2016年6月12日 星期日

Zi-zhen's Vocal Recital

This afternoon, I took the 14:13 HSR to Taichung to attend my student Zi-zhen's (王子甄) vocal recital, also her graduation recital.

Zi--zhen has a very special story. After graduation in 2006, she got into Chung-hsing University, majoring in history. After studying there for one year, she dropped because she did not find passion in the study of history. She helped with her father's breakfast business for one year. Then she re-took the entrance exam after three months' preparation and got admitted to Fu Jen Catholic University, majoring in journalism. Again, not interested in her major and finding herself always staying in the department of music instead, she quit after a year's study. Then with a month's preparation, she took the entrance exam for the third time and became a music major at Tunghai University. This is a true story of Steve Jobs' "You've got to find what you love." This afternoon, listening to Zi-zhen sing, I was really happy that she's finally found what she loves.

I bumped into Zi-zhen before the concert started.

After the recital, she talked to the audience. She even mentioned she was thankful that her high school teacher (my name) came to her recital from Taipei.

One of the two judges.

The other judge.

Zi-zhen's instructor, Ms. Lee. Hsiew-fen

She had our company, her two high school classmates and me.

With her big family.


