2009年12月6日 星期日

What Might Be Included in the Oral Discussion about Steve Jobs's Speech "You've Got to Find What You Love"?

Dear 209 and 214,

For the one-on-one oral discussion with me about Steve Jobs's speech "You've Got to Find What You Love," which you have to do by the end of this semester, the following are some potential topics:

1. Which part of the speech impressed you most?

2. Is there anything in the speech that you don't agree with? If yes, what and why?

3. Why did Steve Jobs drop out of college?

4. What does he mean by saying that we cannot connect the dots looking forward, but backward? Do you have any experience to illustrate this idea?

5 Jobs was once fired by the company he started and he thought it did him good. How did he justify it?

6. What is his concept of death? How did he develop that concept? What do you think?

7. What does "Stay hungry. Stay foolish" mean?

P.S. If you've lost the article I gave you several weeks ago, you can download it from here.

You've Got to Find What You Love-A4.doc


You've got to find what you love-b4.doc

The discussion will last 3 to 5 minutes. You don't need to worry about any grammatical errors. What counts is whether we can communicate with each other well. During our discussion, just sit back, relax, and enjoy.

