2013年7月16日 星期二

A New-Born Brain Child--Listening Exercise Book 5 Published by Kangxuan

This afternoon, I had a gathering with Annie (詹麗馨老師) and three ladies from Kangxuan, Shu-han, Shih-yun, and Yun-ting. When we got our newly-published Listening Exercise Book 5 from the ladies, my heart leapt. This book is meant for 9th graders, who are going to take a listening test next year on their comprehensive assessment. For this book, Annie and I had to study Kangxuan's Textbook 5 and rack our brains for new conversation situations based on its vocabulary and sentence patterns. Of course, sometimes I experienced writer's block; however, I went through it finally. As often quoted, "Everything will be alright."

During the gathering, we chatted mostly about (English) education: challenges teachers nowadays are facing, articles that are interesting for English learners to read, etc.

Though I'm retired, I'd still like to make some contributions to Taiwan's (English) education. That's where my passion is! 


