2009年8月25日 星期二

314 Class Reunion

On Friday noon, August 14, my former 314, who graduated last year, had a class reunion at 嗆燒, organized by the then class leader Helen (歐馥嘉). 17 people were present, including me.

At the beginning of the reunion, we did something crazy but heartwarming. Having to work, Yong-jen (高永真) could not come though she was desperate to join us. So Helen suggested we each send a text message to her simultaneously. And we did it! This is 314, crazy but sweet!

We had a hearty chat not only over but also after lunch, all the way until 6pm. Knowing they all seemed to enjoy their college life, I felt happy. Some of them left earlier. Finally there were around 10 left. I had each of them talk about their past year. Among others, Min-chu (張閔筑) had wonderful experiences in mainland China in July. She served as a volunteer worker in Sichuan and Gansu, teaching elementary school and junior high school students English. She told us a local delicacy in Sichuan was rabbit head. That shocked me. She also told us about the starry sky of Gansu, with shooting star streaking across the sky every 5 minutes. Fabulous! Of course, what's most important was that she really enjoyed teaching the students there.

See? Life just moves on. And we are the one who chooses it to be bright or dark.

P.S. I love you, 314.

P.S. I did take some photos. However, my old camera betrayed me. Most of the photos blur. That's why I didn't put any here.

P.S. For future reference, I'd like to list those who came to the reunion on this entry: 馥嘉、怡璇、睿英、翊綾、鈞婷、欣怡、怡晴、文惠、雅筑、瀞文、珍伶、盈荻、雁秋、思宇、慈瑞.

