2013年7月17日 星期三

Smell the Roses with Friends--Trip to Erzihping, Yangmingshan

This photo was taken at Black Cabin (黑木屋), a cafe in Yangmingshan. On such a sun-filled day as today, Meiying (袁梅英), Weiyun (徐慰筠), Meichen (朱美珍), Melody (陳美麗), and I took a trip to Yangmingshan with a sunny mood. Erzihping Trail was our destination. But before taking the long stroll, we had to raise our energy level. So we went to the cafe first, enjoying delicious lunch and savoring a cheerful chat.

Around 2pm, we drove to Erzihping. The walk along the trail took about 30 minutes one way. By visiting the mountain, we escaped from the heat wave in the city because the temperature there was only around 24 º C. If I could, I would like to stay there for the whole summer.

Four of us are retired English teachers from NHSH and one is still teaching. When asked how they kept improving their English, Meiying said she took notes when reading BBC news every day on her smartphone, and Weiyun answered she listened to Let's Talk to English, Studio Classroom, and/or Advanced every day except Sunday. They have been retired for around 10 and 5 years respectively and still work hard on their English. What, other than passion, can explain it?

The owner of the cafe pushed the shutter when we were not ready. But it is a nice shot!

See how hard the wind blew?

Aren't the clouds extraordinarily white against the blue sky?

The dog was not being narcissistic. He was just thirty and drinking water from the pond.

Everything here was dancing buoyantly!

