2014年9月12日 星期五

Dating with Our Sweet Girls

(Photo from Lily)

Yesterday, after the trip to nature, I hurried to the date with 6 girls from Class 314, who graduated from NHSH in 2012 and are going on their junior year in college, and their homeroom teacher Lily (張俐俐老師) at one of the girl Yu-ching's home before they go back to school next Monday. Although I sprained my left ankle and left arm a little during the outing in Yangmingshan, eager to see the students, I still went as I promised the day before.

At the beginning of the gathering, I asked the girls how they were doing and was happy to know they were enjoying their life to the fullest. Unlike high school graduates, who have the same goal--going to a good college, college students, especially juniors aand seniors, have different plans. Some are even worried about the uncertainty of their future. Well, what will be will be. Don't worry too much! Stay happy.

(Photo from Lily)


The song Que Sera Sera sung by Doris Day:


