2009年5月3日 星期日

Thanks a Lot, My Dear Assistants


I have some assistants, who make my teaching job smoother.  Before class they come to my office and take all the necessary stuff to the classroom, such as the CD player, handouts, graded papers, etc, and bring back to my office my CD player and sometimes papers to be graded.  But for them, I would have to carry all these things myself.  Also, they record the students' scores and make some announcements for me, for example, reminding their classmates of quizzes.  I'm grateful to them.

They are Dong, de (董德, Derek), Pai, Chien-wen (白茜文), and Chung, Zi-xian (莊子賢, Jack) in Class 310;

(P.S. Jack is not in the photo because he was on a sick leave the day the photo was taken.)

Chen, Ying (陳穎) in Class 313;

and Hu, Ching (胡靜, Gina) and Yo, Zhi-chao (尤致超) in Class 314.   

My students often called them "little teachers"  before I corrected them.  A wrong but interesting way to address these assistants.  That is a literal translation of the Chinese term "小老師."  

