2014年12月1日 星期一

My Dear Students, You Amazed Me; plus Only Time

Today two encounters with my former students amazed me.

(From Tze-hao)


First, at noon, I had a face-to-face gathering with Ma Tze-hao (馬子皓), now a senior in college. During our chat, he told me about the wide variety of courses he takes and activities he participates in. His inquisitive mind keeps extending his horizons. Later he sent me a table of his goals via LINE. I was impressed by his clear vision about his future. Besides, his comment on the photos I LINEd him, which are not good enough because of the redness as shown above, showed his positiveness: "The color your phone made made them romantic haha."

(From Tze-hao)


Then came the encounter in cyberspace. In the evening, Spencer sent me an email asking for a favor--going over his "Statement of Purpose" for admission to his PhD program in the States. Reading through it, I was nearly moved to tears. In my reply, I told him that his expertise in linguistics has gone far beyond my level. Recalling grading his essays when he was still a senior in high school, I was intrigued by what time does. His academic growth over time really wooed and wowed me. I found myself humming Enya's "Only Time."

The first two lines, I believe, must have struck a chord in thousands of hearts:

"Who can say where the road goes

Where the days flow, only time"

