2014年12月31日 星期三

Nice to Meet You Again, Brian

Thanks to my blog and FB, I got Brian's mail this morning. We're now chatting on FB. Having been chatting for 1 hour online.

Now, it's the year 2015. We are doing our marathon chatting from 2014 to 2015, as I mentioned in yesterday's entry. Great!




2014年12月30日 星期二

Reconnection with LANN

Last night, I was so touched and exhilarated by the responses to two of my previous blogs, especially the one to the entry posted on August 20th, 2012.


The response, sent on December 27, was from a former student I taught at Chieh-show Junior High around 25 years ago. From the sender's name LANN and the fluent English, I guess it was Brian, which needs to be confirmed.

2014年12月29日 星期一

ELL Students’ Descriptions of Effective Teachers


ELL Students’ Descriptions of Effective Teachers

Posted on 27 December 2014 by Elena Shvidko

How can we become effective teachers? What do we need to do to better help our students and endow them with necessary skills and strategies, so they can continue obtaining knowledge independently? Receiving proper teacher education, attending professional conferences, observing experienced instructors, and conducting classroom research are only a few of the many tools that teachers can use to develop as professionals. However, our students, too, can be a source of our professional development. Therefore, asking students questions and reflecting on their feedback can help us better meet our students’ needs and implement activities that they want to see in our classrooms.

My comments: Reflecting on our own teaching right after class is also a good way.

2014年12月28日 星期日

Regina & William, Congratulations! Have a Happy Marriage!


Yesterday evening, I attended a former young colleague Regina's wedding banquet at Ambassador Hotel. She is an English teacher, conscientious, creative, and popular with students. Of course, among the guests from NHSH, English teachers accounted for the most.

2014年12月27日 星期六

What Is Intercultural Communicative Competence?


What Is Intercultural Communicative Competence?

My comments: This is the definition given by BBC TeachingEnglish.


Posted on 15 December 2014 by Yilin Sun

The TESOL President’s Blog

In recent years, several researchers in the ELT field have raised a series of conceptual issues around how we should express our cultures in English (Honna,2005; Byram,2009; Wen, 2013,). As a speaker, should you stick to your own way of thinking? Or should you adapt to the listener’s way of thinking? As a listener, should you impose your own way of thinking on the speaker? Or should you be sensitive to and tolerant of the speaker’s different way of thinking and speaking?

A Slip from My Routine

How could it be possible? I didn't keep my blog yesterday! I thought I did!

Two lessons I learned: First, do something right away when you know it's time for you to do it. Second, check what you've set your mind to do every day before going to bed even if you think you have gotten it done.

2014年12月25日 星期四

To Taipei's New Mayor, Mr. Ke, on Education--"柯市長,教育死亡谷......"--from LTN (Liberty Times Net)




◎ 張簡曉芸


My comments: Quite complicated.

2014年12月24日 星期三

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

"Merry Christmas, everyone!"

The sentence said by the little boy of Mr. Scrooge's nephew at the end of the movie A Christmas Carol is such a classic!

2014年12月23日 星期二

Happy New Year! Two New Year Classroom Activities

I came across this article yesterday while surfing the Net and shared it with a friend who is still teaching. She said she'll try doing the activities in her class.


Happy New Year! Two New Year Classroom Activities

Posted on 22 December 2014 by ssahr

Celebrating the start of a new year has always been a favorite holiday of mine. During this time of year, in most countries I’ve lived in, regardless of religion, a country’s true culture rings through in song, festivals, and food. What a wonderful opportunity for people to come together and reminisce about the year gone by while looking forward to the year to come! So, be it the Gregorian New Year on 1 January, Vietnam’s Tết usually celebrated in February, or Ethiopia’s Enkutatash celebrated in September, it’s out with the old and in with the new for everyone!

2014年12月22日 星期一

A Happy Gathering--Stay Healthy; Stay Happy, Everyone

A really nice gathering with Mr. Han (韓靖宇老師) and other former colleagues, including some English teachers and two history teachers. I organized this get-together to express our concern about Mr. Han, giving him all our best wishes.

Observe Fang-chi's Teaching

This morning around 10:30 I met Fang-chi, a student teacher at NHSH. We discussed her teaching I observed on the DVD her mentor Ms. Tsai (蔡孟芳老師) gave me on Nov. 27. In fact, I already watched it around 2 weeks ago. However, because Fang-chi had been busy, we didn't have time to talk about the class until this morning. Last night I listed her teaching procedure as observed and also my comments/questions based on the notes I took two weeks ago. Then I found I forgot some parts, so this morning I watched it again and  completed my feedback.

2014年12月21日 星期日

2014年12月20日 星期六

Criteria for Choosing an Outside Reading Book--"選書考量因素"

While doing the cleaning, I came across a copy of this article. Glad that it can be found online. I don't remember if I have posted it on my blog. A review is always good, anyway.




2014年12月19日 星期五

Tips on Taking the English Listening Test for High School Students--"拚英聽-鎖定情境用語"--from UDN



2014-12-13      記者林秀姿/台北報導


Tips for Taking the English Listening Test--"考英聽-抓住5W1H關鍵字"--from UDN



2014-12-19      記者張錦弘/台北報導


English Listening Test on CA--"國中會考英聽 成績占英語20%分2級"--frolm UDN


國中會考英聽 成績占英語20%分2級

2014-12-19      記者張錦弘/台北報導


Diego, Good Luck!

Diego, a former student who graduated from NHSH in 2006, LINEd me yesterday asking me if we can meet up before he goes to Germany as an exchange student. Of course, I said yes. And today, we chatted for almost six hours!

2014年12月18日 星期四

Bravo, Meng-ze!

The concert at National Central University I went to yesterday evening really amazed me, especially my student Meng-ze's (陳孟澤) performance. The last one to go on stage, he played Liszt's Dante Sonata. After he finished, I called out "Bravo!" 

2014年12月17日 星期三

Going to a Concert

Leaving for National Central University to attend a concert. Meng-cher (陳孟澤),  a former student, who invited me, is going to play Liszt's Dante Sonata. He is not a music major, but have passion for the piano.  Last year, for some reason I've forgot, I didn't go. Good that this year I still can enjoy the concert.

This is how the music sounds:

2014年12月16日 星期二

Nice Seeing You Again, Spencer!

After observing Wei-ting's class and having a discussion with her, I left for a lunch date with Spencer, a former student who is studying in the States and came back for a brief visit.

Class Observation

This morning I was invited by Ms. Wen to observe her student teacher Wei-ting's class at 8:10.

2014年12月15日 星期一

Doing What You Have to Do Propels You Upward: "何大一:做「必須」做的事,人生才可更上層樓"



2014-11-27   作者:黃惠鈴

什麼是成功的方程式?如何得到幸運之神眷顧?發明「雞尾酒療法」的愛滋病權威、中研院院士何大一博士,今天在NU SKIN大師趨勢論壇「信念決定未來」,分享了10個重點:     

2014年12月14日 星期日

Cleaning the Toilet--"名家縱論/培養體貼 從掃廁所開始"


名家縱論/培養體貼 從掃廁所開始
2014.12.14 02:21 am


2014年12月13日 星期六

2014年12月12日 星期五

Here I Am, Mingchih Forest Recreation Area

Yesterday morning, George and I planned to go to Miaoli to pick strawberries today. Then we changed our mind yesterday evening and decided to visit Mingchih, a famous scenic spot once recommended by my friends. Now, late at night I'm still here. Upon arriving, enchanted by the picturesque scenery, we decided to stay here overnight, bathed in its unique serenity and beauty.

2014年12月10日 星期三

The Opportunity Cost of Education--"周行一/教育的機會成本"--from UDN


2014.12.10 01:54 am


My comments: According to BusinessDictionary.com, opportunity cost is "a benefit, profit, value of something that must be given up to acquire or achieve something else."


2014年12月9日 星期二

Happy Gathering

(Photo from Mr. Lin)

A happy gathering this noon with Mr. Lin (林煇校長) and Mei-hua (許玫華老師), a former colleague at Chieh-show Junior High School and good friend.

2014年12月8日 星期一

Taiwanese Food in English--"棺材木板?搖擺驢?菜英文翻譯怪 老外霧煞煞"

(photo from http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/5/4/24/n898751.htm)

Does this look like rocking donkeys?

A printout of online information found when I was doing the cleaning today. Happy that I can still find it online.


棺材木板?搖擺驢?菜英文翻譯怪 老外霧煞煞

2009年     09月     05日      13:57

聽奧5日豋場,世界各國選手齊聚台北,但不少選手如果想到餐廳吃飯,恐怕會出現「有看沒有懂」的情況。許多知名餐廳菜單的英譯非常怪,像是點心「驢打滾」明明是一種外層裹綠豆粉的紅豆餡年糕,菜單卻直譯成Rocking Donkey;而台南小吃棺材板,菜單更被翻成Tainan Coffin Board,嚇壞許多外國遊客。

My comments: Well, just let imagination fly!

2014年12月7日 星期日

Tips for Taking TOEIC--"專訪多益990分考生"

This undated article offers tips for taking a TOEIC.



【文/Edward Chung】




2014年12月6日 星期六

Hi, Yu-jung, Nice Seeing You Again

(Photo from Yu-jung)

Yesterday I had a gathering with a former student Yu-jung, who graduated from NHSH in 2006. It's been a long time since we last saw each other. Yu-jung works for an insurance company now. When asked about her job, she said she loved it very much because she could meet people from all walks of life. I'm really happy for her.

2014年12月5日 星期五

Learning/Teaching Vocabulary in Interesting Ways

This afternoon, an old colleague who is still teaching LINEd and asked me how to make vocabulary learning interesting. My answer then was what first flashed into my mind:

2014年12月4日 星期四

Good Time with Friends

I had a beautiful time with three friends today, all of whom were retired teachers from NHSH. Unlike what we usually do, we had a city tour today (We usually bathe ourselves in nature). First, we enjoyed  "Strange Encounter: 2014 Flower Arrangement Exhibition" and "All in a Knowing Smile: Jade Jewelry Designs by Penny Wang" at National Museum of History. Then we chatted over lunch at Bite 2 Eat, a Pizza & Pasta restaurant. 

2014年12月3日 星期三

"ESL Classroom Routines"--from TESOL Blog

For English teachers, this is an interesting and useful article.


ESL Classroom Routines

Posted on 28 November 2014 by Elena Shvidko

Several years ago, when I was doing my teaching practicum in my MATESOL program, I had the opportunity to teach a community ESL class. Most of my students were immigrants who were taking the course in order to increase their proficiency level. The class followed an integrated approach, and, frankly, my coteacher and I found it difficult at times to balance “the right amount” of speaking, reading, and writing. Since for both of us it was our first experience teaching ESL, we were afraid that the course would seem to appear a bit unstructured. Our practicum supervisor suggested implementing classroom routines to help us keep the course more organized. And he was right!

2014年12月2日 星期二

"Taiwan's 'black Saturday' election: A rebuke to China"--from CNN


Taiwan's 'black Saturday' election: A rebuke to China
By J. Michael Cole, special to CNN

December 2, 2014 -- Updated 0556 GMT (1356 HKT)

Editor's note: J. Michael Cole is a senior non-resident fellow at the China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham, an associate researcher at the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in Taipei, and editor in chief of Thinking Taiwan. The views expressed here are solely his.

Taipei (CNN) -- As millions of Taiwanese headed for the polling stations across the nation last weekend, there was a general sense that change was at hand.

2014年11月30日 星期日

"Nightclubs for literature? Why book selling is booming in Taiwan"--from CNN

This news report about the Eslite bookstore in Taipei is beautifully written.


Nightclubs for literature? Why book selling is booming in Taiwan
By Johan Nylander, for CNN

November 24, 2014 -- Updated 0051 GMT (0851 HKT)

Taipei (CNN) -- It's midnight in the capital of Taiwan.

While some people are slowly walking home through the neon-lit streets, or getting ready to hit the club scene, others are on their way to a more unusual nocturnal hangout -- a bookstore.

2014年11月29日 星期六

"Taiwan premier Jiang Yi-huah quits after poll loss"--from BBC


Taiwan premier Jiang Yi-huah quits after poll loss

29 November 2014 Last updated at 13:34

The Prime Minister of Taiwan, Jiang Yi-huah, has resigned after his ruling pro-China party suffered stiff defeats in local elections.

The Kuomintang party (KMT) appears to have lost control of districts across the country, including the mayor's office in the capital, Taipei.

My comments: Whoever is elected, as long as they are responsible, competent, compassionate, and have people on their minds, it's fine with me.

2014年11月28日 星期五

On Cleaning-up--"跟德國人學「無意識清掃法」"--from UDN

I need to post this article here to remind myself to bid adieu to my stuff when I don't need it FOR NOW.


2014.11.27 02:53 am




2014年11月27日 星期四

English Listening as Threshold of College Admission?--"大學英聽門檻 維持各校自決"--from UDN


大學英聽門檻 維持各校自決



On English Listening as a College Admission Requirement--"教育團體:英聽能力 進大學再要求"--from UDN


教育團體:英聽能力 進大學再要求



My comments: However, learning a language without listening to it is not natural. The validity of the listening test and the reasonable benchmark could be the solutions. 

2014年11月26日 星期三

Learning English on the Net--"網路學英語 偏鄉有競爭力"--from UDN


網路學英語 偏鄉有競爭力
2014.11.26 09:53 am


On Recruiting Native Speaker of English--"一校一外師 就是城鄉差距"--from UDN


一校一外師 就是城鄉差距
2014.11.26 09:53 am


My comments: Just because a school recruits a native speaker of English as an English teacher doesn't mean its students will stand a better chance to learn English well.


2014年11月25日 星期二

Nine Tips to Success from Dr. Ho--"何大一 開了9帖成功的處方"--from UDN


何大一 開了9帖成功的處方
2014.11.25 03:33 am

愛滋病雞尾酒療法發明人何大一昨天在「2014NU SKIN大師趨勢論壇」演講,以「信念,決定未來」為題,提出了九項成功人士具備的特質,成功之道有九個要點,包括:擁有熱情、保持好奇、敢作敢為、做好準備、獨立思辨、謀定而動、勤奮不懈、追求卓越和堅持信念

2014年11月24日 星期一

Teaching/Learning vs. Testing--"印象雖加深,但… 看到考卷臉綠了"--from UDN


印象雖加深,但… 看到考卷臉綠了



My comments: Were they given valid tests?

2014年11月23日 星期日

Can I Have My Dream--"孩子立下志願,大人能許他未來嗎?"--UDN Editorial


2014.11.23 03:17 am


2014年11月22日 星期六

English at the Airport--"旅行英文大彙整:從出境到入境不再霧煞煞!"



【文、圖/VoiceTube 看影片學英語 提供】2014/11/06


2014年11月21日 星期五

The Five Habits of Creative Teachers--"新鮮事/創意教師的5個好習慣"



2014-11-07    親子天下雜誌        62期       文/李岳霞
 根據美國《Education Week》的報導,提供開放課程的網路平台 Canvas Platform 設有「創意教師的5個習慣」課程,歸結出創意教師具備的5個好習慣分別為:1.像練肌肉一樣,每天鍛鍊自己的好奇心。覺察自己對什麼好奇,如何延長、深入自己的好奇?什麼事會阻擋自己的好奇心?2.培養深厚的「重組」功力,懂得轉換、統整與剽竊的區別。3.主動找尋志同道合的夥伴、社群。4.懂得如何從失敗中找到前進的密碼。偶爾勇於挑戰成功機率小於5%的活動,調整跨出舒適圈重整自我的彈性。5.時時進行個人反思,並協力創造能讓團隊安心、集體反思的環境。

The original source:



2014年11月20日 星期四

Online Learning Resources--"MOOCs磨課師熱潮,改變教育,讓你隨時隨地學習!"--from Voice Tube

This is a good sharing from an FB group, "I Simply Love to Share." It recommends several online learning resources, including Coursera, edX, Udacity, Khan Academy, Udemy, and Grockit. Through them, users can not only acquire new knowledge but also improve their English.

2014年11月19日 星期三

"Helping ELs to Learn to Ask Questions During Reading"--from TESOL Blog


Helping ELs to Learn to Ask Questions During Reading

Posted on 6 November 2014 by Judie Haynes

This blog is Part 3 in my series about teaching English learners reading comprehension strategies. Because good readers ask questions throughout the reading process, I will discuss how to help ELs acquire the skill of asking questions before, during, and after reading a text. This strategy helps ELs to become actively engaged in the lesson, to  develop a purpose for reading, and  to monitor their reading or check to see whether they are comprehending what they’re reading.

2014年11月18日 星期二

Telling Jokes in Class, plus a Joke

To start a class with a joke can liven up the atmosphere. I used to tell my students, "A joke a day keeps the doctor away." Although I didn't tell them a joke every day, I did it once in a while. And they loved it!

2014年11月17日 星期一

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words

The first sight of the picture may ring a warning: Beware of what you eat outside your home. However, this is not my main point in this entry.

2014年11月16日 星期日

The Role English Could Play in Life--"陳超明:小確幸人生 英文不能缺席"--from UDN


陳超明:小確幸人生 英文不能缺席



My comments: Surely, for one to enjoy a successful career, language ability is not the only requirement. However, more often than not, it plays a crucial role.

Let Every Student Have Access to Englislh Learning Resources--"英聽落差:沒錢沒資"--UDN


2014.11.16 01:43 am


2014年11月15日 星期六

On Teaching English Listening--"教育資源差很大 怎救英聽"--from UDN


教育資源差很大 怎救英聽
2014.11.15 02:23 am


On Test of English Listening Comprehension--"高中考英聽 會考噩夢重演?"--from UDN


高中考英聽 會考噩夢重演?

2014.11.15 02:23 am


My comments: Please read http://mag.udn.com/mag/edu/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=545523&kdid=AR10&r=6.

This is the report of the results from CEEC: 104學年度高中英語聽力測驗第一次考試成績統計報告[1]



2014年11月14日 星期五

Helping Students Learn English Happily--"翻轉教室 他讓偏鄉生快樂學英文"--from UDN


翻轉教室 他讓偏鄉生快樂學英文



My comments: This is true. Teachers could make a big difference.

2014年11月13日 星期四

Working Together with Oxford University Press--提升英語學習 興國和牛津出版社簽備忘錄"--from UDN


提升英語學習 興國和牛津出版社簽備忘錄


2014年11月12日 星期三

Heroic Deed by a Young Boy in Syria

A TV news report I watched on TV really made me sad. A boy pretended to be dead in order to save a little girl. My question then was, if the snipers had found the boy didn't die, would they still have shot him more? He is only a kid! The answer to my question is "Yes." War, get lost. You should not exist in the world.

The following is the news reported online, where you can watch the one-minute video clip.


2014年11月11日 星期二

Only Time

Me, in 9th grade, the graduation photo from our year book. Ms. Tang brought her copy for Mark to take a look at. At that time, there was a ban on junior and senior high students' hair. Everyone looked almost the same. Well, I cannot imagine all my students with such short hair.

Happy Gathering with Junior High Schoolmates

Mark, a junior high schoolmate I never met before, is going back to the States tomorrow, so Ms. Tang (唐銑) threw a gathering for those who didn't attend a get-together held for him around two weeks ago when he just came back. Though we have seen each other's LINE message, this was the first time several of us met him in person.

2014年11月10日 星期一

Comments on High School English Speech Contest--"台灣省北區高中生英語演講決賽後記"--from Far East Senior/Vocational High School English Website

Another "gift" I bumped into while doing the cleaning. An excellent sharing for those who want to speak English well and those who are interested in entering an English speech contest.



-台北縣板橋高中 呂紹暉老師    January, 2002


Have a Good Sleep--"優質睡眠》用力K三小時…晚上十點睡"--from UDN

This article is on the same page as the one I posted in the previous entry.





My comments: According to many Chinese doctors, for health sake, the best time to go to bed is 10pm. 

Enough Sleep Helps Learning--"洪蘭提倡》做夢也複習…何不晚點上學"--from UDN

I came across this UDN news story when doing the cleaning. An interesting topic! I'm glad I kept this clip of the newspaper, which reminding me of the book "A Perfect Mess."



【聯合報╱記者張錦弘/台北報導】 2007/10/03


2014年11月9日 星期日

Reading Marathon

I just finished a phone conversation with Chen Pin-xuan (陳品璇), a student who graduated from NHSH and now is teaching at Taipei Municipal Tatong High School. Although I never taught her class, via some activities in school, we got to know each other.

2014年11月8日 星期六

Principle of English Writing--"用英文思考 翻轉英文寫作困境"--from UDN


用英文思考 翻轉英文寫作困境



2014年11月7日 星期五

Listening As a College Admission Requirement?--"台、交大不看英聽 他校後悔採計"--from UDN


台、交大不看英聽 他校後悔採計



2014年11月6日 星期四

An TOEFL Sample Essay: "Is studying science more important than studying literature?"

For those who are going to take TOEFL, the following link is worth visiting.


Is studying science more important than studying literature?

Note: This is the best essay on this topic so far.

 Remember: All essays are reproduced  here as they were submitted.

2014年11月5日 星期三

Languages and Life, plus How to Learn a New Language--"褚士瑩:一個人會多少種語言,就有多少種生活"--from Business Weekly

Mr. Chu knows around ten languages. In the last half of this article, he suggested very useful tips on learning new languages.



撰文者  褚士瑩   2013-06-24


實際上,我不知道什麼人是語言天才。很多人或許會以為學習外語是一份額外的負擔,但歌德有句名言:「Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.」(那些不懂得外語的人,等於對自己[的語言]一無所知)也就是說,一個人會多少種語言,就有多少種生活。至於只能活在一種語言裡的人,生活就像明明有超高速的無線寬頻網路,可是只能用來上一個網站,任誰都會覺得很可惜吧?

My comments: However, here "their own" should refer to "their own language."

2014年11月4日 星期二

"From a Rwandan Dump to the Halls of Harvard"--New York Times

This is a touching and inspiring story, which makes us believe that education lifts one up and that kindness makes a difference.


From a Rwandan Dump to the Halls of Harvard


BOSTON —  Nine years old and orphaned by ethnic genocide, he was living in a burned-out car in a Rwandan garbage dump where he scavenged for food and clothes. Daytimes, he was a street beggar. He had not bathed in more than a year.

My comments: Not bathed in more than a year! Poor kid! I cannot even bear not bathing for two days.

2014年11月3日 星期一

Learnign English Through Making Movies and Creating Picture Books--"拍電影、製繪本 英文好好玩"--from UDN

Learning English can be fun!


拍電影、製繪本 英文好好玩



Helping Students Improve English Listening Skills--"克服英聽障礙 升級英語"--from UDN


克服英聽障礙 升級英語力
2014.11.03 02:09 am


My comments: Knowing the importance of English, a former student, after taking TOEFL, asked me to tell my students that they should study English like crazy after getting into college.

2014年11月2日 星期日

A German's View on Taiwan--"放棄德國好工作 只為宮保雞丁"--UDN Article

While cleaning out old newspapers this evening, I found this article, which was written by John Geiger in 2011, a German who was then a chairperson at Dayeh University. However, I couldn't find the article on the UDN website. Luckily, Dayeh University posted it on its site so that I can share it here. Mr. Geiger not only talked about his opinions of people in Taiwan but gave some suggestions about parenting and education.


放棄德國好工作 只為宮保雞丁

聯合報 報導  2011/11/28

【聯合報 / 記者何烱榮 / 彰化報導】


2014年11月1日 星期六

"Let Me Read, Teacher"--"青春名人堂╱老師 放手讓我讀吧!"--from UDN

How I loved to see my students read beyond their textbooks!


青春名人堂╱老師 放手讓我讀吧!
2014.11.01 03:34 am


My comments: I would have paid him compliments.

2014年10月31日 星期五

Keeping Busy after Retirement--女性臉譜/到處奔波的退休生活--from UDN


2014.10.31 03:38 am


2014年10月30日 星期四

Trip to an Antique Store

Along with Mr. Lin and some old colleagues, I visited an antique store opened by Mr. Dai, a retired teacher from NHSH. I was amazed at the power of accumulation and passion!

2014年10月29日 星期三

Connected by Music

Yesterday evening, invited by my g0dmother Mrs. Chen and my aunt, also an old colleague, Ms. Hung, my friends and I went to the concert with the theme of "Bohemian Masters" at the National Recital Hall. The program of the concert included Bedrich Smetana's "Moldau" from My Father Land, for piano four hands arranged by the composer, Bohuslav Martinu's First Piano  Quartet, H. 287, and Atonin Dvorak's Piano Quintet in A Major, Op. 81.

2014年10月28日 星期二

"Making Connections to Improve EL Reading Comprehension"--from TESOL Blog


Making Connections to Improve EL Reading Comprehension

Posted on 23 October 2014 by Judie Haynes

In my last blog, I talked about Reading Workshop and how well comprehension strategies work for English learners (ELs). Books such as Mosaic of Thought (Keene and Zimmerman, 2007), Reading with Meaning (Miller 2012), and Strategies That Work (Harvey and Goudvi 2007) demonstrate the comprehension strategies that good readers use when they interact with text. When I first learned about Reading Workshop, I spent a lot of time with a classroom teacher who used these strategies, and  I adapted them for my ELs. By using the same strategies and terminology as my mainstream colleagues, I could better support the reading instruction taking place in the general education classroom where many ELs spend most of their day.

2014年10月27日 星期一

Adverbial "-ever" Clause vs. Nominal "-ever" Clause

A former colleague who is still teaching called me the day before yesterday and asked me a question: How can we help learners to easily distinguish the advervial "-ever clause" from the nominal one? For example:

1. Whatever you do, I'll love you forever.

2. Whatever you do is fine with me.

2014年10月26日 星期日

The Essence of Education Reform--"推動以「教學」而非「升學」為主旨的教改"--from UDN


2014.10.26 02:20 am


My comments: Yes, only education can raise these kids up to a better life. 

2014年10月25日 星期六

How to Improve Listening Skills--"英聽怎麼練? 每個單字要會念"--from UDN


英聽怎麼練? 每個單字要會念



My comments: Shadowing is a good way to improve listening in English.

2014年10月24日 星期五

Six Websites to Search for Authentic English--"還在用Google翻譯?6個超強網站讓你查到最道地的英文"



有時候光是看課本、講義、武功祕笈、他人筆記、網路文章等等,仍然想知道道地的native speaker到底怎麼怎麼說或寫嗎?來學學使用語料庫吧!

2014年10月22日 星期三

把事做好 就不用擔心未來


亞大場/劉麗珠:把事做好 就不用擔心未來



2014年10月21日 星期二

Falling Behind in the Beginning Doesn't Mean You'll Never Reach the Finish Line--尋路的旅程 不必贏在起跑點


亞大場/尋路的旅程 不必贏在起跑點

記者洪敬浤、喻文玟╱台中報導  20141017



My comments: Attitude counts.

2014年10月20日 星期一

Seeking Your Career--不斷接觸新的經驗 路就出來了

The day before yesterday, a former student called me a few minutes after I got back home from the trip to Kinmen. She told me she had found a new job, but was not sure if she would like it. During our chat, I suggested some jobs which I thought might be interesting to her; however, she still sounded puzzled about her career.

This morning, I came across this news report while flipping through the newspapers I missed reading due to the trip. Hopefully, it would be helpful to young people who are seeking their career.


不斷接觸新的經驗 路就出來了 

記者洪敬浤、喻文玟╱台中報導    2014/10/17


2014年10月19日 星期日

Xu-Jiang-Xiao-Wo Inscribed Rocks

If I am asked about the 3-day trip to Kinmen, the first thing that flashes into my mind would be Xu-Jiang-Xiao-Wo Inscribed Rocks. Xu-Jiang is another name of Yu Da-yo (1503-1579), a general in the Ming Dynasty. In his free time, he often came to this place to rest or view the ocean. He wrote Xu Jiang Xiao Wo (虛江嘯臥) on the rock, which is behind the pavilion in the picture, meaning he himself shouted and lay here. Afterward, characters were inscribed on the rocks nearby.

2014年10月17日 星期五

Trip to Kinmen--Day 2

Today we spent around four hours in Little Kinmen. We hired a taxi to take us around the island. With a local resident as our driver and tour guide, we visited many a tourist attraction, including Bada Tower, Hujingtou War Museum, and Siwei Tunnel.

2014年10月16日 星期四

Hi, Kinmen

I am in Kinmen. My first time to be here. It took around one hour to fly here from Taipei.

The scenic spots we visited today included  Zhaishan Tunnel (翟山坑道), Wentai Pagoda (文臺寶塔), Xu-Jiang-xiao-wo Inscribed Rocks (虛江嘯臥碣群), etc.

2014年10月14日 星期二

From Junior High Schoolmates to New Friends

"教出滿分生/5老師的魔法 讓作文不再可恨"--from UDN


教出滿分生/5老師的魔法 讓作文不再可恨



2014年10月13日 星期一

Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way--"翻轉教育路 2老師邊說邊飆淚"--from UDN


翻轉教育路 2老師邊說邊飆淚


鄉慢學 在小校 可以因材施教

都會探索 在大校 嘗試需要勇氣


2014年10月12日 星期日

No Winning, No Losing--"王文華/沒有人是「人生勝利組」"--from UDN



2014.10.11 05:40 pm


2014年10月11日 星期六

Being Smart or Wise?--"洪蘭/面對選擇 當聰明人或智者?"--from UDN


洪蘭/面對選擇 當聰明人或智者?
2014.10.09 01:57 am


2014年10月10日 星期五

High School Class Reunion Trip-2

During yesterday's high school reunion trip, I learned a lot, for example, making Chinese snacks, changing gears while driving (Don't laugh even if you know I have driven for more than 20 years!), taking better photos, etc. What impressed me most was the story Mei-chu told us.

2014年10月9日 星期四

2014年10月8日 星期三

外語人才 全球化有新風貌


外語人才 全球化有新風貌
2014.10.08 02:06 am


2014年10月7日 星期二

"Flipping With YouTube"--from TESOL blog


Flipping With YouTube

Posted on 30 September 2014 by Tara Arntsen

Over a year ago, I wrote about The Flipped Classroom here on the TESOL blog, and I would like to revisit the topic since the flipped classroom has really continued to gain popularity in the past several years. It is really a hot topic and something that many educators are interested in learning more about and even trying out.

My comments: Yes, it has hit the headline recently in Taiwan.      

2014年10月6日 星期一

Welcome to NHSH

This noon, I attended a welcoming lunch held by NHSH English teachers. In the above pictures are all the newcomers this semester, three of whom were formally recruited new teachers. some substitutes, and some in their internship. They are young and energetic! I told them teaching is the best job in the world.

2014年10月5日 星期日

Understand Ebola in Three Minutes

Ebola has hit the headline recently. Here are two videos, each of which, one in Chinese and the other in English, helps us get a clearer idea of this dreadful disease.


你該認識但不該害怕,三分鐘看懂伊波拉  20140826

2014年10月4日 星期六

IELTS Writing Samples

The day before yesterday, a former student who is taking an IELTS exam next week asked me to give feedback to three essays he had written. After giving him some correction suggestions, I advised him to read some writing samples. While reading, he had better analyze the organization of each and write an outline so that he can apply the strategies he learns to his writing. Besides, I asked him to read the samples aloud.

Click the link, and you'll find quite a few writing samples provided by IELTS.

2014年10月3日 星期五

"Signspotting around the world: Funny fails"--from CNN

This is interesting, reminding me of a sign I saw in a restaurant at Shanghai World Expo several years ago. It said, "Please slip carefully." Can you figure out the Chinese equivalent?


Signspotting around the world: Funny fails
By Katia Hetter, CNN

October 1, 2014 -- Updated 1451 GMT (2251 HKT)

(CNN) -- As much as we try to communicate clearly, there is much fun to be had when we fail -- and it's never clearer than with signage gone wrong around the world.

2014年10月2日 星期四

On Reading--"「滑世代」閱讀定義 看臉書轉貼文也算閱讀"--from UDN


「滑世代」閱讀定義  看臉書轉貼文也算閱讀

根據「新世代 愛.悅.讀 論壇」所發表的閱讀調查中指出,有高達72.6%的受訪者認為看網路新聞也算閱讀,而有高達65.9%的民眾認為看網路轉貼文章或是臉書訊息也算一種閱讀的形式,顯示「滑世代」深深影響了國人的閱讀習慣。

My comments: Is reading newspapers a form of reading? I read BBC and CNN news on my cellphone.

2014年10月1日 星期三

On Parenting--"廖玉蕙/尊重和誠信的教養觀"--from UDN


2014.10.01 02:39 am


My comments: That's why family education always comes before school education. Even a toddler learns something from his/her parents every day, often only by watching.

2014年9月30日 星期二

Flipped And/Or Not Flipped?--"靈活互補 傳統教學不能完全翻轉"--from UDN


靈活互補 傳統教學不能完全翻轉
2014.09.30 02:34 am


2014年9月29日 星期一

On Flipped Classroom-7_學生創業/要翻轉老師 也要翻轉家長--from UDN


學生創業/要翻轉老師 也要翻轉家長
2014.09.29 10:35 am


On Flipped Classroom-6_補教名師 用「喀嚓」找知識--from UDN


觀點交鋒/補教名師 用「喀嚓」找知識
2014.09.29 10:35 am


On Flipped Classroom-5_觀點交鋒/台大教授 打造學習界臉書--from UDN


觀點交鋒/台大教授 打造學習界臉書

【聯合報╱記者黃昭勇/報導】2014.09.29 10:35 am

On Flipped Classroom-4_卓憶嵐:母親的熱情 點燃改變教學的火--from UDN


卓憶嵐:母親的熱情 點燃改變教學的火

2014.09.29 10:35 am


On Flipped Classroom-3_官爺鬆手吧 讓教師「翻」更高更好-from UDN


觀察站/官爺鬆手吧 讓教師「翻」更高更好
2014.09.29 10:35 am


My comments: In fact, a teacher is one of the few jobs in which they can decide on how they teach and guide their students to learn.

On Flipped Classroom-2_"研習結束淚盈眶「好想設計自己的翻轉教材」"-from UDN


2014.09.29 10:35 am


On Flipped Classroom-1_"熱血928 逾2200師自主翻轉學習"--from UDN

A big issue in Taiwan's education.


熱血928 逾2200師自主翻轉學習
2014.09.29 10:35 am


2014年9月28日 星期日

A Devoted Teacher--"師鐸獎/他月月捐薪 教書17年存款8萬"--from UDN


師鐸獎/他月月捐薪 教書17年存款8萬



My comments: Teachers can make a difference in their students' life.

2014年9月27日 星期六

As a Teacher, Do You Do Your Job Well?--"你有活出教師的價值嗎"--from UDN


2014.09.27 02:03 am



2014年9月26日 星期五

Studio in Nature


(Made by Annie for me after I sending her a photo at Yangmingshang via LINE)

To celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary on Sep. 28, George and I decided to have some pictures taken. However, instead of having it done in a studio, we did it ourselves at Yangmingshan with the help of a tripod. We took the whole day and it was fun!

2014年9月25日 星期四

Dear Son, Happy Birthday!

Today is my son's birthday. Of course, my husband and I sent him our best wishes via FB private messages and LINE. We even bought a small cake and sang him Happy Birthday song in the evening, though not in his presence. He is studying in the US, far away from us.

Thank You, Annie

This noon I invited Annie (詹麗馨老師) to have lunch to show my gratitude for her timely help with my test item writing.

Friends Often Have You on Their Minds

Yesterday around 6pm, I got a phone call from Po-ching (朱博清), a junior high schoolmate who I just got acquainted with in late April this year. He asked me if I was free because he would like to invite me to eat beef noodles at a schoolmate's restaurant with him and his wife. I said yes and he suggested picking me up between 6:30 and 7pm.

2014年9月24日 星期三

Teach Students How to Cope with Breakups--公民沒教的「分手」課


2014.09.24 09:48 am


My comments: School doesn't even offer courses about love. 

2014年9月23日 星期二

Positive Thinking Makes a Big Difference--分手之痛 何不發憤圖強


高材生情殺/分手之痛 何不發憤圖強
2014.09.23 02:02 am


My comments: When we think differently, we act differently. As a teaccher, I told my students, "When you are in anger, you'd better not do anything, because

d(o)+ anger = danger."

2014年9月22日 星期一

A Letter from Nobel-Winning Playwright Eugene O’Neill to His Son

How many parents would write a letter like this to their children?


Nobel-Winning Playwright Eugene O’Neill on Happiness, Hard Work, and Success in a Letter to His Unmotivated Young Son


“Any fool knows that to work hard at something you want to accomplish is the only way to be happy.”

My comments: What about helping others? What about seeing a thing of beauty? 

2014年9月21日 星期日

Children's Picture Books at Gutenberg Project

This is another good website for reading, also recommended by the professor mentioned in my yesterday's entry.  You can find the famous stories by the Brothers Grimm, Charles Dickens, Beatrix Potter, who wrote the Tale of Peter Rabbit, Mother Goose, etc. It's a pity that among all the books, only Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter and the Tale of Peter Rabbit come in an audio version. Nonetheless, it is a great treasure trove of children's picture books. Just admiring those pictures is an absolute joy.

2014年9月20日 星期六

Children's Literature at Gutenberg Project--a Good Reading Website

This website was recommended to me by a professor who read and gave modification suggestions about an article I had written for Secondary Education, a quarterly journal for secondary school teachers in Taiwan. The website contained a lot of literary works mainly for children, which have been read and loved by adults too, such as Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women," J. M. Barrie's "Peter Pan," Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol," etc. A few of the stories have the audio version. Check it out and you'll be delighted by what is presented to you.

2014年9月19日 星期五

Master at Least One Language--"王正方/總得掌握一種語言吧!"--from UDN


2014.09.19 02:13 am


My comments: Language is the foundation of knowledge.


2014年9月18日 星期四

Less Is More--"殺警、餿油、吸毒/給孩子愈多愈害他"--from UDN


2014.09.18 01:20 am



Character Building--"殺警、餿油、吸毒/救救品格教育"--from UDN


2014.09.18 01:20 am


2014年9月17日 星期三

"Evernote: For Organizing Your Digital Life"--from TESOL Blog

Evernote was recommended to me long time ago by my former student Joel (簡喬). But I never checked it out. Shame on me! Yesterday while browsing the Net on my smartphone, I came across this TESOL Blog article on this app . Perhaps I should give it a try. Getting organized should also be an important lesson for students to learn.


Evernote: For Organizing Your Digital Life

Posted on 16 September 2014 by Tara Arntsen

2014年9月16日 星期二

Education in Finland--"少即是多! 芬蘭教育世界教育之冠"


少即是多! 芬蘭教育世界教育之冠



My comments: I also believe that kids can learn better in a relaxing atmosphere. When I taught at school, I seldom gave students pressure.

2014年9月15日 星期一

"5 TED Talks Teachers Should Watch With Students"--from Edudemic

TED is one of my favorite websites to recommend to students. During the last few years in my teaching career, I presented some to my senior students once in a while, including Ken Robinson's "How Schools Kill Creativity," Adora Svitak's "What Adults Can Learn from Kids," etc. The five talks listed here were not on my list. I'll watch them in the coming days.


5 TED Talks Teachers Should Watch With Students

By on May 9, 2014

2014年9月14日 星期日

Topics of Past National English Speech and Writing Contests

This is a webpage at the website of Taichung Municipal Hui-Wen High School. On this page you can find topics of national English speech and writing contests in recent years. What's better, it offers links to the winning essays on "Being a Good Writer" in the 2010 writing contest.


2014年9月13日 星期六

"8 Uplifting Quotes For Discouraged Students"--from Edudemic


8 Uplifting Quotes For Discouraged Students

My comments: In fact, there are 9, Einstein's included.

By on September 9, 2014

There are many reasons a student can lose focus in school.

2014年9月12日 星期五

Surprise from a Good Friend

My good friend Annie (詹麗馨老師) is good at giving. Yesterday late afternoon, when I got home from the trip, before leaving for the date with my students, I got a gift package from Annie. I didn't have time to thank her until very late, when I came back from the gathering.

Dating with Our Sweet Girls

(Photo from Lily)

Yesterday, after the trip to nature, I hurried to the date with 6 girls from Class 314, who graduated from NHSH in 2012 and are going on their junior year in college, and their homeroom teacher Lily (張俐俐老師) at one of the girl Yu-ching's home before they go back to school next Monday. Although I sprained my left ankle and left arm a little during the outing in Yangmingshan, eager to see the students, I still went as I promised the day before.

Making Friends with Nature

Yesterday morning I drove four old colleagues and friends to Yangmingshan. According to Mei-chen, Yangmingshan is the coolest place in Taipei in summer. At the restaurant, we came across an old colleague who is also retired. She went there with her reading club members.

2014年9月11日 星期四

Is Teaching an Easy Job?

An old colleague expressed on FB her anger over the remarks made by a graduate to her former teacher sitting next to her.  The student said she'd like to be a teacher because it is an easy job.

2014年9月10日 星期三

2014年9月9日 星期二

What Do We Live for--"洪蘭/做好平凡事 一生不平凡"--from UDN


洪蘭/做好平凡事 一生不平凡
2014.09.08 02:20 am


My comments: Albert Einstein once said, "Only a life lived for others is a life worth while."

2014年9月8日 星期一

"In pictures: Mid-Autumn Festival"--from BBC

In today's BBC News in Picture, quite a few pictures related to the Moon Festival are displayed. Click the link and go over the pictures. You'll find some surprises! You'll even seen the giant "Moon Rabbit" in Taiwan, created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman.


In pictures: Mid-Autumn Festival

2014年9月7日 星期日

Taiwan's Cooking Oil Scandal--"Polluted cooking oil in famous Taiwanese stores"--from asiaone news


Polluted cooking oil in famous Taiwanese stores

The China Post/Asia News NetworkSaturday, Sep 06, 2014

TAIPEI, Taiwan -The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a list of 235 companies that bought polluted cooking oil products from Chung Guann Co., Ltd. (強冠公司), based on records the company provided yesterday morning. Some well-known traditional snack shops and restaurants are listed.

My comments: I'm really angry about this scandal. How can a company makes making as much money as it can its first priority, at the cost of the health of those who trust it?

2014年9月6日 星期六

Lee Wei's Wedding

This evening, I attended a former student Lee Wei's wedding at Palais de Chine Hotel. He graduated from NHSH around 13 years ago, in 2001.

2014年9月5日 星期五

A Play

Does this scene seem familiar to you? You attend a gathering, say, a class reunion, only to find almost everyone there staring at their smartphone screen. This is a scene in the play I watched this afternoon, at the invitation of Ruo-heng (陳若珩), a former student who graduated from NHSH two years ago.

2014年9月4日 星期四

Annie, Me, and Our Listening Exercise Book 6

In the afternoon, after the gathering with my junior high teacher and schoolmates, I hurried to the afternoon tea with my dear friend Annie and three ladies from Kangxuan.

Happy Gathering

This noon I ate lunch with my junior high schoolmates in Tienmu. In fact, none of them were my classmates in my senior year. This year's April reunion acquainted us with each other! Our chemistry teacher Ms. Lee (李和美老師) also joined us.

2014年9月3日 星期三

Young Explorer--a National Geographic Website for Children

This website was recommended by I Simply Love to Share on FB. It is intended for kids. Each e-storybook is an issue, for example, garden helpers, web weavers, move to live, etc. Each e-book comes with a page turner and recordings. By clicking the recording button before a sentence, the sentence will be read aloud.


Young Explorer

2014年9月2日 星期二

20 English Phrases That Have Totally Different Meanings In Japan

An interesting article about "Japanese English."


20 English Phrases That Have Totally Different Meanings In Japan
Andrew Miller, RocketNews24

  • Aug.  5, 2014,  2:00PM

How many of you have ever heard of the Japanese word ‘wasei eigo?

A direct translation into English would be “Japanese-made English”, but put  more simply the word refers to English words that, after a little tampering,  have been adopted into the modern Japanese lexicon and used on an everyday  basis. Despite having their origins in English, wasei  eigo words often have quite different meanings to those on which they  are based.

2014年9月1日 星期一

Class 301 Reunion



This evening, I attended the reunion of Class 301, one of the three classes that I taught in the last year of my teaching career. I still remember the interaction between them and me in class. Whenever I asked a question, many of them shot their hands into the air, eager to answer the question to win points. They once told me it was due to their sense of honor. Haha! How can I forget them?

2014年8月31日 星期日

No Rush!--"百年樹人 不可能一次到位"--from UDN


百年樹人 不可能一次到位
2014.08.31 02:24 am



A Photo of the Logos Hope

A photo of the Logos Hope taken by Zhou Yen-yu, the former student who I had a gathering the day before yesterday.

2014年8月30日 星期六

Thank You for Your Love, My Dear Students

Yu-han, Yu-chi, Hsiao-chieh, and Yu-wei, four students from my homeroom class 314, who graduated in 2011 from NHSH, invited me to lunch today. We spent a great time together, chatting and laughing to our hearts' content all the way. They shared with me what had happened since we last saw each other.

2014年8月29日 星期五

A Picture Book by Zhou Yen-yu.

A picture book by Zhou Yen-yu, a former student who graduated from NHSH two years ago. He's had the book published. In it he put his favorite characters from cartoons and movies on the same stage.

"From janitor to teacher to principal, all at the same school"

A very inspiring story. It's education that makes this possible!


From janitor to teacher to principal, all at the same school

By                                  February 11, 2014 3:17 PM

Port Barre Elementary principal Gabe Sonnier says, "It's not how you start, it's how you finish."

2014年8月28日 星期四

Listening Test & Admission to College--城鄉差距嚴重 台大不設英聽門檻


城鄉差距嚴重 台大不設英聽門檻



My comments: This is quite reasonable.

2014年8月27日 星期三

"School Should Start Later So Teens Can Sleep, Urge Doctors"--from TIME


School Should Start Later So Teens Can Sleep, Urge Doctors

Alice Park               @aliceparkny                              

The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) says there’s strong scientific evidence to support later school start times for middle and high schoolers

When it comes to the importance of sleep, it’s all about the biology, say pediatric experts. And in a report released Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports pushing back start times for older kids, particularly teens, because it’s better for their mental and physical health.

2014年8月26日 星期二

Brush Up on English

This noon I had a gathering with a former student who graduated in 2012. We chatted until around 3pm.

During our chat, he mentioned he is preparing for the graduate school entrance exam in 2016, but hadn't started studying English and that his English is not as good now as two years ago, when he was in high school.

2014年8月25日 星期一

12 Classic Books That Will Change Your Life

While surfing the RD website, through links, I was led to this article presented at Lifespan.


12 Classic Books That Will Change Your Life

Reading can become a serious but positive addiction once you indulge into it. Many studies and experiments have proved that books can have a huge impact on your mind. They cause biological changes; researchers have found that a powerful story can create ‘muscle memory’ in the brain in the same way as if the events and facts had actually happened to the reader. It is interesting that a good book is usually universal, it can affect people of all ages, social status, nationality etc. Below you will find a list of 11 12 books that have changed lives of many bibliophiles; if you haven’t read them yet, do it now, because reading is one of the best pleasures of human being.

2014年8月24日 星期日

Happy Marriage, Charlie!

This noon I attended Charlie's wedding at South Garden Hotel in Taoyuan. Charlie graduated from NHSH in 2001. He invited some of his 305 classmates to the wedding, which made the wedding also a reunion. I remember once on a FB chat, he said, "You are always happy about our happiness." (By "our", he meant my students.) Yes, Charlie, I am, always. Wish you a very beautiful marriage! Thank you for inviting me to such an important occasion in your life.


2014年8月23日 星期六

"Mystery drive: Tour offers cab rides to who knows where"--from CNN

This is interesting! The foreign tourists could enjoy some unexpected fun!


Mystery drive: Tour offers cab rides to who knows where
By Maggie Hiufu Wong, CNN

August 14, 2014 -- Updated 0349 GMT (1149 HKT)

(CNN) -- We've all heard the old adage that travel is about the journey, not the destination.

Now, a travel company in Taipei, Taiwan, is taking the concept so literally that it's not even bothering to list the destinations on its newest city tour.

2014年8月22日 星期五


This evening, my dear friend Annie (詹麗馨老師, the one on the right) called me. I thanked her for going so fast through the listening exercise items I'd written since yesterday and for giving me constructive suggestions. She is brilliantly efficient. Emailing her ten items this late afternoon, I thought she would send me her feedback tomorrow morning at the earliest. However, after dinner, when I checked my inbox, the feedback was already there. Amazing!