2009年5月31日 星期日

The Translation of the Word "讓"--an Excerpt from "英文不好 是因中文不夠好"

Today at my mother-in-law's house, I came across an article in the Commercial Times (工商時報)entitled "英文不好  是因中文不夠好."  A very useful article to English learners; the title sounds like a rude awakening, though.


The following is an excerpt from this article.  The discussion of the Chinese word "讓" is informative.  Many students, when seeing the word "讓," will translate it into "let," without carefully taking the context into consideration.  In fact, in Chinese, the word "讓" has various meanings other than "let," which means "allow...to do something."  It may mean "make," "enable...to...," "keep," etc.   For those who have trouble with the word "讓" in translation, this is a must-read.

  企業英語教室-英文不好 是因中文不夠好

中時 更新日期:2009/05/30 03:27 Lily章










 如果全部都讓用"let"來解,你的英文聽起來一定很中文?中文的"讓"有多種含義,而英語中的let作"讓"解時,是  allow somebody to do something,表示"允許"的"讓"。

 現在,你仔細分析一下,這7個句子中哪些"讓"是表示"允許"的意思呢?只有第一句中的"讓"可用let。The guard did not let me in.因為這句話就是要表達"不允許"的含意。而其它6句中的"讓"都要酌情分析,分別用不同的表達方法。

 例如,第二句"老闆讓他一天工作16個小時。"如果用let的話,就表示他甘受剝削,希望老闆同意每天工作16個小時,這顯然不合情理。因此,這裡的"讓"應該表達"迫使"的含義。所以英語講成The boss made him work 16 hours a day.


 第四句,最簡單的講法是You really impress me."讓"這個字看來好像不存在,因為impress這個字已經有"讓人印象深刻"的意思。有多這一類的字像interest, concern, engage, involve,你查字典它們的意是使有興趣、使關心、使投入、使涉入,這類的字中文人口多半用得不好,例如:Your health make me worried。(×)事實上,說Your health worries me即可。

 第五句,恐怕沒有人願意在雨裡等兩個小時,更沒有人希望對方允許他等兩個鐘頭,所以按照習慣第五句"她讓我在雨裡等了兩個鐘頭"應該說成She kept me waiting in the rain as long as two hours.

 第六句"請讓一讓",可以簡單地用Excuse me表達,也可以譯成Please step aside.

 七句"他是你弟弟,你該讓著他點兒"。這句話更沒法用let了,你可以說成:He is your brother. You ought to humor him a little.(humor在這裡是"遷就,迎合"的意思。)

