2013年7月30日 星期二

She Got a 950 on TOEIC--她讀私校高職部 多益950分


她讀私校高職部 多益950分



My comments: Once a target is set, you'll move toward it.


My comments: Taking notes is very important.  Years ago, Mr Liang (梁欣榮教授), a professor of NTU Department of  Foreign Languages and Literatures, told me he always had a pen and a notebook in hand for note taking when watching English movies on TV. Take me for example, I have been reading Life of Pie recently. I didn't take notes, so now I can't remember any good sentences I marveled at except the one I shared with my friend Annie via email:

"Something was wrong. His (Pie's father's) tone of voice set off a small alarm bell in my head. I quickly reviewed my conscience. It was clear."



弘光暑期英語班 學生平均進步157分


My comments: This reminds me that my American friend Konraad once, in response to a student's question "What's the best way to learn English," suggested speaking. According to him, we don't know if we have internalized the language until we try to speak it.


