond to Questions?

When no students answer my question, I play a game which decides who has to answer the qeustion, and at the same time gets the students to exercise. The game is called "The Big Cross" (大十字). Here is how it goes:

2009年11月16日 星期一

Learning to Speak English

While I was surfing the Net this evening, I bumped into this article.  It's about problems in speaking English and the solutions.


 如何會講英文By 李家同

2009年11月15日 星期日

Set Them Free from Math

The following is a commentary on NTU's decision not to count math in the admission of students to its  Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

我的文史夢 籠罩數學陰影


聯合報╱林宛萱/大學生(高雄市)】2009.11.15 03:49 am

2009年11月13日 星期五

Congratulatiolns, 214!

This afternoon, the result of the campus decoration competition came out. Class 214 got the first prize. They deserve it. The time they spent and the efforts they put into the work. I'm really happy that they decided to do it. Though it was taken down this afternoon, the beauty stays in every viewer's heart and every photo taken with it.

Click on the links, and you know what I mean.



2009年11月9日 星期一

22nd School Founding Anniversary--Part III: Garden Party

At the garden party, my Class 214 sold sausage, noodles, and soft drinks. Class 209 sold food and offered a water-ballooning game. They were tired, but had a good time, I believe.


2009年11月7日 星期六

22nd School Founding Anniversary--Part I: the Ceremony


Today is NHSH's 22nd anniversary. A ceremony was held in the activity center. The faculty who had served at NHSH for 15 or more years were awarded with a gift. Then some VIPs delievered a short address. After that came 4 performances by school clubs. Here are some photos taken at the ceremony.  With a click on a photo, you can enlarge it.

2009年11月5日 星期四

A Word Guessing Game


Ali's class Ali's class Ali's class

One activity my student teacher Ali (葛淑瑄) did in class was a word guessing game. Having finished Unit 7 this morning, she had the class play this game. The students were divided into groups of 5 to 6 to have a group discussion about how to say a word in another way or its association.

2009年11月4日 星期三

Decorating the Campus

214 decorating campus


Today I stayed in school with some of my Class 214 students until around 8pm. They were working on the campus decoration for the school founding anniversary on Saturday. The topic is a mermaid swimming a race. The idea of bringing the sea creature to land is simply lovely.

2009年11月3日 星期二

Breaking with Convention

In today's class, when coming across the phrase "break with convention" in Lesson 7, I asked Class 209, "How can an English teacher break with convention when teaching English?" The students' answers were by using movies, songs, and games in class. The last two are easy for me. However, not a moviegoer, I seldom bring movies into the classroom. Maybe I should watch more movies.

2009年11月2日 星期一

Bringing Movies into Class

Today my student teacher Ali (葛淑瑄) taught 214 for the second time. Speaking fluent English and appearing calm, she looked quite experienced.

2009年11月1日 星期日

Things Learned from UDN High School English Writing Class

English writing gives many high school students a headache. UDN offered an English writing course, and yesterday was the last day of the class. In the following UDN news report, some students talked about what they learned from the course.


 高中英文作文 結業收穫多


2009年10月31日 星期六

Is That Heaven?

Today I went to George's college class reunion with him. An old classmate of his, who came back to Taiwan from the U.S. on business for six days, told me about his daughter's junior high school life in the USA.

2009年10月29日 星期四

Whose Life?


2009.10.28 02:48 am

2009年10月28日 星期三

An Acitivity for Teaching Vocbulary

This morning in Class 209, we came to the vocabulary of Lesson 6. An idea came up before I stepped into the classroom. Why not let the students make up a story using the vocabulary words? They could learn to use the words by using them.

2009年10月25日 星期日

A Good Way to Practice Speaking English

Failing to find online the UDN article I read yesterday "賴世雄 開創兩岸英語王國," an excerpt from a book to be published on Oct. 27, 幸福力 (The Power of Happiness), I would like to talk about one thing mentioned in the article: a way Mr. Lai practiced speaking when he was young.

2009年10月24日 星期六

When You Are Willing, There Are Thousands of Ways

Seeing an article entitled "賴世雄 開創兩岸英語王國" in today's UDN, I searched for it online, only to find a short and different version.


Luckily, I came across another article about Mr. Lai on jimmy's blog:



賴世雄頂尖英文 豬圈裡練出來的?

2009年10月23日 星期五

2009年10月22日 星期四

An Interview with Shih-jen

This noon, Shih-jen (張世仁), a student in Class 209, was given an interview to decide whether she was eligible to waive the 2nd-year English course in high school. Chris (林詠梅老師), Wei-yun (楊葦芸老師), and I were the interviewers.

Our quetsions were:

2009年10月21日 星期三

View Yourself as a Diamond

The following is an article found in today's Liberal Times. It is about how we should look upon ourselves. Though its intended readers are salespeople, everyone can learn something precious from it.



文/張秀滿 圖/張芸茵

2009年10月20日 星期二

Teaching Demonstration

teaching demonstration

This afternoon, I have a group of special visitors. They are 16 students from NTNU led by Prof. Feng (馮和平教授), coming to observing my teaching.

2009年10月18日 星期日

The 5th National English Vocabulary Contest

According to the following news report, in the 5th National English Vocabulary Contest held yesterday, the high school stuents who won the top three prizes performed as well as the winners in the college group . 

英文單字賽 高中生達大學級



2009年10月17日 星期六

Videos of the Boston Red Sox Winning the 2004 World Series Championship

This evening, I spent two hours on YouTube and picked some watchable videos of the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series Championship in 2004, which broke the Curse of the Great Bambino. The moment of the final out in Game 4 was so thrilling that I, though not a baseball fan, was moved to tears.

 The following is the list of the videos, with their URL, play time, title, number of viewers, rating, and description provided by the producer.

Before you watch any of the videos, remember to thank YouTube.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aem_VmGTBa8&NR=1    1:15

The Final Out, Game 4 of the 2004 World Series    58,971    5

Recording history... The final out of the 2004 World Series!

2009年10月16日 星期五

A Grammatically Correct Sentence Is not Necessarily a Right Sentence

Today I got a text message from a former student who graduated this summer, asking me if the sentence "I only like to stay with you" is grammatically correct.

2009年10月15日 星期四

A Warm-up Activity for Lesson 5 "Every Day Is a New Opportunity"

Sao-chen giving a talk on MLB


209 discussion209 discussion

In today's class, to build or activate Class 209 students' schema for the baseball part in the reading of Lesson 5 "Every Day Is a New Opportunity," I invited Sao-chen (王少宸) to give a talk on the MLB. Since the purpose was not to teach English but to help the students to have a clearer idea about the MLB, I allowed Sao-chen to talk in Chinese. He did a marvelous job, introducing the MLB, the Division Series, Wild Card, the ALCS, NLCS, and the World Series. He even told two interesting stories about Babe Ruth. Everyone in the class learned a lot from him.

2009年10月14日 星期三

Learn to Live Before Learning to Write

This is an article in Monday's UDN. It's not only about how to improve writing but also how to really live.



【聯合報╱廖玉蕙】2009.10.12 04:04 am

2009年10月13日 星期二

What Is "Call to Prayer"?

I have been wondering what "call to prayer" is since I first came across this expression when listening to Studio Classroom on October 1. Entitled "Magical Marrakesh," that article mentioned that the haunting call to prayer from Koutoubia Mosque can be heard five times a day. While listening, I paid undivided attention, hoping that I would hear the teachers' explanation of this phrase. However, the teachers didn't clarify the term.

2009年10月12日 星期一

Get More Sleep

The following report on adolescents getting more sleep can be found in yesterday's UDN:


科普達人卡爾:孩子少睡23分 成績A掉C

2009.10.11 02:29 pm

2009年10月11日 星期日

A Treasure Basin for Society 高清愿 要當社會聚寶盆

In todays' UDN, there is a mini biography of the president of Uni-President Enterprises Corporation, Kao, Ching-yuan (高清愿). Reading his life story, I see a giant. http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT5/5187570.shtml 

大河人生/高清愿 要當社會聚寶盆

聯合報╱記者 彭慧明、鄭朝陽、周宗禎2009.10.11 03:23 am

2009年10月10日 星期六

Intrinsic or Extrinsic Motivation? --"人生,沒有加退選"

An article in today's UDN. Reading it, I recalled part of Steve Jobs' Stanford address "You've Got to Find What You Love" and part of Oprah Winfrey's Stanford speech.



【聯合報╱焦元溥】 2009.10.10 03:34 am

2009年10月9日 星期五

Photos Taken with My Former Students Since Sep. 1, 2009

Finally, I've got some time to upload onto my blog some photos taken with my former students at their visits since the beginning of the new semeter. After graduating from NHSH, they are studying in different fields: journalism, pharmacy, entomology, German, English, law, politics, history, communication arts, international trades and finance, etc.

310 Ken and Po-chen 313 and me

316 and me 303 ming-chieh, Hsuan-an, Po-chen, and me Yi-tung, Bubble, Joel, Deh-chen, and me

2009年10月8日 星期四

Learning Engish by Listening to Broadcast

How does listening to broadcast facilitate English learning? The following are  some comments from two university professors.


廣播學英語 發音更道地


Welcome! OH!Zone

Today's UDN runs a news report which must have drawn the attention of English learners.   With OH!Zone, English learners have another avenue to sharpening their English skills.   This is an online broadcast which provides listeners with first hand information about trends, campus life, music, etc. 


OH!Zone開播 全英語、沒廣告、免費學


2009年10月7日 星期三

A List of English Books a Second-year High School Student Has Read

To make Shih-jen (張世仁) eligible to waive the 2nd-year English course, this morning I asked her to list the English books she has read so far. The following is the list she gave me:

1. Tuesdays with Morrie (最後十四堂星期二的課)

2. For One More Day (再給我一天)
3. The Five People You Meet in Heaven (在天堂遇見的五個人)

 (The above three were written by Mitch Albom.)

2009年10月6日 星期二

Eat the Right Foods, And You Stay Happy

In today's UDN, there is an article about foods which bring us happiness. Whoever is always in a bad mood might find answers in their diet.


吃對食物 快樂來找你

聯合報╱張靜芬/台東基督教醫院營養師】2009.10.06 02:57 am

Reading Is an Experience of Exploration

Yu-an (陳妤安), a student in Class 214 wrote in her reading log for The Real Diana:


My comments: Great! That is the beauty of reading. Keep exploring more.

2009年10月5日 星期一

A Good English Learning Web Site-- 英文資訊交流網

This is a useful English learning Web site. It provides information about English learning, English tests, English-related news, new books, etc. Online translation function is also available.



2009年10月4日 星期日

New TOEFL--a Big Challenge

A former student who graduated from NHSH around 8 years ago and is planning to study in the U.S. for his PhD degree came to visit me this afternoon. He asked me to clarify some doubts on the admission pages of University of Penn, a prestigious school in the States.

Then he described to me how difficult TOEFL-ibt is. For example, in the speaking part, one item goes like this:

2009年10月3日 星期六

Blogs Can Be Teachers' Treasure Trove

A colleague called me this evening and asked if I still had the supplementary material about Martin Luther King. She remembered I shared an informative handout with her about two years ago. I told her I would check for her over the weekend.

I did use the supplementary material when I taught "I Have a Dream" last year; however, during the summer vacation, I cleaned up my study and reorganized everything in here. So now I have to search and "dig" the material out.

2009年10月2日 星期五

Problems in Taiwan's English Education

I ran across the following article in the Apple Daily this evening. It's about some problems in Taiwan's English education. Instead of finding the article at the Apple Daily Web site, I found it at another Web site.


人間異語:台灣英文越補越大洞 2009年10月02日蘋果日報

 鍾小姐 大學英文口譯講師

2009年10月1日 星期四

Collocation Search

Today in Class 214, we did group discussion again. This time, I had the students find the collocations in the example sentences of the vocabulary in Lesson 4, for example, "make a close examination of," "hold on tight to," "be diagosed with," etc.

2009年9月30日 星期三

Students Giving Oral Reports

This semester we use Success with Reading as outside reading material. Instead of giving the students tests to check if they read, I have them do an oral report. Students take turns as scheduled talking about an article assigned.

2009年9月29日 星期二

A Wonderful Blog of a New Friend I Met Online

A new friend from across the Taiwan Strait left a message on my WordPress blog yesterday. Out of curiosity, I clicked on her name and was amazed at what I saw.

2009年9月28日 星期一

2009年9月27日 星期日

Memorizing the Editorial in the Newspaper: A Way to Learn English

This afternoon on the radio I heard Hsu, Wei (徐薇), a famous cram school English teacher, say that when she was studying at TFG (北一女), her English teacher had them memorize the editorial in the China Post every day. 

I See You. I Am Here. "我看見你,我在這裡"

This is an article about the importance of parents' participation in their children's life.  It is written by Hung, lan (洪蘭)



聯合報╱洪蘭】2009.09.27 04:12 am

2009年9月26日 星期六

Class on Saturday with 209


209 209 209

209 209209

Today is Saturday, but I was at school teaching 209 for two hours.

Given that they had to stay at school on Saturday from 8am to 5pm, I tried to make the class fun. Group discussion was my solution. This was the first time they did group discussion. The procedure was just like what I had done on Thursday in Class 214.

2009年9月25日 星期五

Looking Backwards, Do You Smile at What You've Done?

When Steve Jobs took the calligraphy course, he didn't expect it would ever contribute anything to his career.  That's why he said, 

"... you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. " --Steve Jobs "You've Got to Find What You Love"

2009年9月24日 星期四

Group Discussion

group discussion

group discussion group discussion group discussion

To give students more chance to speak English and to enhance the interaction between students, today I had Class 214 do group discussion in class. Before class, I drew the grouping chart on the blackboard, telling the students to put their desks into small clusters.

To my amazement, the students had already sat in groups of 5 to 7 when I stepped into the classroom.

2009年9月23日 星期三


A student wrote in her weekly journal about how hard it was to collect reply slips in her club.  So she decided to hand in any reply slips on time from now on.   This is so-called empathy.  I'm glad that she leanred a valuable lesson from the experience.

What Have We Learned?

When we make a mistake, what really matters is whether we've learned something from it. Of course, if the mistake hurts someone, the first thing we have to do is apologize.

2009年9月22日 星期二

Stunning Mysteries plus Class Activities for Sanmin 303

Today in class we came to two of the world's mysteries: crop circles and Stonehenge.

Before the class, I came across two amazing photos of crop cirlcles in the morning. One was taken in English, and the other in Switzerland. Click and you'll be stunned by these geometric shapes.



2009年9月21日 星期一

A Warm-up Activity: Sanmin 303

Today I started Lesson Two in Class 214. 

To lead the students in, I wrote on the blackboard the title: Is the Truth Out There?  With it, I asked them, "If something is out there, is it near or far from us?"    For the sake of reinforcement, I even sang the first line of the song "Somewhere Out There."   Then  I asked them what "the  truth" meant.  They gave me the Chinese translation. 

2009年9月20日 星期日

What's College Education for? 成大副校長:「大學要培養有貢獻的人」

What is college education for?  The following article found in today's UDN provides a good answer.



聯合報╱記者陳智華/台北報導】  2009.09.20 05:31 am

2009年9月19日 星期六

Poor English?

A similar article to the following one can be found in today's UDN, in which Mr. Lee (李家同教授), whom I respect a lot, mentioned the gloomy situation of the English education in Taiwan.   However, I know many students in Taiwan have a good command of Engish. 

李資政開講/國立高中生 寫出菜英文…



2009年9月18日 星期五

You Never Know

Today, it was Hung-yu's (弘宇) turn to host the class meeting. However, since he was on sick leave today, Yi-hung (逸弘) took it over. At first, I thought the whole class would remain silent because Yi-hung, not smiling much, looked serious.

A Time of Silence

reading class

214 students are in their Reading and Writing class. Everyone concentrates on their reading. I really enjoyed the moment of serenity, feeling the power of reading together.

2009年9月17日 星期四

An Acitivity for Teaching Vocabulary

The day before yesterday, I had the students play with the new words of Lesson 2. The students form groups of 4~6. Each group had to created a skit using three words assigned to them, for example, regard, perfect, and digusted/disgusting/disgust. They had only 5 minutes to come up with their skit. Then I collected the papers, read them, corrected some mistakes, and gave the scripts back to the students yesterday.

2009年9月15日 星期二

The World's 10 Most Unusual Foods

Coincidentally, I heard the TV news mentioning the pig's blood cake as the world's most unusual food.  Catching a glimpse of the source shown on the screen, I got online and found the article "The World's 10 Most Unusual Foods."  Eureka!   We have just finished talking about foods in class.     This article can be given to students as supplementary reading material.

Why not guess what foods are on the list before clicking on the URL or reading on?


How She Got 118 Out of 120 on New TOEFL

A Taiwanese student, Li-hsuen Chen, got a 118 on TOEFL.   The full score is 120.   She suggests reading extensively is the key to scoring high on the test.

新托福118高分 英文小說從小K



Taiwan's Performance on Last Year's TOEFL

There is a news report in yesterday's UDN. It is about the performance of students in Taiwan on last year's TOEFL.

新托福聽說難 我學子亞洲排18



2009年9月14日 星期一

214 Classroom Decoration

214 classroom decoration

This is my homeroom Class 214's classroom decoration. Eye-catching and up-lifting! The students finished it last Friday. The whole class would like to say "Thanks" to Yu-chi (钰淇), She-yu (思妤), Hsiao-chieh (曉潔), Hsin-yu (昕妤), Su-yi (書懿), and Li-hsuen (立軒). Thanks for the time and effort you put in beautifying our classroom.

The Other New Class--209

209 photo-3

This is my other new class: Class 209. They are science majors: 22 boys and 15 girls. Several of them participate very actively in class. It doesn't happen often during the first two weeks of a new semester. I love the interaction. Good!

2009年9月13日 星期日

2009年9月12日 星期六


I've been plurking for about three weeks. I had my first encounter with Plurk because of Annie (詹麗馨老師). Plurk is like a bulletin board. I can announce some news. Besides, I can tell my Plurk friends what I'm doing or I'm thinking in a few words, and all of them read them. Also, I can ask questions and get responses from different people. It's like MSN, but unlike MSN, I don't need to stay before the computer all the time exchanging instant messages. I've never used MSN, in fact. Plurk is like blog too, but the messages on Plurk are much shorter.

My former 313 students told me that there are more functions, for example, you can request a song! Amazing!

2009年9月11日 星期五

Independent Study?

When Class 209 She-ren (張世仁) told me yesterday that she had finished reading My Sister's Keeper, I thought to myself, "Does she need to sit in the classroom?" I remember four years ago Ken (王慶剛) and Carol (林琪亞), two students in my Advanced English Class when they were in their first year, didn't attend the regular class in their second year; instead, they did independent study in the library, reading English novels such as Tuesdays with Morrie, The Catcher in the Rye, etc. and writing book reports. I believe they learned more on their own than if they had sat in the classroom.

2009年9月10日 星期四

They Are Reading Too!

This morning when I opened the UDN and found the following article, I smiled broadly. It struck the chord with me.

寧靜閱讀 讓學童中閱讀的毒


【聯合報╱記者薛荷玉/台北報導】 2009/09/10

2009年9月9日 星期三

A Way to Get Students to Speak English

This morning, I told Class 209 that I would teach them a song after we finished Lesson One today, if the points the whole class got were over 50.  Though still, they didn't reach 50 finally since I didn't ask as many questions as I did the previous days, they tried their best.  Tomorrow, they can sing the song, I believe, because I'm going to pose many questions.  I love to hear students speak English in and out of class!

2009年9月8日 星期二

214 Feedback to Reading and Writing Activity

Dear 214, Last Friday, we did an experiment. You did free reading for 20 mintues in class. Then you were given seven minutes to finish a reading log, which was followed by five minutes of sharing what you had read by reading from your log. After the activity, you were invited to write down how you felt about the activity. Here I'd like you to copy your feedback onto my blog for future reference. Thanks!

2009年9月7日 星期一

English Career--a Blog Worth Reading

Here is a blog related to English learning. Do you know what English you need at work? Visit it and expand your horizons. I'd like to thank Patrick (see http://www.tiec.tp.edu.tw/lifetype/post/1130/29788#40080) for introducing this informative blog.


If I Were a Freshman Again--10: 如果再當一次新鮮人/青峰:選擇所愛 老二哲學終不悔

The 10th UDN article on "If I Were a Freshman Again":


如果再當一次新鮮人/青峰:選擇所愛 老二哲學終不悔

聯合報/吳青峰/口述;記者江芷稜/記錄】 2009/09/07

2009年9月6日 星期日

If I Were a Freshman Again--9 再當新鮮人/邰智源:累積智慧 少談戀愛

The 9th article on "If I Were a Freshman Again":


 再當新鮮人/邰智源:累積智慧 少談戀愛

 聯合報╱邰智源/口述、記者趙大智/記錄】 2009.09.06 02:58 am

2009年9月4日 星期五

Reading and Writing Class: An Experiment

Today in Reading & Writing class I did an experiment, inspired by Ms. Wang's speech in May (http://www.tiec.tp.edu.tw/lifetype/post/1130/30746).

I had the 214 students do free reading for 20 minutes. I called it "reading for pleasure," though the students were asked to write a brief reading log right after their reading. Then I invited three students to share what they had read.

2009年9月3日 星期四

A Cute Mistake

Today, I asked the students in Class 210 what English expressions they had learned in paragraph 5 in Lesson 1, an activity I often do after students finish pair reading.  A male student said, “Wanna see my skirts?” I was puzzled and so were the other students.  Immediately I knew where the problem was.  Then looking puzzled, I drew a skirt in the air and repeated his sentence, hoping that he could correct the mistake himself.  Realizing what caused the confusion, he gave the correct sentence right away.  "Wanna see my scars?" he said.  At this point, the whole class burst into laughter.

A cute pronunciation mistake, isn't it?

2009年9月2日 星期三

A Flash of Idea

This morning when I was teaching Class 209, near the end of class, seeing the students so attentive throughout the class, I decided to let them have fun.  Having just briefly reviewed the pattern "with + O + OC," I said to them, "Please stand up.   Stand with your right hand on your neighbor's shoulder."  They followed the instructions.  Then I added, "Now give your neighbor a massage (on the shoulder)."  Haha!  I saw little kids in them.  Sometimes I'm quite naughty.

If I Were a Freshman Again--8

The 8th article on "If I Were a Freshman Again":


再當新鮮人/盧廣仲:黑暗期 看見友情萬歲


2009年9月1日 星期二

Fan-yu Transferring to NTU

Three former students came to visit me.  One of them FFan-yu (郭凡瑜) is from the former Class 316, who graduated last year.     She told me she has succeeded in transferring from Taipei University to NTU, majoring in Economics.  I am very happy for her. 

2009年8月31日 星期一

A New Class--Class 214


class 214--2009

On the first day of the new semester. I met my homeroom class--Class 214.   My first impression of them was  good.  When I went to the class at 7:35, almost everyone was in the classroom, very quiet, as if there were already a teacher standing inside watching them.   "What a well-behaved class!" I told myself.  Later when some students were distributing the new books, I noticed a few students unfolding the boxes without instruction from me.   They had the spirit of service.  I really admired such kind of people.  Good!

2009年8月30日 星期日

Learning Tips for High School Students

I came across this treasure yesterday.  It is a web page at Lishan High School's web site (麗山高中).  On the page are some learning tips for high school students.  Though its target readers are freshmen, the tips are useful for both second- and third-year students. 



If I Were a Freshman Again--7

The seventh article in the UDN on "If I Were a Freshman Again."


再當新鮮人/孫維新:像逛超市 去各學院旁聽


2009年8月29日 星期六

The Reader, plus Language Learning

I finished The Reader this morning. Touched by how Hanna, illiterate before going to prison, finally learned to read and write in prison, I was amazed at her strong will. Of course, the protagonist Mike's keeping sending Hanna tapes of his reading contributed too.

2009年8月28日 星期五

創造教學的「聲」命力--美聲專家 周震宇先生 的演講 我的筆記

Topic: 創造教學的「聲」命力

Speaker: 周震宇先生

 Time: 8:30~10:30am, Aug. 28, 2009

Place: 內湖高中活動中心三樓會議廳

 My notes:

2009年8月27日 星期四

Jack Chuang Reciting "The Road Not Taken"

Yesterday afternoon, I shot a video of my 310 student Jack Chuang (莊子賢) reciting Robert Frost's famous poem "The Road Not Taken," which was once recognized as the most popular poem in the States. Though the video runs only around one minute, Jack and I spent three hours making it. Since I don't know how to edit a video, Jack had to recite the whole poem from his memory without any mistakes before I could call it a day. Now I learned how difficult it is to produce a film! I will be more appreciative when watching a movie.

Now, click on the URL, sit back, and enjoy listening to/watching Jack reciting the poem, contemplating on the universal experience of decision-making.

The Road Not Taken--Recited by Jack Chuang

Thank you, Jack.  You did a wonderful job!

2009年8月26日 星期三

About the N1H1 Flu

My friend Annie (麗馨) found this web page and posted it on her plurk. After reading the article, I got a clear idea about the N1H1 flu. It's in simple English. An informative article!


Thanks, Annie, for sharing this information.

2009年8月25日 星期二

Food for Thought--讓我為自己讀書

The following is an article in the UDN I read last week. It reflects junior high school life in Taiwan, except that now corporal punishment is prohibited.

I like the title: Let Me Study for Myself. I remember well that at the beginning of a book on English teaching which I read several years ago, the author insisted that teachers should remind their students in the very first class that the students should take learning as their own responsibility. Indeed, it is!




314 Class Reunion

On Friday noon, August 14, my former 314, who graduated last year, had a class reunion at 嗆燒, organized by the then class leader Helen (歐馥嘉). 17 people were present, including me.

2009年8月24日 星期一

If I Were a Freshman Again--6

The sixth articles on "If I Were a Freshman Again":

再當新鮮人/多學課外知識 培養國際觀


2009年8月23日 星期日

If I Were a Freshman Again--5

One more article on "If I Were a Freshman Again":

再當新鮮人/劉維公:樂當書呆子 扎學術根基


2009年8月22日 星期六

New Suzhou Museum

Last Wednesday, Diego (邱元亨) came to share with me some photos he took during his trip to Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou.  Beautiful geometry!  The following are four photos of the new Suzhou Museum.  The New Suzhou Museum, completed in 2006,  is the last work of I. M. Pei (貝聿銘). 


2009年8月21日 星期五

Love Sent from a Tough Place: 酋長的男子漢眼淚-情義無價

Read these and you'll cry for the chief's beautiful heart.



I finished reading them with teary eyes.

「數目不多  情義無價」

If I Were a Freshman Again-4 如果再做新鮮人/學會自己做決定、負責

This is one of the articles in the "If I Were a Freshman again" series. It was posted in the July 17 UDN. However, I couldn't find the article in the UDN web site; instead, I found it on the "Pray for All" blog. Failing to copy it from the blog, I can only provide the URL.



2009年8月19日 星期三

A Good Website: 打開聯合報 看見紐約時報

While cleaning out the old newspapers, I found some good articles in the New York Times, supplementary of the Tuesday UDN. Eager to keep those articles for future reference, I surfed the Net, hoping that I could find them online so that I could download them. Then I came across this web site. There is traslation of some NYT articles. Great!


2009年8月18日 星期二

It Takes So Much Time!

I'm still cleaning my study.  For the past few days, I spent much more time doing the cleaning than reading books.  Though feeling a little empty in my mind, I believe it is worth it.  In a tidier room, I'll work more efficiently.