2009年11月25日 星期三

Finding Role Models in Books: 洪蘭:書讀得少 心中沒典範


洪蘭:書讀得少 心中沒典範



My comments: Reading (auto)biographies helps find role models. I once read a simplified version of Benjamin Franklin's biography to see if it was at the right level for students to read as supplementary material and was amazed at what he accopmlished. No wonder his biography is regarded as one of the best.


My comments: Where have all these students' time gone? However, I know quite a few students who are good at both or at least one.



My comments: A NHSH graduate once came to my class to talk about how to prepare for the UEE. She suggested that the students familiarize themselves with at least one famous person--his life, his achievements, etc. so that they can use him/her as an example in writing. I still remember the example she used was Su Tung-po (蘇東坡). A very good suggestion!


My comments: I'm glad that I'm a teacher who enjoys reading. I'm eager to pass my passion for reading on to my students. Reading is a joy.

她也指出,說話是本能,閱讀是習慣,要從小培養,且是「悅」讀小學一二年級是「learn to read」,也就是學習閱讀,挑喜歡的給他們讀,投其所好,三年級以後卻是「Read to learn」,孩子要靠著閱讀去學習。

My comments: Agreed!


My comments: What an assignment! William Golding's 1954 novel Lord of the Flies, according to Wikipedia, "was chosen [in 2005] by TIME magazine as one of the one hundred best English-language novels from 1923 to present." I didn't read the novel but saw the movie when I was studying at Illinois, Champaign. It was the first movie that stunned me to the extent that I stayed in my seat for quite a while after it was over, contemplating what it tried to convey. To me, it raised a question: How many of us can still stay "good" when there is no law to govern us? A thought-provoking movie, and book as well.

