2009年10月2日 星期五

Problems in Taiwan's English Education

I ran across the following article in the Apple Daily this evening. It's about some problems in Taiwan's English education. Instead of finding the article at the Apple Daily Web site, I found it at another Web site.


人間異語:台灣英文越補越大洞 2009年10月02日蘋果日報

 鍾小姐 大學英文口譯講師

我曾問我的大二學生「Are you kidding me?」(你在跟我開玩笑嗎?)是什麼意思?他說「你是我的小孩嗎?」這是很不錯的私立大學喔。有次考試,我列舉一些國家的Landmark(地標),請他們寫國家,結果Great wall(長城),學生寫Egypt(埃及)。所以我現在用鐵血高壓政策,每堂必點名,否則以後學生怎有競爭力?我剛教書時很熱血,覺得大學不該用逼的,結果8點英聽課,40個學生只來1個。

My comments: I can't believe the examples! As for the roll call, given that laziness is human nature, I totally agree with it. If I were a college teacher, I would do so.

學好英文 6年就夠

My comments: Students need speed reading training. They have to learn to be tolerant of ambiguity, by which I mean learning to read without having to understand every word. When students come across words they don't know, just guess its meaning or even skip it.
A:因為受夠了,國小甚至幼稚園就開始學英文,get sick of it(厭惡到想吐)。英文是個很幹的語言,有太多規矩是中文沒有的,而且英文變化太多,很難,太早遇到瓶頸過不去就會放棄。像很多人說,英文聽懂就好,文法不重要,She is walking,學生就講She walking,從小一直錯下去,後來發現每句都錯,會很挫折;而且背這麼多單字又不會用,更沮喪寧可大一點學,面對瓶頸就比較容易用邏輯方法推過去。

My comments: Yes, starting to learn English at an early age doesn't ensure learning it well.

My comments: 1. The most important thing is motivation and passion.

2. Even in a big class, we still can think of ways to maximize the opportunity for students to use English.

3. I do believe listening and speaking should come before reading and writing.

 My comments: 1. I love to read the sentences my students make. Some of the sentences are very creative. So far, I've given them two sentence-making assignment. The mission I gave them is to create 5 sentences, each with a new sentence pattern and containing at least a new word they've just learned.

2. Since the university entrance exam tests students on their writing ability, students are required to practice writing.

Comments: Well, this is interesting. The idea of learning English for your children never went through my mind.



