2016年4月19日 星期二

Substitute Teaching for Two Hours

In mid March, I agreed to go back to NHSH to teach two freshman classes as a substitute from late April to the end of the semester. And this afternoon I taught Class 101 for the first and also the last time. Yesterday evening I suddenly found out I was much needed by my in-law's family so I sent a LINE message late in the night to the dean Ms. Han, explaining my situation and asking if I could quit the substitute teaching after today.  I apologized. This early morning, I got her response, saying she understood and that she would solve the problem. This afternoon, when I arrived at school, she had already found a substitute for me, who is starting to teach on Thursday.

Although knowing I would teach 101 for only two hours, I still put all my heart in preparing the lesson.  During the two hours, I introduced myself briefly, told them the story The Carpenter, shared with them true stories of four former students, discussed their magazine assignments, reviewed the appositive "that-clause," and taught the participle clause. Class 101  is a special class for those who are good at math and science. The students are quick learners and active in participation. For the two grammar points, I used the "sentence completion" activity to have the class practice meaningfully what they'd just learned. It was fun.

After class, the two girls in the photo came up to me. Pei-chieh (宋沛潔) asked if I would teach them tomorrow, I said no. She asked why and told me I taught very well. I explained and gave her and Yi-xuan (李依璇) a big hug, thanking her for the sweet and encouraging words.

I love teaching. I love interacting with students. But my in-law's family needs me more.  You lose some, you win some; that is life.

One of the assistants, Hao-chun (涂浩鈞) and Yo-chen (卓祐晟).

A corner of the campus.

