2016年6月16日 星期四

2016年6月15日 星期三

Stephish's Picture Book

Yesterday evening, I got a private FB message from Vicky (楊雯琪), who graduated from NHSH in 2011 and is studying at National Chengchi University, informing me of the picture book her classmate, also my student, Stephish (劉思妤) had published recently. This is the link to the introduction of the author, the book, and the fund-raising activity, followed by a link to the procedure of placing an order, which is created by Vicky.



2016年6月13日 星期一

Data Bank for TED

A share on FB. This is amazing! It is a list of all the TED talks, including the link, the speaker, the title, a brief summary, the duration, and the date. The compiler is unknown, but is owed a debt of great gratitude.

"【TED Talks資料庫】找到一份Google文件,收集歷年來的TED演講(包括作者,演講摘要,演講日期和連結link,全部都有耶)   這簡直是大資料庫,大寶藏 !!!  不藏私大推 
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2016年6月12日 星期日

Zi-zhen's Vocal Recital

This afternoon, I took the 14:13 HSR to Taichung to attend my student Zi-zhen's (王子甄) vocal recital, also her graduation recital.

2016年6月11日 星期六

What Is This?

Yesterday afternoon I bumped into this insect while hiking in Yangmingshan. If you look closely at its upper part, you can see a human face. What is it? Nature is always a riddle to me.

2016年6月10日 星期五

2016 NTU Commencement Speech by Mr. Yeh--"自爆小學曾作弊 台大教授、總統創新獎得主葉丙成︰不要為社會期待而活"--from UDN

The news story about Mr. Yeh's commencement speech is inspiring, but the heading is not well written. It may mislead.


自爆小學曾作弊 台大教授、總統創新獎得主葉丙成︰不要為社會期待而活



Go to Yangmingshan on Impulse

See the time? 18:52! That's when we just left our car and enjoyed the serenity of Yangmingshan yesterday evening.

2016年6月9日 星期四

Be Useful--"施振榮:我有聽媽媽的話 做對社會有用的事"--from UDN


施振榮:我有聽媽媽的話 做對社會有用的事

2016-06-06 12:00 聯合報 記者鄭語謙╱即時報導


My comments: My prayer for my son always ends with "Let him exert himself and make contributions to society, to the world."

Homemade Healthy Breakfast--"自製菜單更健康 早餐也能田園風"--from UDN

My good friend Annie's article about the breakfast she prepares for her family is run in today's UDN. This morning, when I saw the photo, which looks familiar to me, I knew the article was hers. Annie shares the breakfast she makes every day with me and her FB friends. She has her own style.


自製菜單更健康 早餐也能田園風

2016-06-09 10:50:28 聯合報 文╱詹麗馨(新北永和)


2016年6月8日 星期三

Wei-li & Wei-chi, Bravo!

This evening, I went to a violin & piano concert with two former colleagues, Li-chu, Ching-ju, and Ching-ju's husband at Ms. Hong's invitation. Guess what! The pianist whose recital I attended around a month ago sat next to us, the second one from the right. I was really excited! I paid her my sincere compliments and got her permission to have photos taken with her.

Beautiful Lily Trip

2016年6月7日 星期二

Child-rearing--"兩種孩子…獨居倉庫他惜福 被捧手心他混日"--from UDN

A thought-provoking article.


兩種孩子…獨居倉庫他惜福 被捧手心他混日

2016-06-05 02:23 聯合報 李寶珍/國中教師(新北市)



2016年6月6日 星期一

Tze-huang, Congratulations on Your Graduation!

This photo looks familiar, right? Well, it was from my entry on April 20, 2013, entitled "The 2013 White Coat Ceremony at Chang Gung University." (http://june.ettachou.com/2013/04/20/the-2013-white-coat-ceremony-at-chang-gung-university/)   Why did I review this photo?

A few minutes ago, I got a private FB message from Tze-huang. It goes as follows:

2016年6月5日 星期日

"Japanese missing boy: How did Yamato Tanooka survive?"--from BBC

In the first few years when I was teaching at NHSH, an outside reading book about how a girl survived in a jungle impressed both the students and me a lot. a few days ago, a true story of survival in the wild happened in Japan.


Japanese missing boy: How did Yamato Tanooka survive?

By Yvette Tan BBC News

3 June 2016

A seven-year-old Japanese boy who went missing for nearly a week after his parents briefly left him in remote woods as punishment has been found safe and well.

How did Yamato Tanooka survive and find shelter, and how much of a danger were the bears that live in the region?

2016年6月4日 星期六

Tips on Cultivating Well-roundedness--"洪蘭/心智健全發展 勝過明星學校"--from UDN


洪蘭/心智健全發展 勝過明星學校

2016-06-04 02:29 聯合報 洪蘭 (中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授)


My comments: Bedtime stories not only stirred his imagination but strengthened the bond between his father and him.

2016年6月3日 星期五

When Friends Are There, It Is Different

My sister-in-law's funeral was held this morning.

When seeing her friends, my mom-in-law's friends, and my relatives at the funeral, I felt touched. At the signt of a friend of my sister-in-law's crying bitterly and looking like she regretted much not seeing her for a long time, only to attend her funeral, I cried too.

2016年6月2日 星期四

2016年6月1日 星期三

Tips on Preparation for the UEE English Test--"指考衝刺(三)/英作文搶分 架構要完整用字要精準"--from UDN


指考衝刺(三)/英作文搶分 架構要完整用字要精準

2016-06-01 08:00 聯合報 本報記者陳智華


My comments: All the three tips are what I would suggest if I were invited to give advice on preparing for English test on the UEE.

2016年5月31日 星期二

Dress Code--"美公立高中 服儀規定有4頁"--from UDN


美公立高中 服儀規定有4頁

2016-05-31 02:03 聯合報 李同穎/工程師、美國高中生家長(美國)



2016年5月30日 星期一

Make School a Center of Love--"讓學校成為引入愛的漩渦中心 - 李枝桃"--a Talk

This video was shared by an NTNU classmate of mine in our LINE group. Ms. Lee is a principal I admire a lot. I've posted in my blog many articles she contributed to the UDN. All of them are written with love.

In this 24-minute talk, Ms. Lee shared her idea of what education should be like and how she helped and inspired students. Bravo!

20141106 - 讓學校成為引入愛的漩渦中心 - 李枝桃

2016年5月29日 星期日

"Authentic Text Time in Adult Ed"-from TESOL Blog


Authentic Text Time in Adult Ed

Posted on 25 April 2016 by Robert Sheppard

Adult learners, especially immigrants who have various competing priorities which may take precedence over English, need to see an immediate application for their new language. In many contexts, English can be a luxury; for adult immigrants, it cannot be. As teachers, we must approach it with an urgency and immediacy that might be unusual in, say, a business EFL program. A student-driven environmental/authentic text time is one way to add relevance, immediacy, and authenticity to your adult English classes.

My comments: Even to teenage learners, authentic texts seem more real and interesting.

2016年5月28日 星期六

Scripps National Spelling Bee 2016--"美拼字賽 兩印度裔男孩奪冠"--from UDN

A video is presented in the following webpage.


美拼字賽 兩印度裔男孩奪冠

2016-05-28 03:19 聯合報 編譯陳韻涵/報導


My comments: But according to Bee Blog below, "multiple 11-year-olds have won the bee."


My comments: How did they make it? How I want to interview them!

2016年5月27日 星期五

Stay Healthy

This evening, at a vegetarian restaurant, George and I bumped into a friend of George's who works in a hospital. He told us a shocking finding that a third of the patients in the hospital suffer from cancer. Why? Because of the food taken in, with so many harmful additives.

Furthermore, he mentioned the importance of keeping healthy. He said that most people don't know its importance until they lose their health, when it is too late.

2016年5月26日 星期四

"Pisa tests to include 'global skills' and cultural awareness"--from BBC


Pisa tests to include 'global skills' and cultural awareness

By Andreas Schleicher OECD education director

25 May 2016

Pisa tests, an international standard for comparing education systems around the world, could include a new measurement of global skills in the next round of tests in 2018.

The OECD, which runs the tests in maths, reading and science, is considering adding another test which would look at how well pupils can navigate an increasingly diverse world, with an awareness of different cultures and beliefs.

The OECD's education director Andreas Schleicher explains why there is such a need for new rankings to show young people's competence in a world where globalisation is a powerful economic, political and cultural force.

Education leaders around the world are increasingly talking about the need to teach "global competences" as a way of addressing the challenges of globalisation.

2016年5月25日 星期三

Reading Competition--"中山國中自辦閱讀PK 獲教部磐石獎"--Liberty Times


〈台北都會〉中山國中自辦閱讀PK 獲教部磐石獎


〔記者梁珮綺/台北報導〕台北市中山國中長期在校內推廣讀報,每年仿照益智節目,針對七、八年級生舉辦「好讀I Do! 閱讀PK競賽」,各班可推派五名代表答題,並有「同學卡」,當參賽代表答不出來時,可向班上同學求救。題目包山包海,莎士比亞、虛擬實境、茲卡病毒、兩性平權、臉書符號等皆入題,扣合時事也考知識底蘊,今年獲教育部「閱讀磐石獎」,也是全北市唯一獲獎國中。

2016年5月24日 星期二

Life of No Regrets--"日本醫生 大津秀一,在臨終病房 紀錄1000個人離世前的遺言:這15件事,你不看會後悔終生!"

My sister-in-law passed away at 5:15 this morning. The whole family is sad; however, she finally ended all her suffering. A booklet I read last Saturday mentioned that we can ask the dying about their unfulfilled wishes and tell him/her we will help to accomplish them. This reminds me of an article on a bulletin board in the hospice my sis-in-law stayed, part of which I shared thi past Sunday.


日本醫生 大津秀一,在臨終病房 紀錄1000個人離世前的遺言:這15件事,你不看會後悔終生!

美國版:人們臨終最後悔的 5件事有哪些?




文中總結了生命走到盡頭時 人們最後悔的5件事









在日本也有這樣一位年輕的臨終關懷醫生 大津秀一

2016年5月23日 星期一

More Than a School--"小野/我們要辦的不止是一所學校"--from Liberty Times



2016-05-23 06:00



2016年5月22日 星期日

Diego, Nice to See You Again!

Time: 6:30pm~9:10pm

Place: A Japanese restaurant in Taipei

At every gathering, I learned a lot from Diego, a former student who graduated in 2006.


Regrets of the Dying--"臨終前你可能會後悔的五件事"--from CommonWealth

Today, I stayed at the hospice with my sister-in-law from 2pm to 10:15pm. Seeing a life withering, of course, I felt very sad. When explaining to us my sister-in-law's condition, the nurse said it would be my sister-in-law that decided when she would leave the world. Is it really so?

I came across a post on the bulletin board in front of my sister-in-law's ward. It mentions two articles, which remind its readers how to live. I found one of them online as follows:



2016年5月21日 星期六

Gap Year--"歐巴馬女兒休學 哈佛鼓勵「暫停一下」"--from UDN


歐巴馬女兒休學 哈佛鼓勵「暫停一下」

2016-05-21 08:20 聯合報 記者陳韻涵/報導

美國總統歐巴馬的大女兒瑪莉亞已被哈佛大學錄取,但今年高中畢業後會先休學一年,待父親明年卸任後,才會跟隨父母的腳步進入哈佛就讀,過正常的新鮮人生活。瑪莉亞的選擇,掀起休學是否已成為趨勢的話題和兩大疑問:學生在「空檔年」(gap year)做些什麼?校方如何看待提出空檔年休學計畫的學生

My comments: I didn't know about "gap year" until around 6 years ago when I bumped into this term in an English writing book. In the book was a writing topic: "How would you spend your gap year?" I then had my students write on this topic.

2016年5月20日 星期五

"Taiwan, the place to be a woman in politics"--from BBC

Today, Taiwan's new president and also the first female president, Tsai Ing-wen, is going to be sworn into office.


Taiwan, the place to be a woman in politics

By Cindy Sui BBC News, Taipei
19 May 2016

Tsai Ing-wen will on Friday become Taiwan's first female president.

It has never been a burning ambition of the cat-loving former law professor to be president, and she is virtually unique among East Asia's female leaders.

Gathering with Junior High Schoolmates

Time: 6:30pm~10pm, May 18, 2016

Place: Moon River Cafe, Taipei

Participants: 張雪芬, 連莉霞, 陳俊智, and me

2016年5月18日 星期三

"East Asian words make it into Oxford English Dictionary"--from the guardian


East Asian words make it into Oxford English Dictionary

Latest update to OED includes words used by English speakers in Hong Kong and Singapore such as ‘wah’ and ‘dai pai dong’

Words most commonly heard on the streets of Hong Kong and Singapore such as “yum cha” and “wah” have been included in the Oxford English Dictionary’s latest update.

2016年5月17日 星期二

Love, in the Hugs, in the Hands, in the Air

超愛老師抱超緊,謝謝老師在辦婚禮前給我超多鼓勵 (Caption by Zazie)

感人的一幕 (Caption by Zazie)

Zazie posted photos taken at her wedding by the photographer on FB and tagged me to six. The hug between Zazie and me reminds me of the hug shared by Ruey-ying and me around 8 years ago on the first day of SAT, which was caught and run in the UDN.

2016年5月16日 星期一

William Blake's Auguries of Innocence, plus an Interpretation

This morning, after reading a LINE message sent by my friend Annie, the first four lines of William Blake's Auguries of Innocence crawled into my mind:

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour."

To review this poem, I then surfed the Net and found the whole poem. After reading it twice, I looked for information about it. I was happy to come across the following website, at which the poem itself is presented and introduced as a whole. What's most impressive, the poem is interpreted line by line.

2016年5月15日 星期日

2016 Junior High CA & Comments on the English Test

2016 Junior High CA

Comments on the test:


會考英文科 諷刺小說第22條軍規入題

發稿時間:2016/05/15 15:09

最新更新:2016/05/15 15:39


My comments: About the novel by Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-22

2016年5月14日 星期六

What Is Learning?--"閱讀生活/學習到底是什麼?"--from UDN



2016-05-14 07:48 聯合報 文/奧黛莉.雅坤(認知行為心理治療師) 依莎貝爾.



My comments: However, learning is never boring to me. I always have fun.

2016年5月13日 星期五

Google Translate--"英文菜單、路標...鏡頭一掃立刻變中文!Google翻譯App,英文再菜也不怕出國"--from Business Weekly

Wow! The idea of "Word Lens" once flashed into my mind!




Google今天宣布Google翻譯推出三大重要更新!除了倍受台灣使用者期待的繁體中文即時鏡頭翻譯(Word Lens),全新登場的一鍵翻譯(Tap to Translate)功能也將支援在第三方應用程式中直接進行文字翻譯,大幅提升圖像與文字翻譯品質與體驗!而 Google離線翻譯也正式登入iOS系統,協助更多使用者無論身在何地都能跨越語言藩籬、溝通零界限!

2016年5月12日 星期四

Joy: A Subject Schools Lack


Joy: A Subject Schools Lack

Becoming educated should not require giving up pleasure.

When Jonathan Swift proposed, in 1729, that the people of Ireland eat their children, he insisted it would solve three problems at once: feed the hungry masses, reduce the population during a severe depression, and stimulate restaurant business. Even as a satire, it seems repulsive and shocking in America with its child-centered culture. But actually, the country is closer to his proposal than you might think.

Meet an Old Friend after Ages

Time: 6pm~9pm, May 12, 2016

Place: Citystar Restaurant, Nanjing East Rd. Taipei

Participants: 高儷綾, 陳美理, 陳錦慧, 楊碧霞, and me

2016年5月11日 星期三

Health Tips Revised by Guangren, a Former Student of Mine

Guangren (彭光仁), a former student from Chiehshow Junior High School,  is practicing Chinese medicine in mainland China now. A few months ago, I sent him a health-related article for his confirmation. Several days later, he sent back to me a revised version as follows, with some parts crossed out and some modification marked in blue.

to 李老师-2 pages





2016年5月10日 星期二


This morning, I saw on my FB page a selfi taken by Gina yesterday at our dinner gathering, along with the following words from her:

"My teacher, my mentor, my best friend and my 2nd mommy
Thank you for always being with me.
Love you so"

2016年5月9日 星期一

Thank you, Raymond and Anna!

This afternoon, I got a bouquet from my son and daughter-in-law for Mother's Day. Though it was a day late, I still felt like on top of the world! In fact, I was notified by a flower shop the day before yesterday while eating lunch with my mother, sister, and brother's family about the flowers. That means I have been happy about and thankful for the coming surprise for more than two days!

2016年5月8日 星期日

Berlin Phiharmonic Concerts

Yesterday and today, I spent the evening listening to /watchingBerlin Philarmonic concerts conducted by Sir Simon Rattle at the plaza between the National Theater and Concert Hall 

Happy Mother's Day

In fact, what I prefer to say is "On Mother's Day, may all mothers in the world be happy every day."

2016年5月6日 星期五

The Best Mother's Day Gift: Keeping Her Company--"家人相伴…母親節最好禮物"--from UDN



2016-05-06 03:03 聯合報 李枝桃/資深教育工作者(南投市)



2016年5月5日 星期四

Trip with Junior High Schoolmates

Time: 12:30pm, May 5, 2016

Place: Pine Zen Garden, Yangmingshan (http://www.pinegarden.url.tw/pine_about_english.html)

Participants: 吳萌莉, 杜欽榮, 陳俊智, 翁媛媛, 林美齡, 蕭瑞陞賢伉儷, 張同科, 高儷綾, and me

2016年5月4日 星期三

"9 Foods That May Help Save Your Memory"--from Health Newsletters


9 Foods That May Help Save Your Memory

My mom once told me that the disease she was most afraid of having is dementia or Alzheimer's. As the saying goes, "You are what you eat."  This article from Health Newsletters suggests foods for good memory. Click the link, and you'll see the photos and read the explanations. But before that, guess what the 9 foods are. You might have read several articles on the same topic. Could you remember any memory-improving foods?

2016年5月3日 星期二

"The art of teaching teachers how to teach reading"--from CNN


The art of teaching teachers how to teach reading

By Kelly Wallace, CNN

Updated 1251 GMT (1951 HKT) April 29, 2016

(CNN)A lifelong educator and advocate for children, Principal Diane Daprocida of P.S. 94, an elementary school in the Bronx, says she has been waiting for one thing since she started running the school 10 years ago.

2016年5月2日 星期一

Reading Websites_"網站資源:閱讀文章與閱讀理解題"



This site introduces 21 website for English reading.

2016年5月1日 星期日

Another Happy Get-together

Time: 13:00~15:00

Place: Zhanlu Coffee, Neihu, Taipei

Pei-yi (陳珮宜) is a former student of mine who graduated from NHSH in 2009. I only taught her in her senior year. Our last meet-up was about two years ago. During today's gathering, we spent most of the time talking about her work; also, we chatted about her high school classmates, ways to improve English listening skills, what I have been doing in my retirement, etc.

2016年4月30日 星期六

Ting-chun, Long Time No See!

Time: 10:30~13:30

Place: T.B.C. Cafe

I had a tight schedule today. To begin with, I had a meet-up with Ting-chun (陳亭君), who I haven't seen for around 10 years. Next, I visited my sister-in-law in the hospice with George, followed by attending a former student's college graduation fashion show at 7pm.

2016年4月29日 星期五

Phone Scams_What's Wrong with Our Education?

This afternoon, I heard on the read a poignant talk about telephone scams. The host interviewed an editor of the magazine Businesstoday, the newest issue of which features phone frauds by Taiwanese.

What a shame! The host mentioned there have been 100,000 scammers in Taiwan. Many of them have their base in foreign countries. From those countries, they called innocent people in Taiwan and China to cheat them out of money. The host asked once in a while what was wrong with Taiwan's education.

2016年4月27日 星期三

Tips for Making Great Progress on TOEIC in a Year--"高二生多益980分 1年進步400分怎辦到的?"


高二生多益980分 1年進步400分怎辦到的?

2016-04-22 10:17 聯合報 記者廖雅欣/宜蘭報導



My comments: Intrinsic motivation counts most.

2016年4月26日 星期二

High School Student Finishes an English Sci-Fi in Three Years--"英文太好免修課 南一中生寫出10萬字英文科幻小說"

Good language learners have been the subject of several studies. Besides their aptitude, their attitude and strategies are the key.


英文太好免修課 南一中生寫出10萬字英文科幻小說

2016-04-14 07:49 聯合報 記者鄭惠仁/台南報導



2016年4月25日 星期一

Yi-fang, Brilliant Piano Recital!

Time: 7:30pm, Apr. 25, 2016

Place: Recital Hall, National Concert Hall, Taipei

Pianist: Yi-Fang Lee

(Left to Right: Yi-fang's mother, father, my aunt Lily Hong, me, Li-chu Chen)

Thank you, Lily for inviting me to the concert.

2016年4月23日 星期六

"Watch: Shakespeare’s Life in 1 Minute"--from TIME


Watch: Shakespeare’s Life in 1 Minute

April 23 marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death

"Merriam-Webster Adds ‘FOMO,’ ‘Mx.’ and About 2,000 Other Words"


Merriam-Webster Adds ‘FOMO,’ ‘Mx.’ and About 2,000 Other Words

Katy Steinmetz @katysteinmetz

'Trigger warning,' 'hella' and 'athleisure' also made the list

Merriam-Webster announced the latest additions to the company’s unabridged dictionary on Wednesday. Among the 2,000-odd entries are the likes of FOMO, the acronym for the “fear of missing out” that so plagues the young, as well as Mx., a gender-neutral honorific for those who don’t care for options such as Mr. or Mrs.

2016年4月22日 星期五

Simplicity is Beauty--"李清志/極簡生活大作戰"--from UDN



2016-04-22 03:08 聯合報 李清志(實踐大學建築設計系副教授)


My comments: Less than 10 pieces of clothes?! Unbelievable! I wonder if she threw away letters, photos, or yearbooks.

Skyping with Brian

This morning, I spent one and a half hours skyping with Brian, a former student from Chiehshow Junior High School who I taught around 25 years ago.

Besides catching up with what we've missed for the last three months, we chatted about religion, integrity, trips, relationships between parents and children, happiness, etc. I told Brian 25 years ago that he was a philosopher. And he is still one now.

2016年4月21日 星期四

Annie and I, Afternoon Tea with Stacy

This photo, taken by Stacy (邱靖媛) with Annie's camera this afternoon at our gathering, was edited by Annie (詹麗馨). Annie and I are the author of the books you see on the photo. The one I hold was published in January, 2014, and the one in Annie's hands in January, 2015. Annie and I have cooperated in writing books and practice/mock tests for junior high school students for many years. Our writing SOP goes like this: We write the parts we individually are responsible for and exchange what we've finished for each other's modification advice.

2016年4月20日 星期三

Enjoying a Chinese Drama with High School Classmates

Time: 7:30pm~10:30pm

Place: The Metropolitan Hall, Taipei

Particpants: Mei-chu (陳美珠), Pi-hsiang (黃碧香), Chiu-xuan (丘秋萱), and me


2016年4月19日 星期二

Substitute Teaching for Two Hours

In mid March, I agreed to go back to NHSH to teach two freshman classes as a substitute from late April to the end of the semester. And this afternoon I taught Class 101 for the first and also the last time. Yesterday evening I suddenly found out I was much needed by my in-law's family so I sent a LINE message late in the night to the dean Ms. Han, explaining my situation and asking if I could quit the substitute teaching after today.  I apologized. This early morning, I got her response, saying she understood and that she would solve the problem. This afternoon, when I arrived at school, she had already found a substitute for me, who is starting to teach on Thursday.

2016年4月18日 星期一

柏格曼:老師再不變 恐被YouTube取代


柏格曼:老師再不變 恐被YouTube取代

2016-04-18 06:58:50 聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導



College Admission & Flipped Classroom--"大學招生看幾級分 教室難翻轉"--from UDN


大學招生看幾級分 教室難翻轉

2016-04-18 07:07:56 聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導


2016年4月17日 星期日

柏格曼談效率學習 「家中學習、上課複習」


柏格曼談效率學習 「家中學習、上課複習」

2016-04-14 10:06 聯合報 記者羅緗綸/新豐報導

忠信學校邀強納森柏格曼與新竹各校校長分享翻轉學習,課堂上掃瞄卡片可掌握學生學習情形。 記者羅緗綸/攝影

(I reduced the size of the photo.)


My comments: I have been very interested in the flipped classroom. Maximizing the time for discussion in class is what I strived to do when I taught in school.

2016年4月16日 星期六

Interaction & Flipped Classroom--"柏格曼:翻轉不用太多高科技 重點是互動"--from UDN


柏格曼:翻轉不用太多高科技 重點是互動

2016-04-13 07:59 聯合報 記者蔣繼平/屏東縣報導


Voices of Art, a Concert

Time: 7:30pm, Apr. 16, 2016

Place: Song Yi Hall, Soochow University, Taipei

2016年4月15日 星期五




2016-04-11 08:26 聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導



2016年4月13日 星期三

The Flipped Classroom--"翻轉教室創始人柏格曼:在教室完成學習 消滅補習文化"


翻轉教室創始人柏格曼:在教室完成學習 消滅補習文化

2016-04-11 08:24 聯合報 記者林秀姿/專訪

唯有翻轉教室,才能消滅補習班。」翻轉教室浪潮的創始人強納森柏格曼(Jonathan Bergmann)將到亞洲巡迴演講,首站接受聯合報系邀請來台。訪台前夕,他接受聯合報越洋專訪表示,在美國很少學生下課後「補習」,但這幾年他才驚訝於韓國、中國大陸、台灣補習風氣大盛。

My comments: Cram school has been exisiting in Taiwan for ages.


2016年4月12日 星期二

Give Kids the Chance to Take Their Own Responsibility--"對孩子最好的保護就是 不保護"

對孩子最好的保護就是 不保護



最近跟他父母要錢,想去美國遊學,朋友來問我該不該讓他去?我望著他蒼蒼的白髮說:「你如果真的要為孩子好,讓他去,但是不要給他錢。」我想到了我妹婿的故事。我妹婿是美國人,從小就想作水手,嚮往外面的世界,想先環遊世界再回學校念。 雖然他父親是醫生,家庭經濟環境許可,但是父母並不給他錢,他也沒向家裡要,高中一畢業就先去阿拉斯加伐木存錢。因為阿拉斯加夏天日照很長,太陽到午夜才落下,三點多又升上來了。

2016年4月11日 星期一

Wei-yu and Yun-chien, Congratulations!

Time: 12pm~16pm, April 9, 2016

Place: 33rd floor, World Trade Center Club, Taipei

At my high schoo classmate Meiguey's (陳美桂) invitation, I attended her son Wei-yu's wedding. I was one of the two high school classmates she invited. We three were close friends back then.

2016年4月10日 星期日

Gathering with Junior High Schoolmates & Birthday Celebration

Time: 6pm~10:20pm, Apr. 8, 2016

Place: HuaKang Palace Wedding Party Hall (華港城婚宴會館), Taipei

Participants: Three teachers and 34 among Xin-xing Junior High School's first graduates, from all walks of life.

2016年4月9日 星期六

What Book Would You Be in a Human Library?

At our 3/28 gathering, I mentioned the human library and also asked Vicky if she were a "book" in a human library, what book she would be. Before she answered my question, I told her what I would be: People could borrow and "read" me as a grammar book. Hearing this, Vicky laughed and said, "Well, I think you could also be a life book, guiding the users to positive thinking and happiness. I was glad about it.

Students observe, and they know what kind of person you are.

2016年4月8日 星期五

It Is Love That Works--"「那種有問題的小孩,不要跟我的孩子同班」孩子的人格扭曲,你我也曾經是幫凶?"--from Business Weekly





My comments: In his speech years ago, Mr. Cheng, Shih-yan (鄭石岩) said that the most important things to teach kids are being kind and being happy. He didn't mention success at all.

2016年4月6日 星期三

Hi or Dear? English for Email--"寫email,何時該用Hi、何時該用Dear開頭?"--from BusinessWeekly






A Time for Us

Time: 11:30am~3pm, Apr. 6, 2016

Place: New hama, Taipei

Participants: Mr. Lin (林煇校長), Meihua (許玫華老師), and me

2016年4月5日 星期二

Everyone Does His Best--"周行一/易子而教"--from UDN



2016-04-05 01:30 聯合報 周行一


2016年4月3日 星期日

Teaching Writing to Young Learners: 10 Online Resources


Teaching Writing to Young Learners: 10 Online Resources

Posted on 1 April 2016 by Elena Shvidko

Today I will share a few websites that contain helpful resources and materials for teaching writing to young learners.

1. Creative Writing Teacher Resources

This collection of printables, graphic organizers, lesson plans, and activities helps teachers to build learner’ creative writing skills. The resources include poetry writing activities, journal topics, art projects, short-story writing exercises, scoring rubrics, and other printable worksheets.

2016年4月2日 星期六

Gathering with Diego

Time: 6pm~10pm, April 2, 2016

Place: VaPiano, Taipei

At each gathering, I can feel the eagerness of learning in Diego. This evening, he told me he is used to acquiring knowledge online. What amazes me is not only the width of his knowledge, but the depth. If you read the commentaries he posted on his FB page, you know what I mean.

2016年4月1日 星期五

Trip to Yilan with Junior High Schoolmates

Time: 11am (arrived at Yilan) ~ 5pm

Place: Yilan

Participants: 高儷綾, 唐銑, 陳俊智, 張同科, 杜欽榮, 蕭瑞陞, 淑華, 連莉霞, 許啟育, 周毓彥, and me

2016年3月31日 星期四

Free Books for Your Classroom 3: Storynory


Free Books for Your Classroom 3: Storynory

Posted on 29 March 2016 by Tara Arntsen

Despite the fact that many educators have access to a wide selection of books from school and public libraries, it can still be challenging to choose the “right” ones and keep students supplied with material they are interested in. For contexts with limited resources, these struggles are even more pronounced. Luckily, there are many free online resources available, such as Storynory, that vastly increase the amount of material with which students can engage.

My comments: I love stories. They do not preach explicitly, but they are thought-provoking.

To visit Storynory, please click http://www.storynory.com/

2016年3月30日 星期三

Love Changes Everything. Let's Hug!--"一個擁抱 點亮心中的愛"--from UDN


內湖殺童案/一個擁抱 點亮心中的愛

2016-03-30 02:02 聯合報 呂健吉/華梵大學哲學系主任(新北市)


My comments: Everything starts with family.


2016年3月29日 星期二

After the Tragedy

I was sad about yesterday's tragic event in Neihu. In fact, I still cannot believe it happened. At which point in life did the killer go wrong? Family? School? Friends? Many people are talking about death penalty, but would it scare those who use drugs or who are mentally sick or violent people away from harming others?  Love and care are what our society really need.

Could it be possible that every school offers a Love Course, just as done by the teacher in "The Girl in the Fifth Row," a true story in Chicken Soup for the Teacher's Soul, which I had always shared with my students since I read it for the first time? To read it, please visit  http://www.midnightangel308.com/girl_in_the_fifth_row_the.htm

2016年3月28日 星期一

Nice Gathering with Vicky

Time: 2:30pm~8:30pm

Place: Moon River Cafe, Neihu

This afternoon, Vicky and I chatted non-stop for around 6 hours.  We talked about linguistics, literature, relationships, education, English teaching, life, etc.

2016年3月27日 星期日

"Eight Holiday Do's and Don'ts"

This article offers ways to have a happy holiday.


Eight Holiday Do's and Don'ts

2016年3月26日 星期六

Interpretation--"口譯這一行"_from the China Times


書文化-口譯這一行 2016年03月26日 04:10 中國時報


My comments: I learned from a book years ago on what it is like to be an interpreter by Chang, Chieh-ying. It is tough! The author Mr. Chang described the training at Fu-jen University as an ordeal.

2016年3月25日 星期五

To Teach in English, Or Not?--"政大強制英語授課 教師會槓上校長" & "英文授課就是國際化? 台大教授:本末倒置"

What do you think of this issue?


政大強制英語授課 教師會槓上校長

2016-03-24 07:52 聯合報 記者洪欣慈/台北報導



2016年3月23日 星期三

Essential Academic Writing Examples and Phrases!

A good website for English writing, introduced by a teacher group on my FB page.


Essential Academic Writing Examples and Phrases!

2016年3月22日 星期二

To Be Or Not To Be, That Is the Question

A relative of mine chose to go to hospice. She refused any treatment for her cancer. Seeing her suffer, we all don't know what to do except respecting her choice. However, knowing what staying in hospice means, we just can't feel happy for her. She LINEd her sister in the States to say goodbye. All her sister could do was sigh.

2016年3月21日 星期一

About Blogging

I read an article about blogging in a magazine the other day and was surprised to find that the writer didn't think 100% of a blog should be something written by the blogger. Sharing something the blogger has read with its readers should account for 50%.

2016年3月20日 星期日

Stay Young--"藏老有訣竅…你訓練「快樂肌肉」了嗎"--from UDN



2016-03-20 01:49 聯合報 記者江慧珺/台北報導


2016年3月19日 星期六

Grammar Problems from a Senior in High School

This evening, my niece asked me to teach her English grammar. The following is what had confused her:

1. Wh-noun clause

e.g. Where is John?

--> I don't know where John is.

Where does he live?

--> I don't know where he lives.

2016年3月18日 星期五

LINE Messages from a Tech Geek

Enjoying chatting with Diego via LINE in English about technology. Gosh! He knows so much! He mentioned that to be a tech geek, one needs both passion and systematic learning. That's so true! His messages go as follows:


best to start with assembling PC

passion is foundation but won't make a pro

2016年3月17日 星期四

Guest Writer: Extending Student Engagement With Wiggio


Guest Writer: Extending Student Engagement With Wiggio

Posted on 15 March 2016 by Tara Arntsen

For the sake of variety, I enjoy inviting guest writers to the TESOL Blog from time to time for the purpose of sharing even more tech resources with all of you. Today, it is my great pleasure to introduce Dr. Joseph Slick, an integral part of our team at Northern State University, where together we are envisioning ESL for today and for the future. 

Dr. Slick recently had the opportunity to explore ways to interact with students digitally, as he wanted to extend student engagement through a blended learning environment. Because all courses are loaded into our LMS, or learning management system, Desire2Learn (D2L), he used that as a starting point and found Wiggio, D2L’s version of Google Hangouts and Google Drive.

Wiggio is a free online communications platform, where Wig stands for working in groups. The design of Wiggio is basic and shares many commonalities with other online communications platforms, which makes it convenient for first-time users to navigate and use. An attention to design simplicity makes this an accessible site for users. Teachers and students can post discussions, share questions, upload documents, upload videos, hold virtual meetings, and schedule appointments in a 24/7 virtual community site.

My comments: Brilliant! This is quite good for ESL or EFL students because what they need most is practice using the target language.

2016年3月16日 星期三

The Vocabularist: How we use the word cyber


The Vocabularist: How we use the word cyber
15 March 2016


The prefix "cyber-" is now a handy way of denoting words to do with the internet - from cybercrime, cyberbullying and cybersecurity to improbable activities such as cybersnogging. It followed an eventful path to reach its modern meaning,.

On the Star Plan in Taiwan's College Entrance System--"去梯言/繁星應該更多、更亮"



2016-03-16 01:48 聯合報 公孫策




2016年3月15日 星期二

"Liquefaction database goes online"--from China Post; Data show areas thought prone to soil liquefaction--from Taipei Times

This has been a hot issue in Taiwan for the past few days. People want to know if they are living in a safe area. You might like to compare the report by the China Post and that by the Taipei Times.

I learned the new word "liquefaction."


Liquefaction database goes online

By Stephanie Chao ,The China Post
March 15, 2016, 12:00 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The Executive Yuan released the long-awaited inquiry system for soil liquefaction zones in eight regions nationwide on Monday, providing residents with the means to check the status of the areas where they reside.

2016年3月14日 星期一

It Is a Blessing to Find What You Think You've Lost--"洪蘭/失而復得的福氣"



2016-03-14 01:29 聯合報 洪蘭


My comments: This could be a nightmare.

2016年3月13日 星期日

"Which Shakespeare character are you?"--from BBC


Which Shakespeare character are you?

  • 10 March 2016

  • From the section Home

With the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death approaching, School Reporters from St Alban's RC High School in Pontypool, South Wales, and King's Lynn Academy in Norfolk, researched some of the most famous characters and put together this quiz which will allow you to find out whether, deep down, you are like one of them (or at least to have a bit of fun).

A Trip to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall & Liberty Square

This afternoon, George and I took my mother-in-law to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and Liberty Square. Nice weather, quite a few tourists.

2016年3月12日 星期六


I got to know a new English boy band today. The following are their first audition with the song "Stars" from the musical Les Miserables at Britain's Got Talent in 2014 and their singing the same song at the final. You might like to compare the two renditions. I can see the progress. They won the 8th series of BGT in 2014.

2016年3月11日 星期五

Vocabulary Lists for High School Students

Annie emailed me this link. It contains three vocabulary lists which include all the 7000 words high school students are supposed to get familiar with before taking the entrance exam in early July. One of the lists categorizes the words by word case, for example, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, etc.


2016年3月10日 星期四

Happy Gathering

Time: 11:30am~2:30pm

Place: Jen Dow Vegetarian Buffet, Taipei  (See http://www.jendow.com.tw/JDGroup_web/LianXiang/)

Participants: 谷愛梅老師, 陳美珠, 黃瑞娟, 許慧敏, and me

At the gathering, Ms. Gu shared with us her knowledge about Chinese herbs. What impressed me most was the Three Yellow Powder, or San Huang San (三黃粉), which Ms. Gu once applied to help heal her mother's bedsores and then she introduced to help some hospital patients with the same problem.

TOEFL at High School--"板中創托福ITP測驗 鼓勵留學"--from UDN


板中創托福ITP測驗 鼓勵留學

2016-03-10 08:27 聯合報 記者魏莨伊/板橋報導


My comments: This reminds me of First Lady of the States Michelle Obama's commencement speech at a high school. She encouraged students to study abroad.

On Education--"不管幾級分上大學,我們其實只在乎分數所形塑的階級"--from UDN



2016-03-10 16:36:42


My comments: One must be honest with oneself. I love the Oxford school motto: Truth.

Have You Found What You Love?--"學測48級分進台大森林 系主任說話了……"--from UDN


學測48級分進台大森林 系主任說話了……

2016-03-10 01:36 聯合報 袁孝維/台大森林環境暨資源系主任(台北市)



2016年3月9日 星期三

"International Women's Day: Sexism rife in textbooks, says Unesco"--from BBC


International Women's Day: Sexism rife in textbooks, says Unesco
By Sean Coughlan Education correspondent

8 March 2016

Sexist attitudes are "rife" in school textbooks used in developing countries, according to Unesco.

The United Nations agency, marking International Women's Day, says negative stereotyping undermines the education of girls.

It says too often female figures are represented in textbooks as "nurturing drudges" in domestic roles.

This is a "hidden obstacle" to gender equality, says Unesco's Manos Antoninis.

2016年3月8日 星期二

Ms. Deng, Thank You for Taking My Request Seriously

This morning Ms. Deng from Shih Hsin Library called me and gave me the exact date of the first series of Human Library activies in the school. I was very touched. A few days ago, I called the library to ask the information because in an article in a reading book co-written with Annie, I mentioned the Human Library in Taiwan started three years ago. However, the editor thought the exact year would be more proper. So I made the phone call. Ms. Deng told me she would ask for me. Then she called back and told me it started around 2011. Today, she corrected the date and said it should be March. 21, 2012.

2016年3月7日 星期一

On Family Education--"當孩子最缺的是缺乏…"--from UDN



2016-03-06 04:27 聯合報 李寶珍/國中教師(新北市)


2016年3月6日 星期日

Nice Encounter

Time: 11:30am~2:20pm, Mar. 6, 2016

Place: Moooon River Cafe & Books

This noon I introduced my niece to my student Hubert, before my niece goes back to the States on the coming Saturday. During this first encounter, there was no embarrassment at all. They seemed to be curious about each other's fields. My niece was pursuing her PhD degree in astronomy, and Hubert was in the last year of medical school. Listening to them, I was really amazed at how time propels people forward on their life timeline if they keep learning and expanding their horizons. Years ago, what they are so familiar with now was brand new to them. As time goes by, they are on the way to being an expert in their specialty.

A Get-Well Card

I got a get-well card from Annie this morning. Getting the card, I felt as if I'd already fully recovered from the flu. In fact, I am much better now than I was the past Wednesday. Thank you, my dear friend.